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Chapter 351

Li Ya had many questions about the fire that occurred in Li's old yard on Lushan Road, and Cai Jiaotou explained to her as a witness and person who had been there.

When Cai Tootou said that the other rumor was not a rumor but a fact, Tang Qing interrupted him and continued:

"I think it's better not to say anything. It's getting late. I'm going home. Master Caijiao, you should rest early. Li Ya, you should also go back to the hotel and rest early."

After saying that, Tang Qing stood up and walked out of the Li family's old courtyard. Regardless of Li Ya's repeated attempts to stay, he walked through a small alley on Lushan Road and returned to his hut.

"Hey, why did Master Jiujin go back so suddenly? Didn't she just ask you to tell me another rumor, so that I wouldn't be suspicious and worried about it?"

Li Ya didn't understand why Tang Qing was so determined to leave the old courtyard?

"Manager Li, don't blame Master Jiujin. She is also in a dilemma."

"Master Jiujin is in a dilemma? Master Caijiao, what do you mean?"

"Manager Li, another rumor involves Master Jiujin's grandfather, who is also the most good man in our city - Tang Shatou."

"It involves Grandpa Tang?"

"Yes, and that's not a rumor, it's a fact!"

"Master Caijiao, then you must tell me the truth. Tell me, tell me quickly!"

"Manager Li, don't be anxious, listen to me slowly."

Caitou Toutou told Li Ya all the past events.

After Li Ya's father was born, the Li family was extremely happy. As an official family like theirs, the birth of boys and girls was very important.

Although the current era no longer calls young ladies and young masters, people inside and outside the Li family still call Li Ya’s father the eldest young master of the Li family.

The eldest young master of the Li family was born with handsome features and extraordinary appearance. Apart from crying all day long, he could be regarded as an extraordinary little boy.

On the day when the eldest son of the Li family was full moon, the Li family held a full moon banquet for him and invited Tang Shatou to shave his full moon head.

Tang Shatou was not willing to go there, but he couldn't resist the invitation from Mr. Li of the Li family's old house on Lutei Mountain, so he reluctantly agreed, but he proposed to come back after shaving the child's full-month head, and he would not eat a bite of the full-moon banquet, nor receive a cent of the red envelope gift.

Stay one minute longer.

Everyone in Yancheng knows that there are "three no-shavings" in Tang Dynasty, that is, the heads of officials, the heads of wealthy people, and the heads of evil people are not shaved.

The people in the old courtyard of Li's family on Lushan Road belong to the official family, so they naturally did not shave their heads in the Tang Dynasty, regardless of whether they were young or old.

However, the Li family on Lushan Road regarded their eldest young master as a treasure and always hoped that Tang Shatou would shave his head for a full month. Because Tang Shatou's reputation was unmatched in Shancheng, and all barbers could only compare to it.

The Li family on Lushan Road had no choice but to go to Mr. Li from Lutei Mountain and tell them that they were the family and hoped that Mr. Li would come forward and ask Tang to shave his head for the eldest son.

At that time, Master Li had not taken Li Zhong in. Li Cheng, who was still a fat boy and loved his family, came to ask Tang to shave his head without saying a word.

Tang Shatou and the Li family of Luteishan did not interact with each other originally. They only started to have contact with each other after saving the Li family's master in Luteishan when he was in trouble. However, it was only limited to shaving the heads of their family.

All gifts are rejected.

Tang Shatou followed Mr. Li to the old courtyard of the Li family on Lushan Road. The Li family gave him a grand welcome, served Mingqian tea, delicious cakes, generous gift bags, and set off 10,000 firecrackers.

Tang Shatou turned a blind eye to this and stood upright in the tunnel without entering the main room.

The Li family had no choice but to take the eldest son to the temple and ask Tang to have his head shaved.

One second ago, the eldest young master of the Li family was still crying in the hall. When he arrived at the temple and saw Tang Shatou, he was actually "giggling" happily and laughing non-stop.

Tang Shatou's hair-shaving skills were second to none in the city, and he could shave a full moon in just a few minutes. After shaving, he picked up the shaving box and left.

The eldest young master of the Li family has been crying since the moment Tang shaved his head and left the old courtyard of the Li family. When he was tired from crying, he went to bed, and when he was asleep, he cried again for a hundred days.

There was a hundred-day banquet to be held in a hundred days, and the Li family on Lushan Road asked Mr. Li to ask Tang to shave his head for the eldest young master.

Tang Shatou said to Mr. Li that it was okay to go, but he still had to shave on the ground, and he still didn't eat a bite of the hundred-day banquet, didn't receive a cent of the red envelope gift, and didn't stay for more than one minute.

Mr. Li had no choice but to agree and take Tang Shatou to the Li family's old yard on Lushan Road.

This time it was even more amazing. As soon as Tang Shatou entered the door, the eldest young master stopped crying. When he was carried out, before he could reach Tang Shatou, he started to giggle. When he was within an arm's length of Tang Shatou, he started to laugh.

When he was out in the field, the infant boy shook his body and two little hands vigorously, trying to pounce on Tang Shatou.

When Tang Shatou shaved his head for a hundred days, the eldest young master stared at Tang Shatou with his bright lychee eyes, babbling as if he wanted to talk to Tang Shatou.

After Tang finished shaving his head and put away the razor, the young master's smile instantly disappeared.

Tang Shatou walked out of the Li family's old courtyard carrying the shaving box. The eldest young master started crying again, several times more than usual.

The Li family had no choice but to ask Tang Shatou if he could return to the old courtyard and stay a little longer, at least until the Hundred Days Banquet was over.

Tang Shatou had Tang Shatou's own principles of life. How could he easily enter the Li family's old courtyard again, let alone wait for the Hundred Days Banquet to end.

Master Li saw some clues and hurriedly caught up with Tang Shatou and asked if he could give you some advice to relieve the eldest young master from crying.

Tang Shatou said two words lightly: kitchen.

Mr. Li wanted to ask a few more questions, but Tang Shao turned around and left.

Mr. Li had no choice but to return to the old courtyard of the Li family.

First, I went to the kitchen with the Li family from Lushan Road and rummaged through it, but couldn't find any food or toys that could stop the eldest son from crying.

The Li family was dejected and wanted to force Tang Shaotou to come over, but they did not dare. Knowing that Tang Shatou was not only uninterested in the powerful, but also won the hearts of the neighbors, being an enemy of Tang Shatou was an enemy of all the neighbors.

The Li family judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, and believed that the word "kitchen" was deliberately made by Tang Shatou to make them happy.

Mr. Li didn't think so. Knowing Tang Shatou's character, although he didn't bother to bow down to the Li family, he wouldn't play tricks on the Li family either.

Mr. Li thought hard and carried the eldest young master to the kitchen.

Hehe, a magical scene appears.

The eldest young man entered the kitchen, giggling and laughing non-stop. Not only did he not cry or make a fuss, he was also like a normal child, able to amuse himself with adults.

From then on, Master Li and the entire Li family looked at Tang Shatou with admiration, fearing and respecting him at the same time.

When the eldest son of the Li family grew up in the kitchen and reached the age of five, when the adults wanted to take him out to play, he would not go anywhere but to the barber shop where Tang shaved his head.

After the eldest son went to school at the age of eight, he still went to Tang Shao's barber shop after school, and spent all day on Sunday in Tang Shao's barber shop.

Before his death, Tang Shatou still maintained the habit of regularly carrying the burden of shaving heads and going through the villages and alleys to shave the heads of regular customers with limited mobility. Whenever Tang Shatou took up the task of shaving heads, the eldest son of the Li family would follow behind him.

Tang Shatou wouldn't let him follow, and the Li family wouldn't let him follow either, but the eldest young master of the Li family had to follow, otherwise he would roll around on the ground until he foamed at the mouth and fainted.

The Li family had no choice but to beg Tang Shatou to let the eldest young master follow him. Tang Shatou reluctantly agreed, but put forward a condition that the Li family must also send someone to follow their eldest young master.

In this way, there is a scene of one-and-two. Whenever Tang Shatou walks through the village and alleys to have his head shaved, a little kid is followed, and behind the little kid is an adult from the Li family.

Time flies, the sun flies by, and the eldest young man of the Li family reaches the age of middle school. One day, after school, he went to Tang Shatou's barber shop. When he walked in, he saw Tang Shatou alone. He went over to hug Tang Shatou and burst into tears.

Tang Shatou couldn't bear to see others cry, especially women and children. The eldest young man of the Li family, a young man, hugged him and cried bitterly. How could he not feel bad? He hugged him and asked him if someone was bullying him in school?

The eldest young master of the Li family said that his parents were not human beings and he wanted to kill them.

Tang Shatou was shocked, but did not show it. He asked the eldest young master of the Li family why he said that his parents were not human beings and why he wanted to kill them?

(End of chapter)
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