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Chapter 25 Red and Black Tombstones

Under the morning light, Xishan Cemetery became lively early in the morning.

When Tang Qing, Li Li, and Li Ya arrived at Xishan Cemetery on time at six o'clock, not only the 20-member construction team of the contractor was waiting there, but also many neighbors and villagers from surrounding villages were waiting there.

As soon as they heard that Li Li and Li Ya sisters were going to dig up Aunt Li's grave to pay homage to her and bury her with her biological father, who didn't want to see the fun?

Tang Qing hoped that the more people would come to watch the fun, the better, so that she would not have to send Bao Wenwen and his rickshaw riders to publicize Aunt Li's love story and clear Mr. Li's innocence.

According to Tang Qing's arrangement, Li Li and Li Ya first went to pay homage to Mr. Li's tomb.

Onlookers gathered on three floors inside and three outside. I'm afraid the people underground were awakened early in the morning. The Qingming Festival and Winter Solstice certainly weren't this lively.

Tang Qing stood respectfully in front of Mr. Li's tomb and said loudly:

"Master Li, you are Li Li, Li Ya's uncle. In order to fulfill your little cousin and daughter-in-law, you do not hesitate to tarnish your own reputation and are willing to bear the humiliation and heavy burden. It is admirable!"



Li Li and Li Ya knelt in front of Mr. Li’s grave and burst into tears.

"Master Li, sisters Li Li and Li Ya will welcome Aunt Li home today and enter the main hall with their father. This can be regarded as a family reunion. You should be happy, and you must be very happy!"

Tang Qing reached out and wiped away his tears and continued:

"Master Li, those who purify themselves will be purified. Your reputation, the reputation of the Li family and the reputation of the entire Li family will be judged by future generations. From today on, you can rest in peace!"

Tang Qing bowed respectfully to Mr. Li's tombstone, and everyone present bowed to Mr. Li.

"Everyone, next, sisters Li Li and Li Ya will welcome their mother back home to the main hall. Please keep quiet. If anyone dares to make a loud noise or cause trouble, don't blame me, the nine-pound master, for being rude!"

Tang Qing led Li Li and Li Ya towards Aunt Li's grave.

Tang Qing's father and Wang Carpenter followed closely behind.

Mr. Zai Jiehachi and the twenty-man engineering team of the contractor arrived in front of the tomb and stood neatly in two rows.

The onlookers stood far away in the woods beside the tomb. No one dared to get too close or make a sound. If he wanted to sneeze, he would quickly cover his mouth and nose with his hands for fear of being discovered by Tang Qing.

, I will settle the accounts with him later.

Carpenter Wang and Cai Toutou lit candles and incense in front of Aunt Li's grave, burned paper money, and kept chanting in their mouths, intending to tell the gods and the earth's father-in-law what was going on, and ask them to be kind and bless Aunt Li's safety.

Go home and reunite.

Li Li and Li Ya each held three sticks of incense and worshiped around the small mound for a week, then knelt in front of the tomb and kowtowed three times.

"Seven o'clock, the auspicious time has arrived!"

Cai Jiaotou shouted, and Mr. Eight stood around the tomb in eight directions: east, south, west, north, southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast.

The foreman handed two shovels to Cai Toutou, who fumigated them with some incense and handed them to Li Li and Li Ya respectively.

Li Li and Aunt Li stood up and took the shovel, and under the guidance of Cai Toutou and Wang Carpenter, they went to the left and right sides of the small mound.

"The filial daughter opened the grave and lifted up the bones!"

After Cai Tootou shouted, Li Li and Li Ya tremblingly raised their shovels and shoveled a shovel of soil into the air.



Before the raised soil fell to the ground, Li Li and Li Ya fell crying on both sides of the small mound, their hearts broken, and they were in pain.

The contractor and twenty engineering team members began to excavate the small mound.

"Huh? No!"

"Something's wrong, why are you so hard?"

"Don't use large tools first, wait until I take a look."

Just after digging, the shovel bounced off the hard material.

The contractor stopped the engineering team from digging further and slowly dug out a small area by himself.

"Master Jiujin, there seems to be cement underneath the soil."

"Cement? How is that possible?"

Tang Qing took a closer look and saw that cement lumps were indeed exposed under the soil.

Tang Qing's father came over and looked carefully and said to Tang Qing:

"Could it be that your grandfather had already built a tomb for Aunt Li, and was afraid that outsiders would disturb Aunt Li, so he covered it with soil outside the tomb?"

"It's possible, it's entirely possible for my grandfather to do this. Contractor, you and your engineering team members should shovel the dirt off it quickly!"

Tang Qing's heart was beating fast, and her anticipation was even more urgent than that of Li Li and Li Ya.

The contractor and twenty engineering team members were busy for a while. After shoveling away the soil from the small mound, a well-built tomb appeared in front of everyone.



Li Li and Li Ya rushed to the grave and cried loudly.

"You two, don't be sad yet. Take a look at this tombstone."


"And tombstones?"

Li Li, Li Ya raised her head and followed Tang Qing's fingers. There were two tombstones in front of the grave. One was engraved with Aunt Li's name in red letters, and the other was engraved with the name of Li Li, Li Ya's father in black letters.

"Mom and dad!"

"Mom and Dad!"

Li Li and Li Ya cried in front of the tombstone.

"Wait a minute and see what's engraved on this brick?"

Tang Qing picked up a brick from between two tombstones.

The bricks are ordinary blue bricks, with characters densely engraved on them.

"Li Li, Li Ya, two good children, when you see this brick, it means that your family is reunited, and Grandpa Tang is happy for you.

Qing'er, you and your dad must be here too, right? Aunt Li's tomb does not need to be dug. You only need to press the place where the green bricks are placed, and the two tombstones will move away. Take out Aunt Li and give it to Li Li.

Ya's relics are fine, but the coffin inside must not be touched, as there are no treasures.

Li Li, Li Ya, after burying your father, please fix the tombstone so that your parents can rest in peace. If Grandpa Tang has offended or did something wrong, please bear with me.

Tang shaved his head, autumn of 1969."


Tang Qing held the blue bricks in her hands and burst into tears.

"Qingtuan, thank you, thank you Grandpa Tang!"

"Master Jiujin, don't cry, we will always remember Grandpa Tang's kindness in our hearts!"

Li Li and Li Ya comforted Tang Qing in turn.

A moment ago, Tang Qing was worried about whether Li Li and Li Ya could bear the pain of having their biological mother's grave dug up. Unexpectedly, his grandfather had already considered everything. Not only had he built an exquisite tomb for Aunt Li, but he had also quietly built it.

There are two tombstones painted red and black, and two frames of the tomb passage.

"Qing'er, hurry up and ask Li Li and Li Ya to take out Aunt Li's relics."

Tang Qing's father came over and pulled Tang Qing aside.

Li Li and Li Ya seemed very calm and focused at this time. Following Tang Shatou's words, they knelt in front of the tomb and pressed down the tray where the bricks were originally placed.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...

The two tombstones, red and black, moved to both sides, revealing the exit of the tomb passage.

There is nothing at the entrance to the black tomb, which is reserved for Li Li and Li Ya's father to place the ashes.

There is a small box at the entrance of the red tomb, which should be the relics left by Aunt Li to Li Li and Li Ya.

"You sisters, please take out the relics."

Tang Qing's father reminded Li Li, Li Ya.

Li Li and Li Ya kowtowed three times in unison facing the tomb passage, and then took out the small box together.

The small box is very heavy, made of rattan wood, and is of the kind that will last for thousands of years.

There are two small locks on the small box, locking the left and right sides of the small box.

"Sister, where is the key?"

Li Ya was naive and couldn't wait to open the small box, but she couldn't find the key to open the lock.

"Grandpa Tang didn't say anything, do you know where the key is?"

Li Li also wanted to open the small box to see what relics her mother left for her sisters.

"Sister, how about we ask Master Jiujin?"

"Didn't you see that she was sad? Besides, she might not know that?"

Li Ya and Li Li were helpless holding the small rattan box in their hands.

"Qing'er, come here and put the bricks back where they belong."

Tang Qing's father greeted Tang Qing.

Tang Qing hugged the blue bricks and stood aside feeling sad.

My grandfather built a tomb for Aunt Li out of the Tang family's normal etiquette in dealing with others, which is understandable. But why did my grandfather build a red tombstone and a black tombstone?

Erecting a tombstone for a person who is not dead is a deviant and unjust act. Not only the person you put the tombstone on and his family can accuse you, but everyone in society can accuse you. Don't shave your head.

It is not an exaggeration to be criticized by thousands of people and scorned by thousands of people.

Grandpa, why are you doing this?

This chapter has been completed!
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