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Chapter 35 Tang Qing Changing Clothes

It is true that the door cannot be closed until the memorial ceremony is over.

All doors must be opened before the memorial ceremony so that the deceased relatives can return home smoothly.

After the memorial ceremony is over, the unburned incense is moved outside the gate, so that the deceased relatives will leave automatically.

Although this is superstitious, since a memorial ceremony is being held, such rules must be followed.

Tang Qing's whole body was soaked by the rain, but she still stood motionless by the door, using her body to support the door to prevent it from moving in the strong wind.

The windy and evil behavior tonight caused flying sand and rocks, destroying everything!

As a native of Yancheng, Tang Qing experiences several typhoons every year. The biggest one I remember was level 11, but it was not as windy as tonight.

The rain was also frighteningly heavy. It didn't really fall, but poured down with a basin. It was pouring, absolutely!

Tang Qing supported the door on the left, and the door on the right was blown up by the strong wind. She supported the door on the right, and the door on the left was blown up by the strong wind. She ran here and there, hurriedly like a puppet.


Tang Qing bumped into an unusually soft object and felt something was wrong. He opened his eyes wide and saw that Li Li came over to support the door.

Tang Qing quickly retreated and held the door open with Li Li.

The strong wind was still blowing fiercely and the heavy rain was still pouring. Tang Qing, who was soaked to the skin, did not feel any chill, but felt very warm.

Very warm, yes, very warm!

She recalled the feeling of bumping into Li Li just now. Although it was like lightning in the sky at this moment, it only passed by for a moment, but it was enough for her to feel the unique warmth on her body.

When I was studying, there was a tug-of-war organized by the school, and all the girls in the class went out together. Li Li was the tallest, so she naturally sat at the bottom. Tang Qing was the heaviest, and the class teacher ranked her second to last, which was in front of Li Li.

Tang Qing was extremely excited to be ranked ahead of Li Li in the river-digging competition.

When the official competition began, Tang Qing used all his strength without reservation. Unexpectedly, the girls on the other side were all weak and weak, so they gave up resistance in a short time and directly let go of the rope.

This loosening was fatal. The girls in Tang Qing's class were still pulling hard towards her, and they all fell to the ground. The bony rice cards were stacked on top of each other, and Tang Qing was stacked on top of Li Li.

When the teacher came to pull Tang Qing, Tang Qing got up from Li Li.

The male classmates were all envious and asked Tang Qing how he felt.

Tang Qing tilted his head and replied loudly: I won't tell you!

Haha, when he was studying, he was really happy and carefree, except of course for exams. As long as there were no exams, Tang Qing's student days were indeed carefree and happy.


Li Li turned on the light.

"Has the rain stopped?"

Not only did the rain stop, but the wind also stopped, and Tang Qing's beautiful memories had to be suspended.

Li Li moved the three sticks of fragrance to the gate and turned back to the backyard.

Tang Qing estimated that Li Li went to change clothes and she was also soaked all over. He took the six plates of "three meat" and "three vegetarian" dishes back to the kitchen to reheat them.

When Tang Qing heated up the dishes and brought them back to the hall, Li Li had already returned and sat at the table.

Tang Qing placed the chopsticks in front of Li Li and served her a bowl of rice.

Li Li did not eat immediately, but kicked the stool next to her.

Tang Qing lowered his head and saw several pieces of clothing on the stool.

Li Li kicked again.

Tang Qing realized that these clothes and pants were prepared by Li Li for her. She hurriedly picked up the clothes and pants and ran to the kitchen.

Tang Qing would not go in the backyard easily. Li Li was in the hall, but she was embarrassed and had to go to the kitchen.

Tang Qing saw that the underwear and underwear were all new, with the trademark on them, but they had been cleaned. She took off her wet underwear and quickly put them on.

But she had trouble picking up her coat. Li Li had prepared a dress for her.

This dress is made of silk fabric with white floral background. It is also new. The label is all in English. Tang Qing cannot understand it, so the price must not be cheap.

Tang Qing has never worn a skirt, including a dress, when he has grown up.

To wear? Or not to wear?

She has worn all the underwear she prepared, but she still doesn’t dare to wear outerwear?

But this is a dress, can I wear it?

Li Li can wear it, why can't you?

What's Li Li's figure? She's curvy and graceful.

What's my stature, Tang Qing? I'm short and solid, with the same thickness from top to bottom.

You can't put your wet clothes back on, right? That would seem too pretentious, and it would also betray her good intentions.

Yes, how could I live up to her kindness? These are the clothes she prepared for me, how could I not wear them?

Wear it, you must wear it!

Tang Qing mustered up the courage to put on the dress.

Where is the mirror? Let me look in the mirror first. How do I look in a dress?

Why is there a mirror in the kitchen? How can I go out without looking in the mirror? What if it’s ugly?

Ugly? How can such a high-end dress be ugly? Do you think any of Li Li's clothes look ugly? She always turns heads when she walks on the street.

But that was Li Li, not me, Tang Qing. If I were walking on the street wearing this dress, people would think there was something wrong with my brain, and they might send me to a mental hospital.

Where is there a mirror where I can look in the mirror? There must be one in Li Li’s room in the backyard, but I can’t go there. But I really don’t have confidence if I don’t look in the mirror?

"Hey, I should be able to take this."

Tang Qing picked up the stainless steel kitchen knife on the chopping board and kept taking photos at himself.

"Hey, it really shows in the photo. Hey, is this me? I seem to have gotten younger! I'm not that fat anymore! Haha, my waist is also coming out. Haha, I have a waist!"

Tang Qing looked at herself wearing a white dress in the kitchen knife and was ecstatic.

Although the self in the kitchen knife is a little blurry, it is a brand new self, a self still full of youthfulness.

Tang Qing couldn't bear to put down the kitchen knife, turning it over and over, taking pictures from all angles.

"Hehe, you can't take this photo anymore. What if she comes in and thinks I'm going to commit suicide with a kitchen knife, hehe!"

Tang Qing had never been so happy. She reluctantly put down the kitchen knife, tiptoed to the kitchen door, slowly stretched out her head and looked into the hall.

She didn't dare to go out directly for fear of being teased by Li Li.

Making fun of me? No way? Otherwise she wouldn't have prepared such a dress for me. Besides, isn't she still not talking to me?

Tang Qing poked her head out and saw that there was no one in the hall. Li Li must have finished eating and went to the backyard. She straightened her dress, walked to the hall and sat down to eat.

“It smells so good!”

Tang Qing ate three large bowls of rice.

"I have a little girl named Jiu at home..."

Tang Qing was singing Shaoxing opera while washing dishes and tidying up the kitchen, feeling extremely happy.

"I have a little sister who is admirable for her intelligence. She is an expert at depicting dragons, embroidering phoenixes, and can play chess, calligraphy, and painting..."

Tang Qing packed up the kitchen and returned to the hall, when he heard the same singing sound coming from the backyard.

The singing voice is clear, graceful, delicate and soft, like heavenly music.

What Tang Qing sang just now could only be regarded as humming, and the sound coming from the backyard was the real singing.

Li Li can also sing Yue Opera?

Although everyone in Yancheng can sing Yue Opera, most of them just hum the tune, and only a few can sing it well.

It definitely can't be Li Li who sings so well.

Because she had been a classmate for so many years, Tang Qing had never heard Li Li sing Yue opera.

People in Yancheng called Li Li Li Zapo just because she did well in business. She was the first to become an individual, the first to set up a factory, and the first to open a company.

But the singing is so beautiful, even better than professional actors.

Tang Qing couldn't hold back his curiosity. He stretched his head out of the side door of the hall and looked into the backyard.

I didn’t know it at first glance, and I was shocked when I saw it.

It wasn't just a simple fright. Tang Qing almost sat down on the ground.





Tang Qing rubbed his eyes desperately, wondering if there was an illusion in his eyes!

After rubbing it several times, the scene in front of me really existed.

Tang Qing couldn't help but sigh, this Li family's old house is so magical, full of surprises all the time, always bringing you fear and joy inadvertently!

This chapter has been completed!
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