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Chapter 179 The old house saw her

When the typhoon hit, Tang Qing was always concerned about the safety of the Li family's old home.

With the departure of Lao Longtou, the Wang family was torn apart, and the busy Tang Qing had no time to take care of the Li family's old house.

Early the next morning, Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie went out for a run and exercise together.

As usual, Tang Qing first ran to Lushan Park and walked around three times to the sika deer statue.

"Master Jiujin, why do you have to run around the sika deer statue three times?"

Wang Xinjie and Tang Qing ran side by side.

"Xinjie, do you know the story of the sika deer statue in Lushan Park?"

"I know. When we were in elementary school, we came here for a spring outing. The teacher stood in front of the sika deer statue and told us about it."

"Can you tell Master Jiujin again?"

"Lutei Mountain is the mother mountain of our city of Shan. The reason why it is called Lutei Mountain is because a sika deer was injured by an arrow and ran here. It bled excessively and was dying. An old man on the mountain saved the sika deer and at the same time saved the life of the sika deer.

There were also three fawns in its belly. The mother deer and the three fawns lived with the grandfather from then on, and they stayed at his grave after his death."

"Xinjie, even sika deer know how to repay kindness. Do you think we humans should be more grateful?"

"Well, some people nowadays are worse than this sika deer."

"So when my grandfather took me to Lushan Park to play, he would ask me to circle three times around the sika deer statue to express gratitude."

"Master Jiujin, I also remember it, and I will run three times around the sika deer statue in the future."

"Xinjie, you are a good girl. Master Jiujin hopes that you will always be as dazzling and energetic as the morning glow!"

"Master Jiujin, I can do it!"

Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie ran out of Lushan Park, ran up the top of Lutei Mountain, and ran towards the Li family's old house.

"Who sent Yu Qing to cut the Taoist priests and dye a piece of silk yarn with the morning glow?"

Every morning always brings infinite hope to people, and every ray of dawn always makes people feel infinitely beautiful.

Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie, in their early thirties, have seen through the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and have experienced family changes in their youth. However, they remain steady in the face of the morning glow and run forward bravely, because they have love in their hearts, a great love.

"Master Jiujin, look, how beautiful the old house is!"

The Li family's old house looks simple and elegant under the morning glow.

Hey, I remembered a Tang poem describing ancient architecture when I ran up here with Shiba Pei last time. Why can’t I remember it now?

Alas, his memory is not as good as Xiaoqiang's. He can recite more than a hundred Tang poems.

Son, if only you were around, you could recite that Tang poem to Sister Xinjie.

"Master Jiujin, are you relieved now? The Li family's old house is intact."

"Master Long is right. Some of our current buildings are not as good as such ancient buildings."

"Master Jiujin, the intelligence of the ancients is not inferior to our modern people at all, and they do things with a calm mind, and the things they do are all of high quality."

"So you want to study history and study ancient architecture?"

"Yes, I want to learn the wisdom of my ancestors from the ancient buildings, and then write a book to pass it on to future generations."

"Xinjie, Master Jiujin supports you. I hope you can succeed in your studies and realize your dreams."

In the next ten days, Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie ran together every morning, and viewing the Li family's old house under the morning glow became a compulsory course.

"Xinjie, you have to report to school tomorrow. I will accompany you to the mall to buy things today."

"Master Jiujin, no need, I don't have anything to buy."

"It's your first time traveling far away. You should buy what you need to buy. Don't worry about money."

"Master Jiujin, it's not that I feel bad about money, it's just that I really don't have anything to buy."

"I have to buy some clothes, right?"

"Master Jiujin, I have some clothes."

"No, Master Jiujin has to buy you some new clothes. You are now a college student, and you will be laughed at if you still wear high school student clothes to report to school."

"Master Jiujin, then buy one set, one set is enough."

"Okay, you're going to a big city, and the clothes you bought in a small county might be too tacky to wear there."

"Master Jiujin, it's not because I'm rustic, I really have something to wear."

"Who doesn't have clothes to wear now? It's important to wear something fashionable and beautiful, especially for a girl as beautiful as you."

"Master Jiujin, why don't you dress more fashionably and beautifully?"

"Why should my aunt care so much about that? Besides, with my figure, I can't be fashionable or beautiful."

"Master Jiu Jin, how fashionable and beautiful was the last time you wore a cheongsam?"

"Haha, is it okay?"

Tang Qing blushed and smiled shyly, like a young and pretty daughter-in-law.

Wang Xinjie saw it in her eyes and said quietly:

"Master Jiujin, it's not that you don't want to be fashionable or beautiful. You worry about your neighbors and you don't have time to be fashionable or beautiful. Also, all your hard-earned money is spent on helping others, but you eat vegetables yourself. Carrot, I can’t even bear to buy a new dress.”

"Hehe, let's not talk about this. Xinjie, Master Jiujin really wants to accompany you to school tomorrow, but Master Jiujin has never been out of Yancheng. He is afraid that if he goes, he will hold you back and be laughed at by your classmates. , how did a country aunt get into a university?"

"Master Jiujin, don't think like this. Your people's barber shop is also busy. I'm an adult."

"Then you must take care of yourself, pay attention to safety on the road, don't talk to strangers casually, and remember to call me when you get to school."

"Master Jiujin, I know. Master Jiujin, I don't want to leave you."

Wang Xinjie hugged Tang Qing and started crying.

Tang Qing hugged Wang Xinjie and her eyes were red. She patted Wang Xinjie's back and comforted her softly:

"Master Jiujin also wants to be with Xinjie. You have been with me these days, and I have slept more soundly than ever before. But studies are the most important thing. When you come back from your studies, we can stay together again, okay? ?”

"Master Jiujin, I will stay with you when I come back from the winter vacation."

"Okay, we've made an agreement."

“It’s a deal!”


"Hang yourself on a hook and you won't be allowed to change for a hundred years!"

"Who becomes a puppy!"


The joyful laughter ripples on the Deer Mountain in the early morning.

"Master Jiujin, there is someone in front of the old house!"

"Xinjie, wait a minute, let's see who it is first?"

Wang Xinjie was the first to see a person standing at the door of the Li family's old house. Tang Qing pulled her and stood under the big tree on the roadside to observe the person.

"Master Jiujin, it seems to be Boss Li."

"Boss Li? Why did she come back suddenly?"

Tang Qing was not as excited as before when he saw Li Li, but continued to stand under the big tree with Wang Xinjie and observe.

Li Li was wearing a white floral dress. Since it was morning, she had a small beige suit draped over her shoulders. She turned her back to the road and faced the gate of the old house and remained motionless, so she did not see Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie.

"Master Jiujin, Boss Li is kneeling on the ground."

Tang Qing saw Li Li kneeling and kowtow in front of the gate of the Li family's old house, and the dress Li Li gave her came to mind.

Exactly the same, the dress Tang Qing treasured in the wardrobe was exactly the same as the dress Li Li was wearing now.

"She is not Li Li..."

"She's not Boss Li? Why does she look so similar? Then who is she?"

"Li Li's sister Li Ya, Xinjie, you stand here, I will go over to see her first."

Tang Qing quickly came to the Li family's old house, stood behind Li Ya, and watched her kneel down.

"Mom, my daughter came to see you today. She is unfilial and this is the first time she has come to see you. Mom, my sister told me that Mr. Li is a good man and my father. Wuwuwu..."

"Don't be too sad. People cannot be resurrected. Your mother and father will be very happy that you can come see them today."

"Ah? Master Jiujin!"

Li Ya, who was kneeling on the ground, turned around when she heard the sound and saw that it was Tang Qing. She turned pale with fright and her body was trembling. She wanted to stand up and run away, but no matter how hard she supported the ground with her hands, she couldn't stand up and instead staggered.

He fell to the ground and passed out.

This chapter has been completed!
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