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Chapter Three Hundred and Four The Foreman Comes To See You

The piece of paper on the bed is pink, a charming pink.

Grandma is such a bear, you Li Zapo looks very serious in black and white on the outside, but secretly you are so pink!

The pink paper was folded in half, exuding a faint scent of jasmine.

Tang Qing didn't know whether the fragrance of jasmine was due to being placed in the quilt or the paper itself. Tang Qing didn't care. She unfolded the paper hurriedly and saw that there were not many words written on it. The handwriting was indeed Li Li's.


“Haha, I’m giving this to you, it’s very nice.

All the items in the old house belong to you. Try on every piece of clothing. It is not good to waste it.

One requirement is that you must clean all the rooms in the old house regularly, otherwise I will settle the account with you."

Grandma is such a bear, she didn’t even leave a message properly, I’ll fuck your dirty stuff!

Tang Qing closed the paper, picked up the pink object on the bed, and raised it high to throw it out the door.

But after raising his hand and shaking it several times, he still didn't throw it out. Instead, he closed his eyes and hurriedly stuffed it into the quilt, and then stuffed it into the cupboard with the quilt.

While doing this series of actions, Tang Qing's face was on fire and his heart was pounding.

Go back. I have to go back quickly today. I must not stay here anymore, in Granny Li's room.

Tang Qing turned off the light, fled Li Li's room, and went to the front yard.

After pulling down the main switch, close the door and lock it, and run home.

As soon as he ran downstairs to his hut, the contractor came forward with an apologetic smile on his face and asked Tang Qing in fear:

"Master Jiujin, are you back from the Li family's old house? Has my aunt really left Shancheng?"

"What are you doing here so late?"

When Tang Qing saw the contractor's appearance, he remembered the time when he was waiting at the stairs like this and invited her to drink his son's full moon wine.

"Master Jiujin, I'm worried. Tell me, why did my aunt leave Yancheng when she was in good condition? And she said she would never come back?"

"You knew I was at the Li family's old house, why didn't you go there to find me? Why are you waiting here so late?"

"I don't dare to go to the Li family's old house. I'm even more scared at night."

"Afraid of your size, why do you want to ask me for anything?"

"Master Jiujin, didn't I ask you just now?"

"Waiting here so late just wants to ask me if your aunt has really left Shancheng? Is it true that she will never come back?"

"Yes, yes."

"Then I can't answer you. You have to ask your aunt herself."

Tang Qing turned around and walked towards the entrance of the corridor.

"Oh, even Master Jiujin doesn't know. So what should I do? How should this little aunt respond?"

The contractor did not pursue Tang Qing this time, but turned around and walked towards the road muttering.

"Hey, stop!"

Tang Qing called to the contractor. She knew that since Li Li and sisters Li Ya met, the contractor had called Li Li the eldest aunt and Li Ya the younger aunt. It didn't matter that she was older than Li Li and Li Ya.

There were so many people in front and behind, they were shouting quite happily.

"Master Jiujin, what are your instructions?"

The contractor returned to Tang Qing.

"I can't talk about instructions. I just haven't seen you for a long time and want to have a good chat with you."

"Okay, okay, let's have a good chat, have a good chat, I also want to have a good chat with Master Jiu Jin."

"If you don't go back so late, will your little secretary have any objections?"

"No, no, she doesn't have to worry about being with Master Jiujin. Besides, she's waiting for me in the car ahead."

"Oh, no wonder you spoke so well today. It turns out you have been under surveillance."

"Master Jiujin sees a smile, Master Jiujin sees a smile, I am conscious of it, I am conscious of it, there is no need for her to monitor me."

"How about that? You can spend some money tonight, and the three of us can go have supper. Let's chat while we eat."

"Okay, Master Jiujin, get in the car quickly!"

Not far away, the little secretary opened the car door and greeted Tang Qing with a smile.

"Your ears are always stuck? It's a good thing I didn't scold your big boss."

Tang Qing got in the car and wanted to learn more about Li Ya's current situation from the contractor.

"Master Jiujin, you scolded him for his own good, but it's too late for me to be happy. Do you know? If you don't scold him for a day, he will become a bitch. If you scold him every day, he will make progress every day."

"Hey, my speaking skills are getting better and better. It seems that I am not in vain following your aunt."

"Master Jiujin, has my aunt really left Yancheng? Is she really not coming back?"

"Do you really not know? Did your aunt really not tell you?"

"Master Jiujin, we really don't know. My aunt really didn't tell us."

"It really, really doesn't exist, Master Jiujin, you have to believe us!"

The foreman turned back from the cab and explained to Tang Qing hurriedly.

"You drive well, and we will have a nice talk when we get to Midnight Supper City."

"Listen to Master Jiujin and drive well."

"As you command!"

The contractor stepped on the accelerator and soon arrived at the Night Supper City.

At this time, it was about ten o'clock in the evening, and the night snack city had not yet officially become lively.

"Master Jiujin and I will go there first. You park the car and come over."

After the little secretary got out of the car, she took Tang Qing's hand and walked towards the largest restaurant in the midnight snack city.

"We can just find a smaller food stall, it won't cost too much."

"Master Jiujin, it's rare for you to give us face. We must eat the best tonight."

"Then I'd better order a few less dishes. I don't have a big appetite and I'm afraid of getting fat if I eat more at night."

"Master Jiujin, let's have a lobster feast. The crayfish here is the best in Yancheng."

"Do you and the contractor often eat here?"

"Master Jiujin, is it necessary for business? There is nothing we can do."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand."

Tang Qing followed the secretary into the restaurant.

"The boss lady is here so early today? How many are there in total?"


"Then you can sit wherever you like downstairs."

"Are there any guests in the large private room upstairs?"

"That's not true. How can we have late-night snacks so early? It will take at least another hour."

"Then take the big private room upstairs."

"Aren't there only three of you?"

"What? Three people can't eat in the big private room? Are you worried that we don't have any money in our bags or are you looking down on us?"

The foreman parked the car and walked into the food shop to take over the conversation.

"Hey, boss, you think highly of us when you come to eat here. You three, hurry up and invite us upstairs. Please come upstairs!"

The restaurant owner led Tang Qing, the secretary, and the contractor to the large private room upstairs with a smile on his face.

After sitting down and waiting for the restaurant owner to come downstairs, Tang Qing started talking to the foreman and the secretary.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if we eat a little downstairs."

"Master Jiujin, how can this be allowed? How can you sit in the hall downstairs when you rarely go out for a late-night snack?"

"That's right, Master Jiujin, you can come with us for supper. You think highly of us and treat us as your own. You must come to this big private room."

"That's fine. It's easier for us to talk here, but it's just expensive for you."

"Master Jiujin, what are you talking about? If it weren't for you, how could we two have such a good life today?"

"That's right, Master Jiujin, you are our reborn parent. We are so grateful and have never been able to repay you. Today is a rare opportunity."

"Okay, okay, don't say too much. Since you also consider me a family member, I won't be polite. Let's take this opportunity to have a good chat tonight."

"Let's have a good chat. We must have a good chat."

"Master Jiujin, has my aunt really left Yancheng and never come back?"

"I will tell you about your aunt's situation later. You can first tell me about Li Ya's situation."

"Master Jiujin, my aunt..."

"Who is so grand and dares to sit in a private room? I must sit in a private room tonight!"

Just as the contractor opened his mouth to tell Tang Qing about Li Ya's situation, there was a noise from downstairs of the restaurant.

"Boss, boss, the second private room is still there. You go to the second private room."

"Second private room? I never play second fiddle. I want a big private room tonight!"

"Boss, there are really already guests in the large private room."

"Guest? Aren't I a guest? Go and drive them down. I have to sit in the big private room!"

(End of chapter)
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