Turn off the lights
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Chapter 253: Carpenter Wang meets a ghost

Carpenter Wang visited the Li family's old yard on New Year's Eve and found that the luxury car was missing, so he hurried to the grocery store to ask.

"Master Wang, the car just drove away, but it wasn't the people inside who came out and drove away. It was a young man who came over and drove away."

"Are you sure the young man who came to drive didn't come out of it?"

"Master Wang, my eyesight is not so dim that I can't see clearly whether people are coming out or coming in."

"The three people who went in are still inside?"

"Sure, if the door is opened, the iron ring on the door will make a loud noise."

"Oh, why aren't you home so late? Today is New Year's Eve."

"Hey, this store is my home. I can feed myself and the whole family is not hungry. All other stores were closed on Thirty Nights, and I was the only one who opened it. The business was several times more than usual."

"I wish you a prosperous business and abundant wealth in the New Year!"

"Thank you, thank you!"

After having a casual chat with the grocery store owner, Carpenter Wang left Lushan Road and returned to his building where Qianrenkeng was located.

Since Tang Qing is not interested in the old courtyard of the Li family or Shibazui, there is no need for him to take any interest in it. Even if he, Carpenter Wang, wants to take it, he does not have the ability or the courage. When it comes to big calligraphy, he has to roll up his sleeves.

Carpenter Wang would definitely not be able to do it with real swords and guns.

Hey, why is the light on in Xinjie's room?

Is there a thief?

Carpenter Wang quietly came to the door of Wang Xinjie's room, pressed his face against the door, and listened attentively with his ears raised.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Huh? Why did Xinjie’s voice come from outside?

"Grandpa, do you want to go in?"

Wang Xinjie stood behind Carpenter Wang.

Ah? How can a pure-hearted person be outside?

Carpenter Wang was startled, and it took him a while to regain his composure. He straightened his back and coughed a few times, then asked Wang Xinjie with a serious face:

"Why are you back so late? A big girl can't stay up all night, you know?"

"have no idea!"

Wang Xinjie took out the key and opened the door.

"How can I talk to grandpa?"

"Am I staying up all night?"

"Grandpa, did you remind me?"

"You'd better take care of yourself and don't lose your soul because of the Li family's affairs."

Wang Xinjie opened the door and walked into her room.

"What kind of soul do I have to lose? What does the Li family have to do with me?"

Carpenter Wang wanted to follow into the room, but Wang Xinjie turned around and stopped him.

"Don't think that I don't know anything. I still say what I said, take care of yourself and don't lose your soul because of the Li family's affairs."

"Xinjie, grandpa is so old, do you still need to teach him a lesson? You, on the other hand, run to the Li family's old house all day long, be careful of going crazy."

"Are you following me? What about yourself? You ran to the Li family's old yard in the middle of the night. What do you want to do?"

"Are you following me too?"

"I don't want to follow you. Master Jiujin is worried that something will happen to you, so he asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Master Jiujin is worried that something will happen to me? Does she know that I went to the Li family's old yard again?"

"Grandpa, don't think that you are a magician. Master Jiujin is better to be more honest."

"I am not being honest, I am worried that she will be plotted by bad people."…

"Grandpa, didn't you say that Master Jiujin came down to earth as an immortal and was possessed by King Kong? Is there anything to worry about?"

"Hehe, that means Dashu. Xinjie, Master Jiujin, she is too upright and righteous. And the bad guy, too insidious and cunning."

"Grandpa, evil will not prevail against good. Go up and have a rest."

Wang Xinjie closed the door.

"Xinjie, remember to turn off the lights when you go out next time."

Carpenter Wang shouted to the door.

"I know, today is New Year's Eve, and the lights have to be on until dawn!"

Wang Xinjie responded loudly in the room.

"This kid!"

Carpenter Wang clasped his hands behind his back and walked upstairs toward his room.

Wang Xinjie lives on the second floor and Wang Carpenter lives on the fourth floor. Today, they are the only two people in the whole building. All the tenants have gone home to celebrate the New Year.

Carpenter Wang turned the corner on the third floor, and there was a dense sound of firecrackers outside the house, and countless fireworks lit up the entire corridor.

The new year has arrived!

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly by. It’s just time that passes day by day!

Carpenter Wang sighed as he climbed the stairs. As soon as he reached the fourth floor, he lowered his head and took out the key from his trouser pocket. This was his habit, unlike some people who only took out the key when they reached the door of the room.

When Carpenter Wang took out the key, a large firework exploded in the sky above his building, lighting up the entire corridor.

Huh? What?

Carpenter Wang vaguely saw a dark figure at the door of his room, and wanted to take a closer look. The fireworks had gone out, and it was pitch black in the corridor. He could not see anything.

Continue to your room or go back to find Xinjie?

Carpenter Wang hesitated in the middle of the corridor. He did not think of turning on the street lights in the corridor or shouting to Wang Xinjie. Of course, Wang Xinjie lived on the second floor and closed the door. The sound of firecrackers outside was so loud that he might not be able to hear it.

As for turning on the street lights in the corridor, it is in vain and will not light up at all.

Carpenter Wang was very stingy. When he saw that tenants often forgot to turn off the street lights, he simply removed the light bulbs. The tenants paid for the electricity in the rooms themselves, but the owner, Carpenter Wang, was responsible for the street lights in the corridor.

Another firework bloomed in the sky above the building, and the entire corridor was as bright as day.

Huh? Why is there nothing? Was I dazzled just now?

Alas! I am old, I am really old, my eyes are no longer working!

Carpenter Wang walked to his room feeling sorry for himself.

We set off so many fireworks just now, why don’t we set them off now?

Carpenter Wang's hand holding the key was trembling. He inserted the key several times in the dark but could not insert it into the keyhole.

Niang Xipi, my eyes are not working well as I am old, and why are my hands not stable anymore? Why do you suddenly have a chicken claw wind when you are so good?

The more anxious Carpenter Wang felt, the more his hands trembled. If the key couldn't be inserted into the keyhole, he simply stopped inserting it and sat down on the ground with his back to the door to catch his breath.

I'll ask Xinjie to come up and open the door for me after a while.


Didn't you see her attitude towards me just now? She told me to take care of myself and stop meddling in the Li family's business. Didn't you think I was too old?

If I asked her to come up and open the door for me, wouldn't it make her look down on me even more?

Who am I? Wang Carpenter, Wang Banxian’s son, Wang Xinjie’s grandfather.

Wang Banxian, the best fortune teller in Yancheng who has been a lifelong Shinto...

Wang Xinjie is a college student admitted to a key university in a northern metropolis.

As their son and grandfather, I can't even open my own door. If outsiders find out, wouldn't I be laughed at?

Do I still have the nerve to talk nonsense in the square? Go to the People's Barber Shop to talk nonsense? Will Master Jiujin still let me be a regular customer there?

Hey, how did Master Jiujin know that I was going to the Li family’s old courtyard?

Didn't she go to the square before me to watch Xiaoqiang and Xinjie set off fireworks? Did she send someone else to monitor me?

It's impossible. Master Jiujin is monitoring Shiba Urin, monitoring Li Ya, and the people in the Li family. It's possible, but impossible, to monitor me. I'm not worthy of her monitoring at all.

Is this the Year of the Snake bad for me? Logically speaking, I am a Rooster, and they are in triad with the Snake, so there is no conflict?

By the way, this year 2001 is an ordinary year in the Gregorian calendar, and February only has 28 days. It is a leap month in the lunar calendar, a double spring year. My birthday is in April. Snakes are fire and chickens are gold. Fire and gold are in conflict with each other, so I have to suffer a lot.


Be more stable! I'd better be more stable in 2001. What's the Li family's old house or the Li family's old yard, what the hell does it have to do with me? I can only live a few more years in this old life, and I will be satisfied if I can see Xin Jie get married.

Why has Xinjie changed so much in just half a year after going to college in a big city? Not only has she become more and more beautiful, but she has also become more and more independent-minded. Sometimes even Master Jiujin has to refute her.

Hehe, my granddaughter is so good that Master Jiujin sometimes has to give her three points.

No, Xinjie must be famous for hanging around the Li family's old house all day long a few days ago. What does she want to do? Does she also want to interfere in the Li family's affairs like Master Jiujin?

No, I must prevent her from participating in the Li family's disputes!

I will go down to find her now and ask her to come up and open the door for me.

Mom, who are you? What do you want to do?

Carpenter Wang opened his eyes and was about to stand up when a dark figure flashed in front of him and stretched out his hands to strangle his neck.

This chapter has been completed!
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