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Chapter two hundred and seven eighteen urine drag coffin


Li Ligang stooped down and entered the tomb passage. There was a loud noise and black smoke coming out. Li Ya, who was standing in front of the tomb passage, and the engineering team members who were smashing the tombstones, turned around and ran away.

"Well, you Tang Shatou, you can even trick me here!"

Li Li came out of the tomb passage while cursing. She was covered in dust, and her brown-dyed hair and white face were as black as if ink had been splashed on them.

"Contractor! Contractor!"

"Here, here, here."

Upon hearing Li Li's cry, the contractor quickly crawled from the ground to Li Li's feet. He had not gotten up since he fell to the ground just now.

"Where's your wife? Ask her to bring a towel quickly!"

"Oh, oh, oh, ok, ok. My dear, my dear, where are you?"

"Here? What's going on?"

The little secretary's answer came from a distance.

"Auntie asked you to get a towel quickly."

"Oh, good!"

More than a dozen towels were scattered like fairy flowers, falling in front of Li Li and Bao Qinwen, but the little secretary was nowhere to be seen.

"You bastard youth, have you already prepared a condom for me? Is this how this towel was prepared for me?"

Li Li picked up a towel from the ground and wiped her face and hair vigorously.

After wiping five or six towels, Li Li's face and hair felt slightly refreshed.

"Foreman, go in and drag out my mother's coffin!"

"Aunt, aunt, aunt, oh, Li, Li, Li..."

"Stop hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stand up quickly and drag the coffin!"

"I, I, I..."

The contractor was sitting on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Are you going or not?"

Li Li's beautiful big eyes revealed a fierce look.

"I, I, I..."

The contractor still couldn't get up.


After Li Li glanced at the contractor with disdain, she looked at the twenty engineering team members standing in the open space of the tomb and asked loudly:

"Which of you dares to go in and drag out the coffin?"

The twenty engineering team members looked at me and I looked at you, including those who smashed the tombstones just now. None of them dared to take a step forward.

"Boss Li, this burial coffin cannot be easily moved. Even if you want to take out the bones inside, you have to open the coffin lid to worship and then gently extract it. You'd better think about it carefully."

Cai Jiaotou stood aside to persuade Li Li.

"I said that I would find another geomantic place for my parents to bury. I would have to drag out the coffin, take out my mother's bones and take them home to pay homage."

Li Li spoke forcefully.

"That's up to you."

The head and toes are moved back.


Li Li called Zhu Cai Tou Tou.

"What else do you want?"

Cai Tiao Tou Tou asked as he stepped back.

"You and your people go take out my mother's bones and your wages will be doubled!"

"Boss Li, this is not a matter of wages. If the bones must be collected, you and your children must collect them yourself. Outsiders are absolutely not allowed to collect them. This is the rule."

"I am the rule! Hey, everyone, who can come up and drag out the coffin and take out my mother's bones? Give him a thousand yuan!"

Li Li stopped paying attention to Cai's feet, raised her head and shouted towards the woods.

The grove was silent and no one responded.

"two thousand!"

Still no one responded.

"Three thousand!"

Still silent.

"four thousand!"

Still silence.

"Five thousand!"

"I'll do it!"

A voice sounded, and Shibaji walked out of the woods.


Li Li frowned.

"Boss Li, Li Li, I am your classmate."

Shiba Diao walked up to Li Li with a smile.

"Why are you here? Aren't you at home keeping vigil for my father on behalf of my eldest brother?"

Li Li has never looked directly at Shiba Urine, and she still doesn't.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to rebuild the tombs and hold funerals for your parents? Then is it still necessary to keep the spirits? It won't be too late to keep them after you get your mother's bones back."

Shiba Pei showed no fear in front of Li Li, looking carefree.

"Well, if you are sensible, then go and drag out the coffin and take out my mother's bones."

Li Li didn't care about Shiba's appearance because she didn't look at him at all.

"Okay, but when will you give me the five thousand yuan?"

Shiba licked his face and came to Li Li.

"I won't miss you, go and drag the coffin!"

Li Li turned around.

"Li Li, this is the most unlucky thing. I won't drag the coffin unless I get the money."

Shibapi also turned around and came closer to Li Li.

"I'm warning you, don't act arrogant in front of me, or I'll beat you!"

Li Li glared at Shiba.


Shiba Diao showed no sign of weakness, raised his bald head, turned around and left. After Tang Qing shaved his bald head, he simply kept shaving his head because it felt cooler!


Shiba urine did not stop.

"Did you hear that?!"

Shiba Pei still didn’t stop.

"Don't think that I can't do anything to you without a razor?! Aren't you just my brother's substitute? What's so great about it?!"

Shibapi stopped, turned around and said word by word:

"You are right, I am your eldest brother's substitute, but my substitute is valuable because he spent a lot of money on me. Li Li, let me tell you, except for the Tang family and the Li family, I have no other

People only care about money here!”

"Am I not from the Li family?"

"Your Li family is different from the Li family I'm talking about!"

"Why is it different?"

"My Li family is Mr. Li's Li family in the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain. Your Li family is the Li family in the old courtyard on Lushan Road. One is in the sky and one is on the ground. One I am grateful for and the other I just want to fuck with his money!"

"Shibapi, don't blame Sang and Huai. I think my grandparents were also big figures in the scene in Yancheng. My father was also a person of status when he was in Yancheng. When he arrived in the northern metropolis, he was more or less a person in the scene."

"Hey, Li Li, Li Zapo, are you really a Zapo or a fake Zapo? Do you have the nerve to say such things? Let me tell you, you are standing in front of Aunt Li's grave and saying such things, not only to Aunt Li

The biggest insult is also the biggest insult to Mr. Li!"

"Why did I insult my mother? How did I insult my father?"

"Li Li, you know clearly that it was your grandparents who were too snobbish and resolutely prevented your biological mother from marrying your biological father. It was also your biological father who was too cowardly, which made Aunt Li, who showed her true love, leave in depression! It would be better for you to stand.

In front of Aunt Li's grave, you are proud of your domineering grandparents and cowardly father. Can Aunt Li rest in peace?"

"Shibapi, was it the fat woman from the Tang family who sent you to scold me?"

"Li Zapo, I think you are really stupid! You are even more stupid than a silly girl. Does Qingtuan need to ask me to come over and scold you? What kind of things can't she do to Master Jiujin of Yancheng People's Barber Shop?

What kind of things are you doing incorrectly?"

"Then what kind of things did I do inappropriately? What kind of things did I do incorrectly?"

"What you did today was wrong and what you said now is wrong!"

"Is it inappropriate for me to rebuild the tombs for my parents? Is it inappropriate for me to drag out my mother's coffin to take out the bones and bring them back to pay homage?"

"Exactly! Grandpa Tang clearly left a message not to touch the coffin easily, but you insist on doing so. Grandpa Tang has already repaired the tombs for your parents, but you want to smash the tombstones and rebuild them. Are you doing it right?"

"Then is it okay for him to shave his head and erect a tombstone for my father, a living person?"

"Although Grandpa Tang is just a barber, he is a truly upright and upright good man in our city of Shan! Li Li, Li Zapo, my life was saved by Grandpa Tang, and my life was given by Grandpa Li. Today I

No matter what, we must drag out Aunt Li’s coffin, restore Grandpa Tang’s innocence, and restore your sobriety!”

As he spoke, Shibapi strode back, jumped up onto the base of the tomb, walked to the tomb passage, knelt down on his knees, and respectfully kowtowed three times to Aunt Li's coffin, and then crawled in with his knees as his feet.

He walked through the tomb passage and dragged out Aunt Li's coffin.

Aunt Li's coffin is completely transparent, and even the coffin inside is also completely transparent. I don't know whether it is made of glass or organic plastic.

When Shibatu dragged Aunt Li's coffin out of the tomb passage and presented it to everyone, everyone present was shocked, including Li Li and Li Ya.

This chapter has been completed!
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