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Chapter 280 Big cousin meets eyes

Tang Qing's sudden change of thinking made Shiba urine completely nervous.

People who didn't know better thought that Tang Qing was afraid of Shibawei, after all, his loud shouting had already resounded throughout the downtown streets.

Fortunately, today is the sixth day of the first lunar month, and none of the breakfast shops on the downtown street are open for business yet. Only Tang Qing's People's Barber Shop is open normally.

"What are you yelling about? What are you yelling about?"

A tall woman walked into People's Barber Shop.

This woman looks to be at least 1.8 meters tall, with thick arms and round arms, and an even rounder face. Her face shape is somewhat similar to that of Tang Qing, and her speaking tone is similar to that of a silly girl.

Due to the arrival of this woman, the people's barbershop not only dimmed a lot, but also the atmosphere became serious. Shiba's loud voice yelling at Tang Qing stopped abruptly, and a pair of cow's eyes under the big back of his head stared at the woman and stopped moving.

"What are you yelling about with such a broken voice? Master Jiujin can you yell casually here?"

The woman's door panel stood in front of Shiba's face, her big round eyes were like two big crystal balls, sparkling, sparkling, and flashing in Shiba's face.

Shibapi's height is not short, he is one of the taller men, but in front of this woman, he is still a head shorter.

Faced with the woman's downward gaze, Shibapi didn't feel any pressure at all. Instead, he felt very friendly. He raised his head and responded to the woman with a smile:

"You are my woman, right? I like it! I like it!"

"Is it okay if the goose likes it? The duck may not like it!"

"The duck will definitely like it too, he will like it!"

"Well, that's fine. I'll make it difficult for you."

"I will definitely be happy with you from now on. Have you had breakfast? Let's go have breakfast together?"


The woman took Shiba's hand and walked out of the People's Barber Shop.

The People's Barber Shop suddenly became much brighter, and Tang Qing's heart became much brighter as well.

This woman is Shagu's cousin. After Shagu gave birth to her son, she reported the good news to her aunt in her hometown, and her aunt sent her daughter to congratulate her.

My aunt is Shagu's only living relative. She married from one side of the Yellow River to the other side of the Yellow River and gave birth to six daughters. She loves the youngest daughter the most and hopes that Shagu can help her find a man in Yancheng.

Silly Gu was worried. She finally found Da Mao through Master Jiu Jin. How could a cousin like her, who was taller and taller than herself, find a suitable man?

I had no choice but to ask Tang Qing for help.

Tang Qing was also worried, not to mention that Sha Gu's cousin was a head taller than Sha Gu and more masculine than a man. The main reason was that this cousin's brain was even more stubborn than Sha Gu, so adding two hundred and fifty on top of two hundred and five was not an exaggeration.

Tang Qing advised the silly girl not to cause trouble for herself, but to let her cousin go back to her hometown as soon as possible.

The silly girl was unhappy and said that Tang Qing looked down on her cousin and her family, people in Jiangnan looked down on people from the northwest, and people in developed areas looked down on people in backward areas.

Tang Qing didn't expect that Shagu would give her the upper hand, so she didn't argue with Shagu and went directly to her cousin to enlighten her face to face.

Unexpectedly, when they met, the eldest cousin knelt down in front of Tang Qing with a "plop". The shock made Tang Qing's head buzz with seeds, and almost killed Tang Qing.

Tang Qing saw his eldest cousin kneeling down and hurriedly stepped forward to help her. The eldest cousin refused to get up unless Tang Qing agreed to help her find a man.

Tang Qing was angry and turned around to leave. The eldest cousin couldn't help but stretched out her big hand to grab Tang Qing. Because the force was too great, Tang Qing was pulled to the ground by the eldest cousin and fell onto her back.

The eldest cousin didn't care whether Tang Qing hurt from the fall or not, and didn't help her up first. She just kept kowtowing to Tang Qing.

Tang Qing finally got up from the ground and said with lingering fear:

"I beg you, please don't kowtow again. I promise to help you find a good man, okay?"

When the eldest cousin heard this, she grinned and replied cheerfully:

"Master Jiujin, from now on you will be a hungry mother, a hungry mother!"

"No, no, no, no, you are my biological mother, you are my biological mother..."

Tang Qing reluctantly agreed, but after racking his brains and filtering the men he knew dozens of times, he still couldn't find one who could match up with his eldest cousin and start a family.

The eldest mother-in-law passed away, and Sha Gu could not come because she was still in confinement. The eldest cousin came to express condolences on behalf of Sha Gu. When she saw Shiba Diai busy with her business, she fell in love at first sight and begged Tang Qing to help her match Shiba Diai.


Tang Qing felt funny in her heart, why did she look at this older cousin? She actually fell in love with Shiba Diai. She promised to give it a try, but thought there was no chance Shiba Diai would like her cousin, so she didn't tell Shiba Diai.

Early this morning, I went to Shiba Diao to ask about Li Ya. Shiba Diai refused to tell him anything and refused to come to the People's Barber Shop. Tang Qing lied to him and told him to introduce a woman to him.

Shibapi felt happy, and Le Diandian came to the People's Barber Shop.

Tang Qing had finished speaking and couldn't keep his words, so he called his silly aunt and asked his eldest cousin to come to the People's Barber Shop for a blind date.

No matter whether this blind date can be successful or not, Tang Qing has completed her mission and she has no hope at all.

Unexpectedly, Shibapi fell in love with her at first sight just like her elder cousin. The two of them looked at Liudou like a bastard, and their eyes met.

Tang Qing lamented the wonderful feeling between men and women. It is impossible for outsiders to understand the reason why two men and women like each other?

Perhaps, one likes the boldness of the northwest, and the other likes the elegance of the south of the Yangtze River. It is a perfect complement to each other.

Li Ya has basically grasped the situation in the past six months, and will wait for her to return to Yancheng. I believe that after Shiba Diao has a destination, he will be more than enough to deal with Li Ya. He should also have no problem dealing with Li Zhong, Li Cheng and the scheming man.

Tang Qing was in a happy mood and couldn't help humming Yue opera jokes:

"I have a little girl named Jiu.

Smart people admire,

He is known as an expert at tracing dragons and embroidering phoenixes.

Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting pieces meeting,


"Hey, Master Jiujin, are you in a good mood?"

Carpenter Wang walked into the People's Barber Shop.

Tang Qing glanced at Carpenter Wang, did not reply, and continued humming:

"Sister Lin fell from the sky,

Like a light cloud just emerging from Xiu.


Carpenter Wang took his purple sand teapot from the cup holder and said to Tang Qing while making tea:

"Master Jiujin, you have done another great deed, and you should sing the praises of a golden marriage."

Tang Qing stopped humming and asked Carpenter Wang:

"How do you know I've done something great?"

"Shibazui is taking her eldest cousin to your house to recognize her."

"Go to my house to recognize your relatives?"

"Yes, he took Sha Gu's cousin to visit your parents and father-in-law."

"This coward can strike very quickly!"

"He also asked me to help him choose a good day to prepare for the wedding."

"Did you help him choose? Which day?"

"I picked it, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

"Lantern Festival? Not bad, festive!"

"It's better to choose the right day than to hit it. Isn't your biggest wish after getting married that you will be reunited forever? However, you will probably have to manage the marriage of the man and woman."

"Why should I take care of it?"

"Do you think your uncle and aunt are able to handle it when they are eighteen? The silly aunt is still in confinement, and as a relative of the woman, she can't handle it."

"Then wait until the silly girl is one month old before we get married. You can choose another date."

"Master Jiujin, you can't wait any longer. Shibapi and my eldest cousin can't wait. They two can't wait to enter the bridal chamber today."

"Two cowards, are you going to make a raging fire?"

"Master Jiujin, you are just saying this. When the time comes, you will definitely help them manage it steadily and be beaming with joy."

"Stop flattering. Your hair and beard are in a mess. I'll fix them for you while you're free now."

"Okay, thank you, Master Jiujin."

Carpenter Wang sat on the barber's chair and Tang Qing put a scarf around him.

"It's not good! It's not good!"

"It's on fire! It's on fire!"

"Come and put out the fire, come and put out the fire!"

Just as he was about to start shaving, panicked shouts came from outside.

"Ah?! It's on fire?!"

Tang Qing had no time to put down the razor in his hand and rushed out of the People's Barber Shop at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

"Master Wang, call 119! What are you doing here? Go in and put out the fire!"

Tang Qing shouted as he rushed into the burning Lao Zhang tofu and steamed bun shop.

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