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Chapter 271: Innocent King Xinjie

Li Li told Tang Qing that Li Ya would hurt Tang Qing, but Tang Qing disagreed.

Regarding Li Ya, Tang Qing actually knew from the beginning that she was extraordinary and that she was just a disguise. But Tang Qing did not expect that Li Ya would attribute all the grievances of the Li family to her.

The reputations of the Li family, the Li family in the old yard on Lushan Road, and the Li family in the Li family's old house on Lutei Mountain are very different in Shancheng. Ten thousand people reviled them, while the other people praised them.

Aunt Li's three suicide notes did not mention Master Li at all, but scolded Li Li's grandparents. This is perhaps the best example.

When Wang Carpenter talked to Shanghai Aunt and Sha Gu Shen Tao, they said that Aunt Li did not mention Mr. Li in her suicide note, and that Mr. Li might be competing for food or disappearing into obscurity.

Actually, it's not the case. Aunt Li didn't mention Master Li at all because she didn't want to ruin Master Li's good reputation.

If Aunt Li talks about how noble Mr. Li is, how he is a hero to save beauty, how he sacrifices his life for righteousness, and asks Li Li and sisters Li Ya to be grateful to Mr. Li, it will have exactly the opposite effect. It will only make outsiders, those who do not know the truth, unreasonable.

People with good intentions interpreted it as saying that Aunt Li and Mr. Li were actually having an affair.

Aunt Li didn't say a word about Mr. Li. The good and bad will be judged by future generations.

Aunt Li never forgets her kindness to the Tang family, but Li Ya wants to repay kindness with hatred. This may be the best explanation.

Come on, what's coming is bound to come. You can't hide even if you want to, so why don't you let her come more violently!

Tang Qing made a bowl of fried rice cakes for Li Li and brought it to her room.

Li Li was sitting on the bedside with her clothes on, eating fried rice cakes, while Tang Qing went to find Wang Xinjie.

Wang Xinjie has been interested in old buildings and objects since she was a child, and is especially curious about the Li family's old house. There is always a magical power that prompts her to explore it.

Therefore, when filling out her application for the college entrance examination, Wang Xinjie did not hesitate to choose a niche major like "Cultural Relics and Museology".

When Tang Qing found Wang Xinjie, Wang Xinjie was lying in front of the window at the corner of the corridor between the middle courtyard and the old courtyard.

"How's it going? They're all babies, right?"

"Ouch, Master Jiujin, you scared me."

Wang Xinjie straightened up and dropped the flashlight in her hand to the ground.

Tang Qing went over to pull Wang Xinjie up, helped her pick up the flashlight, and joked:

"How dare you study ancient houses if you are so timid? What if Mr. Li or Aunt Li comes out and asks you what the results of your research are? You must not faint immediately?"

Wang Xinjie smiled shyly and replied:

"Master Jiujin, please don't tell me. I really want Master Li and Aunt Li to come out. I have many questions that I can ask them in person."

"Isn't this Li family's old house very nice?"

"Master Jiujin, the Li family's old house has a very high cultural relic value. If nothing else, the brick carvings alone are a masterpiece."

"Really? Then you should hurry up and study it carefully. Maybe it will be demolished one day."

"When will it be demolished? Master Jiujin, the Li family's old house must not be demolished. It is a cultural relic, a cultural relic of great historical value!"

Wang Xinjie grabbed Tang Qing's arm and was so anxious.

Tang Qing patted Wang Xinjie on the shoulder and said with melancholy:

"Xinjie, Master Jiujin doesn't want the Li family's old house to be demolished, but if it's going to be demolished from above, your Aunt Li Li can't do anything about it."

"No, I have to go and tell the people above that the Li family's old house must not be demolished."

"Xinjie, you are just a student. Can the people above listen to you?"

"Master Jiujin, I will definitely find a way to protect the Li family's old house. Master Jiujin, can you talk to Aunt Li Li and tell her not to agree to the demolition of the Li family's old house."

"You should tell her yourself about this. I'll go to the kitchen."

Tang Qing went to the kitchen to wash and cut fruit for Li Li. When she walked into Li Li's bedroom holding a large bowl of fruit, Li Li had already finished a large bowl of fried rice cakes and was talking and laughing with Wang Xinjie, looking very happy.

"You said you didn't want to eat anything, but I burned half a catty of rice cakes."

Tang Qing said this, but in his heart he admired the ghost Wang Xinjie for being able to talk to Li Ya and Li Li, and to make her so happy.

"Hey, didn't you cook it for me to eat? Qingtuan, I really didn't have any appetite at first, but Xinjie talked to me, and as I talked, my appetite increased, and I ate it all before I knew it.


Li Li's originally pale face turned red, and she was very energetic.

"It seems that Xinjie is an appetizer? Then Xinjie will eat with you every day."

Tang Qing packed up the dishes and brought the fruits to Li Li and Wang Xinjie.

"Master Jiujin, I made an agreement with Aunt Li Li. Before going to school, we will stay with Aunt Li Li at the old house. We will eat and live together."

Wang Xinjie was as excited as Li Li.

"Okay, that way I can rest assured, I won't worry about her starving to death, and I will bear a bad name when the time comes."

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? I won't hold you responsible even if I starve to death."

"You are dead, what else do you know? Can your twin sister spare me?"

"Oh, I really don't know why she is like this? I tried my best to persuade her again and again that you are definitely doing our best, but she just doesn't believe it."

Li Li fell into depression again.

"Master Jiujin, Aunt Li Li, I think Aunt Li Ya just couldn't turn around for a while. Give her some time and she will definitely figure it out."

Wang Xinjie comforted Tang Qing and Li Li.

"Xinjie, you don't know that my sister looks very simple on the surface and doesn't understand anything. In fact, she understands everything. She is more independent-minded and wise than me."

"Xinjie, your Aunt Li Li is right, Li Ya is extraordinary."

"Master Jiujin, you are no ordinary person either."

"I am a barber in a small county town. Where can I go to be different from ordinary people?"

"Don't be humble. Just helping me with these things is already extraordinary."

"Li Li, Xinjie, in a small county town, facing familiar neighbors, I, Tang Qing, may be able to do something. But Li Ya has always lived in a big city, a big city, do you understand?"

"Qingtuan, I understand that people in big cities have a lot of twists and turns in their hearts, but people like us in small counties are straightforward and straight-tempered."

"Indeed, I have only been in college for half a year, and I have a deep understanding of how colorful people in big cities are."

"Xinjie, Li Li, I'm not only worried about Li Ya's unusualness, but I'm also worried about her teaming up with that scumbag to deal with me."

"Master Jiujin, which scumbag are you talking about?"

"Your Aunt Li Li's ex-husband, Xiaomei's father, and Li Ya's brother-in-law."


"I heard from my grandfather that he was taught a lesson by you pretending to be impermanent, wasn't he?"

"Xinjie, teaching him a lesson doesn't mean defeating him. How could a scheming man like him give up so easily?"

"Master Jiujin, my grandfather said that you forced him to write a confession, and he also agreed that Xiaomei would inherit all the family property."

"Xinjie, you studied history. You can figure out which things in this old house are treasures. But for a scheming man like him, you can never figure out his thoughts. A confession, a property commitment, that's all

It was written for us to read, and I don’t expect him to plead guilty easily and hand over all the family property to Xiaomei for inheritance."

"He wrote it in black and white, so he can't default on it, right?"

"Xinjie, I said that you are a ghost and elf. You are a little kid but a big kid. You are very smart. But sometimes you are too naive. What's the use of such black and white writing? At that time, it was just for showing to the neighbors. He admitted his mistake himself. Really.

When it comes to filing a lawsuit, he could just say that we are outnumbered and force him to write it. Also, documents such as property inheritance need to be notarized in order to be valid."

"Master Jiujin, I didn't expect that you know a lot about law."

"Xinjie, I want to help my neighbors mediate some disputes. How can I do it without knowing the law? Let me tell you secretly that Master Jiujin is studying at TV University in his spare time, majoring in law."

"Hey, I heard you, college student."

"No, no, no, you two must not tell other people, including my parents, otherwise you will be laughed out of your mouth."

"Master Jiujin, learning is a good thing, why do people laugh at you?"

"Xinjie, you don't understand, Master Jiujin still uses this as a secret weapon to deal with that scheming bitch and scheming man!"

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