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Chapter 30 The glasses doctor

"Master Long, are you ready for your siesta? I'm asking, please go ride a rickshaw and come back to chat when you have time."

When Tang Qing saw Lao Longtou coming in, he quickly stopped Bao and continued to inquire.

Tang Qing knew that Lao Longtou did not deal with the Li family, especially Mr. Li and Li Li, and had deep grudges.

Unexpectedly, Bao didn't understand when he inquired about it. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the yellow vest that was torn by the slain pig man, raised his head and said loudly:

"Master Jiujin, I'm free now. It's so hot and it's noon. Who's going to take a rickshaw? I came here to talk nonsense and tell you about Li Zapo."

"I'm going to be busy. Doctor Optician, come and sit down and I'll shave your head."

Tang Qing saw that Bao Wenqing didn't understand what she meant, and was embarrassed to say it clearly in front of the old dragon head, so he had to use the excuse of shaving his head for the optician to open Bao Wenqing.

"Master Jiu Jin, you are busy with your business, I will talk to you about mine, just listen while shaving."

Bao Wenzhen sat down on the long bench.

"Bao asked, I can't do two things at once, you'd better go ride your rickshaw first, and come back to talk nonsense when you have time."

Tang Qing wished he could go over and ask Bao for advice. Why couldn't he understand people?

"Master Jiujin, are you worried about multitasking when it comes to shaving your head? You usually shave your head while listening to Carpenter Wang talk about the big book, isn't that razor still very fast?"

Bao was sitting on a long bench, crossing his legs and shaking, feeling very comfortable. He was not responsible for the butcher's injuries, and he still had fifty yuan in his account. How could he be in a bad mood?

"Then tell me about Carpenter Wang."

Tang Qing had no choice but to change the subject as long as he didn't talk about Li Li in front of the old leader.

"Master Jiujin, didn't you just tell me not to talk about Carpenter Wang but about Li Zapo? Let me tell you, that Li Zapo..."

"shut up!"

Tang Qing couldn't help but clapped his hands and loudly stopped Bao from asking further.

"Hey, Master Jiujin, please be merciful!"

The bespectacled doctor grinned and raised his hand to rub his head.

Tang Qing was holding a clipper in his hand and was about to shave his head for the optician. In desperation, the clipper hit him on the head.

"Sorry, does it hurt?"

Tang Qing adjusted his tone and asked the glasses doctor softly.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, you continue, you continue."

It was the first time that the optician doctor heard Tang Qing's soft voice, and he was a little bit intoxicated. He thought, it seems that Master Jiujin is interested in me, why don't I seize the opportunity to further enhance her affection for me?

How can I enhance her affection for me? Regardless of the pain from being patted on the head by Tang Qing, the bespectacled doctor quickly turned around.

Why was she angry just now? Was it because Bao Da heard about Li Zapo? Probably not.

Master Jiujin was most concerned about Li Zapo's affairs, and he couldn't possibly be angry because Bao Da heard about Li Za Po. It must have been Bao Da's long-winded talk about Li Zapo's affairs, which made Master Jiu Jin upset.

I didn't tell her everything about Li Zapo in the hospital yesterday. Wasn't she angry at that time?

Yes, if I tell her about Li Zapo in detail now, she will definitely be very happy. When she is happy, she might agree to go to dinner with me in the evening.

Thinking of this, the bespectacled doctor forgot about the pain in his head and ignored Bao's inquiries. The butcher and the others were still stunned because of Tang Qing's anger, and started talking about Li Li with interest:

"Master Jiujin, that Li Zapo is pregnant..."

"If you're pregnant, get out!"

Tang Qing's clippers hit the bespectacled doctor on the head again. The sound was crisp and clear, complementing Tang Qing's curses and shocking the entire People's Barber Shop.

"you you you……"

The bespectacled doctor covered his head with his hands and looked surprised. He didn't know where he had offended Tang Qing.

"What are you? Why don't you get out?"

Tang Qing didn't know where he got such strength, he grabbed the bespectacled doctor and pushed him out of the People's Barber Shop.

"Master Jiujin, you, you, calm down, calm down."

When Bao heard that the optician was being pushed out of the barber shop by Tang Qing, he thought that when Tang Qing scolded him, "Shut up," he was not scolding him, but the optician, so he came over to persuade Tang Qing.

"Get out of here too!"

Tang Qing turned around, grabbed Bao Wentan's yellow vest, turned around again, exerted force and waved his hand, and Bao Wenhua was pushed out of the People's Barber Shop.


The door of the People's Barber Shop was closed tightly, and Tang Qing sat on the barber chair and breathed heavily.

Silence, except for Tang Qing's heavy breathing, there was only the squeaking sound of the ceiling fan under the ceiling.

For some reason, Tang Qing didn't turn on the air conditioner today, but only turned on the ceiling fan. It was a bit stuffy in the barber shop.

After a moment of silence, the old leader broke the silence.

Now there are only three people in the People's Barber Shop: Lao Longtou, Pig Killer and Tang Qing.

The old dragon coughed twice first, and then said slowly:

"Well, life is as long as it is long and as short as it is short. Just like me, when I was young, I was hot-blooded and cynical. I thought that none of the rich and powerful people were good people, but all bad people. A few years ago, I didn't even see it.

People who are accustomed to getting rich first think that they take advantage of policy loopholes and make money from the hard-earned money of the people."

The pig-killer originally lowered his head. After the old leader spoke, he raised his head, but instead of looking at the old leader, he secretly glanced at Tang Qing. When he saw that Tang Qing was still facing the barber mirror and breathing heavily, he wondered what she was thinking.


After the old leader stopped talking, the butcher wanted to respond politely, but Tang Qing didn't speak, and he didn't dare to speak without permission, fearing that he would say the wrong thing, and Tang Qing would also say "go away" at him.

For some reason, the butcher, a man of nearly fifty years old, was in awe of Tang Qing, a woman in her early thirties.

Awe, respect and fear.

The pig-butcher himself was truly in awe of Tang Qing, the nine-pound master.

The Pig Killer is a native of Yancheng and also a native of Laochengguan.

Laochengguan is the name given by the people of Yancheng to those who were born and lived in the urban area of ​​Shancheng City.

In the old days, butchers, barbers and other low-level trades belonged to the 360 ​​trades. The grandfathers of the butcher family and Tang Qing's family lived in a bamboo shed at the foot of the city wall outside the west gate. The grandfather of the butcher carried a tool bag on his shoulder.

Tang Qing's grandfather went around the villages and alleys to castrate and kill pigs. Tang Qing's grandfather had his head shaved and had his head shaved. The two often walked together and took care of each other.

Butcher's grandfather was a heavy drinker. He had a wine gourd hanging on his belt and kept drinking. He didn't have to eat, but he had to get drunk.

It was already night when he came back from killing the pig. He was so drunk that he stepped on the air and fell into a manure tank on the roadside. Although Tang Qing's grandfather carried him home despite the stench, he left in two days and left him behind.

Butcher's father and grandmother, orphans and widows.

From then on, Tang Qing's grandfather was a pick-pocket boy who took care of the livelihood of the two families until the pig-butcher's father grew up and started a family.

I always thought that the butcher's father could take on the responsibility of supporting the family. Unexpectedly, in order to compete with his colleagues for a pig, the butcher's father killed him with a knife, and he had to pay for it with his own life.

At that time, the pig-butcher was not yet one year old, and the burden of his family's life fell on Tang Qing's grandfather and father.

The pig-butcher didn't learn well when he grew up. He spent all day hanging out with unscrupulous people, which made his grandmother so angry that she didn't say anything, and made his mother sick.

Tang Qing's grandfather and father repeatedly tried to persuade him to change his ways, but he scolded him and said, "You don't have to deal with our family's affairs. Do you and your son have an improper relationship with my grandmother and mother? Are you looking at our bamboo shed?"

Grandfather Tang Qing, his father was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do.

Thirteen-year-old Tang Qing found the pig-butcher and gave the 28-year-old pig-butcher two loud slaps with his little hands.

Then he smashed the beer bottle that the butcher was drinking, and pointed the sharp glass stubble directly at his neck, warning the butcher that if he didn't change his ways and go back to apologize to his mother, her grandfather, and his father,

She died immediately in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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