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Chapter 295: Organizing the Student Union

Shiba Diao usually does things in a haphazard manner, but this time he organized the class reunion with great vigor. It was organized in an orderly manner in three days, and the weekend was held as scheduled.

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

When Tang Qing and Li Li walked into the hotel together, the classmates lined up neatly on both sides of the hall to greet them.

"Everyone, our classmate meeting today will be held in the large conference hall on the first floor. Please line up in the order you used to go to school, and then listen to my instructions."

As the organizer, Shibapi stood on a high place and shouted.

The classmates didn't know what programs Shibapi had arranged. But since they were here to attend the class reunion, they took it as they came and quickly lined up in the same order as they did in high school physical education class, waiting for his command.

"Look forward, turn right, walk in step, one two one, one two one..."

Under the guidance of Shiba's command, the students lined up and walked to the conference hall.

"One, two, one, stand firm!"

Shiba said "stand still" and the students stood in the corridor of the conference hall.

"Ding-a-ling-ring, jingle-a-ling-a-ling..."

The familiar school bell rang, and the students looked at each other, wondering what Shibapi was up to?

"Students, please come into the classroom and sit as we did in the last class!"

As soon as Shibapi finished speaking, the students rushed into the conference hall, their speed was no less than the formal class back then.


"Is that so?"

“I didn’t expect that!”

The students were pleasantly surprised when they entered the conference hall.

I saw that the layout of the conference hall was completely in the style of their last class classroom in high school.

Blackboard, podium, desk...

"My place is here."

"I'll sit in front of you."

"I'll sit behind you."


After a period of fuss, the students all sat down in their seats.

"Squad leader, it's your task now."

Shibatu walked to Li Li and said softly.


Li Li opened her mouth wide, unable to react.

Last night Tang Qing told Li Li that a class reunion would be held today, but Li Li refused to come to attend. Tang Qing persuaded Li Li for a whole night before Li Li agreed.

Early this morning, Tang Qing took Li Li to the People's Barber Shop to do her hair. It was also the first time Tang Qing had her hair done after she injured her hand.

Li Li was worried that Tang Qing's hands were not completely healed, so she told her not to put in too much effort and just keep it simple.

Tang Qing said it's okay, his hand has recovered, and he can start from scratch with you.

Li Li asked Tang Qing, what does it mean to start from scratch together?

Tang Qing said, after I recover from my hand injury, I will start shaving my head again. If you come back to my place to get your hair done, shouldn’t we start from scratch together?

Li Li said that it is easy to redo one's hair, but it is not easy for a person to start from scratch.

Tang Qing said that it is not easy and you have to start over. A person cannot get back up because of a certain thing or a certain person. Just like me, I cannot give up being a master of Yancheng Jiujin just because my hand is injured. You cannot give up because of an injury to my hand.

Due to a series of changes in the Li family, she gave up being a Li Zapo in Yancheng.

"Do you think Li Zapo is good?"

“In my eyes, in the eyes of my classmates, and in the eyes of my neighbors, Li Zapo is synonymous with successful women!”….

"Haha, then you praise me too much, my classmates praise me too much, and my neighbors praise me too much. I have no choice but to become Li Zapo in Yancheng, because only by becoming Li Zapo can I forget the scars on my body.


"Those scars on your body still exist, so you must be Li Zapo again."

"Qingtuan, I understand your hard work, but Li Zapo and Master Jiujin are different."

"What's the difference?"

"Didn't you ask knowingly?"

"I haven't, tell me? What's the difference between Li Zapo and Master Jiujin?"

"Your Master Jiujin is the honorific title given to you by the neighbors, and Li Zapo is nothing more than a joking name given to me by everyone."

"What's the difference between an honorific and a joking title?"

"Of course it's different, Ben

The quality is different. Master Jiujin is synonymous with being selfless, helpful and courageous. Li Zapo is a wild woman who is crazy, unreasonable and does not act according to common sense."

"No matter what, I want you to start from scratch and become Li Zapo back to Yancheng."

"You do my hair. I'll go to the class reunion. But it's impossible to start over. I know myself!"

Li Li came to attend the class reunion entirely because of Tang Qing.

Tang Qing tried to persuade Li Li all night, but Li Li just refused to come to the class reunion.

Tang Qing finally said, I have never participated in a class reunion before, and I really want to go to one. Just think of it as giving me an excuse to ask me to accompany you.

Li Li knew that Tang Qing would not be willing to attend the class reunion if she did not go to it. She had already said that for this reason, she had no choice but to come.

Shibatu asked Li Li to be the squad leader, but she was dumbfounded.

That's right, Li Li has been the class monitor every year since the first grade of elementary school until she graduated from high school. But now it's harder for her to be the class monitor again than to be Li Zapo.

The conference hall was silent, and the classroom assigned by Shibazu was so silent that you could hear a pin drop to the ground.

Li Li's heart was pounding, pounding, pounding. She had not felt this way for a long time.

The head teacher didn't know when he stood on the podium, and the students were all sitting upright.

Li Li looked at the class teacher. He used to be so high-spirited and had gray hair on his temples. He stared at Li Li expectantly.

"stand up!"

Li Li's clear voice broke the silence of the classroom like a melodious lark. The students stood up neatly and shouted in unison:

"Hello, teacher!"

"Hello, classmates!"

The head teacher raised his hand to everyone.

"sit down!"

Li Li led the students to sit upright and listen to the head teacher's speech:

"Students, I am very excited today. It feels like I have returned to the classroom more than ten years ago, but unfortunately seven seats are vacant. Class monitor, can you tell me why these seven students did not come today?"

"Report to the teacher, this..."

Li Li stood up and stood upright, but could not answer.

For more than ten years after graduating from high school, Li Li was a powerful figure in Shancheng. When she opened a factory and started a company, many classmates did come to ask for help. She arranged jobs for them one by one and never refused.

During the class reunions in those years, Li Li borne all the expenses. Except for Tang Qing, who did not participate, there were many other classmates. Li Li, the monitor, also knew the whereabouts of every student in the class...

But with the big turning point in Li Li's life, she lost her career and had less contact with her classmates. Until now, she has basically no contact. How could she know what happened to the seven vacant seats? Are these seven classmates because they have something to do or are they out of town?


"Teacher, I have contacted seven classmates many times, but I just can't get in touch."

Seeing that Li Li couldn't answer, Shiba raised his hand and reported to the class teacher.

"Students, I know you have held class reunions before, but most of them were just to have a meal together, which is not very interesting, so I never come to participate. But today is different. You are all in your thirties.

I am starting a new chapter in my life, and I am here to exchange ideas with you, but I still feel a little regretful that these seven positions are vacant."

The head teacher's words were a little heavy.

Li Li and Shiba Pei felt even more embarrassed standing there. The other students lowered their heads one by one and remained silent.

"Teacher, I know why our seven classmates didn't come today."

Tang Qing stood up.

According to her previous position when she was studying, Tang Qing sat in the first row because she was one of the shorter ones in the class. And Li Li sat in the last row. She was already tall and stood out from the crowd.

Bagui is sitting in the middle. He is of medium build.

"Classmate Tang Qing, tell me, why didn't these seven classmates come today?"

"Reporting to the teacher, two of the seven classmates went abroad after graduating from college, three classmates worked in big cities outside after graduating from college, and two classmates have left us."

"Leave us? What do you mean?"

"Teacher, our two classmates..."

Tang Qing looked back at Li Li...

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