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Chapter 355 He is also greedy for beauty


When Caitou Toutou revealed the person who had set the trap, Li Ya was shocked. She couldn't believe that he was the one who set the trap for her father.

"Manager Li, Tang Shatou said something before his death, which explains very well why he set a trap for your father."

"Master Caijiao, what did Grandpa Tang say?"

"Tang Shatou said that people can easily lose themselves in front of two things."

"What two things?"

"Money and affairs."

"Well, that's true."

"So it's not surprising that Mr. Li laid such a vicious trick on your father, because he also misses Aunt Li very much!"

"Being disrespectful to an elder is extremely shameless!"

"Manager Li, Mr. Li explained boldly in front of Tang Shatou that love has no age distinction. His love for Aunt Li is pure and sincere, without any evil thoughts in it."

"Grandpa Tang believed him? Spared him?"

"Tang Shatou is the most good man in Shan City and a gentleman. He cannot be unforgiving and put people to death. Of course, he can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes. When he saw that your father was fine after treatment, he warned Li

Master, if you want to maintain the reputation of the Li family, from now on, you are not allowed to have any evil thoughts about Aunt Li, and you are not allowed to set traps on your father again, otherwise there will be no more Yancheng scholars under his razor!


"Then how did my mother end up in the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain? And she became my father. Oh, it wasn't my father, it was Master Li. He didn't deserve me to call him Master Li either. Old pervert, how did my mother become my father?

That old pervert’s wife?”

"Manager Li, there were many rumors about this at the time, but the more true and plausible one is that he was forced to wake up and put righteousness first!"

"Master Caijiao, can you make it clearer?"

"Manager Li, please listen to me slowly. The so-called last resort is because your mother, that is, Aunt Li couldn't help herself at the time, and Tang Shatou really had no choice, because the little lives of you two sisters are more important than anything else."

"Me and my sister's little life?"

"Yes, Tang Shatou never imagined that your mother and your father were connected by a magpie bridge, and your mother was pregnant with you twin sisters. Your grandparents would not allow Aunt Li to give birth to you sisters under any circumstances. Even if she gave birth to you sisters,

I want you to die too!”

"If tiger poison doesn't eat its seeds, are they still our grandparents? So vicious!"

"Because it was Master Li who sent Aunt Li to the hospital. Master Li told your grandparents that the child is not guilty. If you are afraid of affecting the reputation of the Li family on Lushan Road, then I will take the blame, as long as you don't hurt this sister.


"Then why did I follow my father? But my sister stayed at the Li family's old house in Lutei Mountain?"

"At that time, Li Zhen's mother, the wife of your father Ming Media, happened to be giving birth with Aunt Li. Your father must take you sisters back to the old courtyard on Lushan Road. How could your grandparents agree? The same goes for leaving your sisters alive.

Because Master Li took the blame. Your father had no choice but to take you back to the Li family’s old yard on Lushan Road and leave your sister with Master Li.”

"Since my father loves my mother so deeply, why would he marry another woman?"

"This is also a last resort. If your father doesn't get married, Aunt Li will be in danger of her life."

"That is to say, my grandparents threatened my father with my mother's life?"

"Yes, in order to protect your mother, your father had no choice but to marry her."

"You just got married, how come you still have my brother Li Zhen?"

"This means that your grandparents are very good at playing tricks. They were very good at playing tricks on the scene. It was easy to play tricks on your father. After your father got married, he still lived alone in the kitchen and would never sleep with that woman.

.One night your grandparents asked the woman to put on a costume and pretend to be Aunt Li, and walk into the kitchen while your father was asleep."

"Maybe they gave my father some medicine beforehand?"

"This is entirely possible, otherwise your father wouldn't have done something stupid."

"Master Caijiao, how do you know so much?"

"Manager Li, I was also responsible for the funeral affairs of your grandparents. They told me the truth about everything before they died."

"Is this the sudden awakening you just mentioned?"

"That's right, people who are about to die can speak kindly, not to mention that Tang Shatou shaved his vagina for them regardless of past grudges."

"They are more guilty of being thieves. They have done too many evil things and are panicked. They are afraid that they will not be able to be reborn in the next life if they go to see the King of Hell!"

"So, as a human being, you should still be like Tang Shatou, who always puts justice first, does not care about his own personal gains and losses, and always thinks of others."

"Master Caijiao, are you saying that my mother went to the Li family's old house in Lutei Mountain out of righteousness?"

"Of course Tang shaved his head out of righteousness, and Master Li also did it out of righteousness."

"I have no doubt that Grandpa Tang is out of righteousness, but I can't believe that old pervert is out of righteousness."

"Manager Li, under the inspiration of Tang Shatou, Mr. Li really did not have any more ideas about Aunt Li."

"That's because he doesn't dare. Grandpa Tang is watching."

"Master Li is in awe of Tang Shatou, not only because Tang Shatou saved the lives of Mr. Li's father and Mr. Li himself, but also because of Tang Shatou's status in the eyes of his neighbors."

"The old pervert pretends to be a great scholar on the outside, but secretly he is a male thief and a female prostitute. He is very dirty."

"Manager Li, you can't say that to Mr. Li. At least he left Aunt Li to the Li family's old house in Lutei Mountain and spared your sister's life."

"Hmph, he kept my mother in the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain. Isn't he still evil? Isn't he coveting my mother's beauty? In the hope that one day he can take action. But he knew that my mother was ill-fated and left early. He fetched water from a bamboo basket.

It was all in vain. As for my sister, she might as well have died then, otherwise she wouldn’t have to suffer so much now.”

"Manager Li, now that you're talking, let me tell you something that even Master Jiujin doesn't know about."

"What happened?"

"Before Tang Shatou died, he held my hand and shed tears and said that the only people he was sorry for in his life were your mother and your sister."

"Grandpa Tang said he was sorry for my mother and my sister? Did he tell you that before he died?"

"Yes, I can't help crying when I think back to how heartbroken he looked at that time."

There were tears in his eyes, feet, head, and eyes, and his face was in pain.

"Shouldn't Uncle Tang and Master Jiujin be present before Grandpa Tang dies?"

Li Ya was puzzled.

"Manager Li, Tang Shatou is the most unique old man I have ever met in my life. He usually does not care about personal gains and losses and works hard for other people's affairs, but he never troubles others for his own affairs. Do you know?

We are not even willing to trouble him if he dies, let alone bring sorrow to his family."

"Master Caijiao, I don't understand what you mean?"

"Manager Li, Tang Shatou knew that he was going to bid farewell to this world. He arranged everything in advance without saying anything. He even dressed himself and lay down cleanly on the door panel, waiting for the moment when he died."


"He asked his family to entertain the relatives and friends who came to pay their respects as usual. He lay on the door panel and told me that his only regret was that he did not insist on taking your mother to his home and your sister to his home."

"Isn't it because Grandpa Tang's family was very poor at that time?"

"This is not the main reason. Tang Shatou did not want Mr. Li to take your mother and your sister to the Li family's old house in Lutei Mountain at first. He wanted to take your mother and your sister back to the Tang family's courtyard by himself. The reason why he did not insist was,

I'm worried that the Li family on Lushan Road won't let it go, and sooner or later they will do something dirty to your mother and your sister."

"Only by going to the Li family's old house in Luteishan could my mother and sister save their lives."

"That's right, so Tang Shatou didn't insist, but when Aunt Li passed away unfortunately, Tang Shatou regretted it. Instead of your mother leaving like this, he would have taken her and your sister directly to the Tang family courtyard. Even if

At the hands of the Li family."

"You mean my mother didn't die due to illness?"

"Yes, your mother committed suicide."


(End of chapter)

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