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Chapter 185 Ten hurdles in life

"Fuck your internal digestion!"

When Shiba Diao said that he wanted to digest it internally with Tang Qing, Tang Qing was so angry that he raised his leg and kicked Shiba Diao.


Tang Qing didn't kick Shiba to the point of peeing, so she sat down on the grass and slid down the slope. She forgot that she was standing on the slope, raised one foot, and the other foot was not steady, so she naturally sat down for free.

Took a ride on the slide.

"Master Jiujin, are you okay?"

"Master Jiujin, do you want me?"

Butcher and Damao rushed downhill to help Tang Qing up.

"Shiba, stop right there!"

Tang Qing saw Shiba running uphill in a hurry. He didn't care to rub his two and a half moons, which were sore from the fall. He picked up a dead branch on the ground, threw his arms away and chased after him.

"Master Jiujin!"

"Master Jiujin!"

Wang Xinjie and Li Ya, who were standing in the middle of the slope, turned around and chased Tang Qing.

"Grandpa Tang, I am Shibawei. I came to see you today. Thank you for saving my life when I was a child. You have to save my life today!"

When Tang Qing was about to catch up with Shiba Diai, Shiba Diai ducked out of the way, quickly came to Tang Shatou's grave, knelt down, and chanted loudly.


Tang Qing saw Shiba kneeling in front of his grandfather's grave, shouting loudly for Tang Shatou to save his life again, but the dead branch he held high in his hand could not be knocked down.

"Ouch, I'm so exhausted!"

"I can't get angry anymore, ouch!"

Wang Xinjie and Li Ya chased them to the tomb, panting from exhaustion.

"Mom, you're pretty good at running with your 18's!"

"My mother, are you two rabbits?"

Pig Killer and Da Mao chased them to the tomb and sat down on the ground.

"Who is the rabbit? Are you a tortoise?"

Tang Qing had nowhere to vent the anger in her heart. She heard Da Mao scolding her and hit him with a tree branch.

"Master Jiujin, I'm scolding Shiba, not you. Ouch, why did I get on the slide?"

Da Mao slid directly from the tomb of Tang Shatou to the tomb of Master Li.

"Kneel down there and worship first, we will come down immediately!"

Tang Qing shouted to Damao and helped Li Ya to reach Master Li's tomb.

"Shiba, why don't you go down?"

"Master Pig Butcher, I'd better pay my respects to Grandpa Tang here."

The butcher saw Shiba kneeling in front of Tang Shatou's tomb and refused to move.

"Shibazui, Master Li paid for your upbringing. Do you dare to come and worship him?"

Tang Qing shouted.

"Qingtuan, Master Jiujin, I'll be here later."

Eighteen urine responded.

"Hmph, you think I won't dare to hit you while you're kneeling in front of my grandfather's grave? I'll hit you anyway!"

Tang Qing asked Li Ya to pay homage to Grandpa Li, and then returned to his grandfather's tomb.

"Grandpa Tang, you have to protect me from being hurt again. You saved my life now, so I am you. If Qingtuan hits me, he hits you..."

"Shut up!"

Tang Qing dragged Shi Shiba to the grave of her husband.

"Open your eyes and take a good look, who is he?"

"I, I, I..."

"Don't be silly, let me tell you, this man lying here is my husband, the father of my son, and I will only be his wife in this life!"

"Qingtuan, you are still young..."

"You don't care whether you are young or not. If you dare to talk about internal digestion in front of me again, and that the rich water will not flow to outsiders, I will make you kneel in front of him forever!"

"I know, I know, I never dare again, I never dare again!"

"Boy, I can't cure you yet. Huh? Did you pee again?"

"I want to hold it back, but I really can't."

"Get up and go to my grandfather's grave to bask in the sun and ask him to help you fix the faucet so that it doesn't leak all the time."

"Yeah, yeah."

Shiba was rolling and crawling towards Tang Shatou's grave.

Tang Qing sat in front of her husband's grave with mixed emotions.

Shiba Diao was right. He was still young. He was thirty-two years old, just past his thirties, had just entered his prime, and had just passed the fourth hurdle in his life.

According to Wang Banxian's theory, there are ten hurdles that a person has to overcome in his life depending on his age.

These ten hurdles are:

[The first hurdle at the age of twelve]

This is a person's first zodiac year, the transition from childhood to adolescence, with rebelliousness in character and changes in health.

If parents do not provide good guidance, a person will often take detours from this age on.

[The second hurdle at the age of eighteen]

This is the first year in your life when you encounter Tai Sui, and it is also the age that marks your adulthood.

Opposing Tai Sui, also known as "offending Tai Sui", generally means that the earthly branches of the year of birth are in conflict with the earthly branches of Taisui, which is a year with bad feng shui. This is of course superstitious.

But eighteen is indeed an important age in life, because this age will determine your future. Once you grasp the age of eighteen, you will have taken an important step towards success.

[The third hurdle at the age of twenty-four]

This is a person's second birth year. Calculated according to the normal school age, this is the year when he finishes college and begins to truly enter the society.

A series of practical problems such as employment and love are before you. If you make the right choice, you will have a happy life. If you make the wrong choice, the consequences can be imagined.

[The fourth hurdle at thirty]

Thirty years old, the year of establishment, is also the second year in life when one encounters Tai Sui.

Erli means self-reliance in personality, self-reliance in knowledge, self-reliance in career, self-reliance in family, etc.

If you want to be independent at the age of thirty, you should be independent, but it will be difficult.

[The fifth hurdle at age thirty-six]

This is a person's third zodiac year, and this zodiac year requires you to pay more attention to it than the previous two zodiac years.

From a numerological point of view, you should be careful of unexpected events in the third zodiac year of your life. Scientific statistics show that there are indeed many people who die young at this age, including some famous figures at home and abroad such as Van Gogh, Pushkin, Chopin, Zhou Yu, Yue Fei, Zheng Chenggong, Li Zicheng, Xu Zhimo, Gu Cheng, etc. all died in the third year of their life.

Of course there are many coincidences in this, but this age is indeed an important age in life. Your career is just beginning, your children are just learning to speak, etc. You are required to work hard, but your own health is often ignored.

[The sixth hurdle at the age of forty-two]

As you enter your forties, you are facing the third year of your life when you are facing Tai Sui.

This age is not only a turning point in a person's emotions and career, but also a key point in a person's ability to have a correct understanding of money.

If you can correctly grasp your various emotions at this time, especially the relationship between husband and wife, concentrate on your career, and establish a correct concept of money, then you will be able to easily overcome this hurdle.

Otherwise, if you have an affair in your relationship, have a setback in your career, or are just greedy for money, you will face a great disaster and your life will never end.

[The seventh hurdle at the age of forty-eight]

This is a person's fourth animal year, and health will be the first priority.

If you don't pay attention to your physical health by the fourth year of your life, it will be difficult to overcome the next few hurdles.

[The eighth hurdle at fifty-four]

This is the fourth year in life when it comes to Tai Sui.

[The ninth hurdle at sixty]

This is a person's fifth birth year.

[The tenth hurdle at sixty-six]

This is the fifth year of life that clashes with Tai Sui.

Wang Banxian said that as long as a person crosses ten age hurdles, he will achieve great enlightenment, live a long life, and become an immortal.

Huh, haven't you, the half-immortal king, passed ten hurdles yourself? Why haven't you achieved great enlightenment? Why haven't you lived a long life?

Hey, if you don't have to live in a big villa or a bamboo shack at the end of the day, this is probably a great enlightenment, right? You are only three years old and a hundred years old, so you can be considered a hundred years old, right? But now you have

Have you not achieved enlightenment and become an immortal?

Tang Qing didn't believe in Wang Banxian's divine teachings since he was a child, so he didn't remember the ten hurdles he talked about very clearly. The later he went, the more lazy he became to remember them. He didn't know whether he could pass the ten hurdles or not.

Tang Qing only firmly remembers what his grandfather said: Live every day well, and having a clear conscience is the best!

Thinking of this, Tang Qing left her husband's cemetery and came to Mr. Li's tomb.

"Xinjie, you go with your grandpa to your grandpa's place. Butcher, you go to your parents' place. Da Mao, you go to your mother's place. Remember, don't come here unless I tell you. Li Ya, let's go to pay homage to your mother.


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