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Chapter 378 Little Baa's Gift

Chapter 378 Xiaomei’s gift

"Aunt Li Ya, is she Master Jiu Jin?"

Wang Xinjie saw Li Ya crying and knew something was wrong.

"It's okay, let's go see Xiaoqiang first."

Li Ya took out a tissue from her bag, wiped the tears from her face gracefully, and walked towards the inpatient department.

The two young beauties standing at the corner of the stairs quickly followed each other, one on the left and the other on the right.

When Li Ya rushed over from the provincial capital, two experts from the province in the car had already asked the dean about Tang Qing's injuries on their mobile phones, saying that they could only place their hope on experts from the northern metropolis.

Just now, two medical experts from the northern metropolis said that the situation is not optimistic and that we must be mentally prepared, indicating that Tang Qing's injury is not generally serious, but that he is not out of danger yet.

The big buck tooth fell and hit Tang Qing. It happened at about eight o'clock in the morning. It is now almost eight o'clock in the evening. Almost twelve hours have passed. Tang Qing is still not out of danger. What is this signal? A signal of death!

Li Ya didn't dare to think about it anymore. She had already done everything she should and could do, and she could only follow fate.

Li Ya didn't speak. Wang Xinjie, Director Liu, Jian Qiang and the woman Bao who followed her also naturally remained silent. They walked heavily one by one to the door of Xiaoqiang's ward.

"Where's the stuff?"

Li Ya asked standing at the door of the ward.

"Mr. Li, here it is."

A young beauty on the left hand respectfully handed Li Ya a large paper bag.

"You go down below and wait at the door of the emergency room. Report any situation immediately."


Li Ya took the paper bag and knocked on the door of the ward. The two young beauties turned around and hurried downstairs back to the emergency room.

"Child, come in quickly, come in quickly!"

Tang Qing's mother warmly greeted Li Ya.

"Is it Aunt Li Ya? I thought it was my mother."

Xiaoqiang lay on the hospital bed and leaned up to look at the door of the ward. He was a little disappointed when he saw that it was not Tang Qing who came in.

"Aunt Li Ya is also your mother?"

Li Ya walked toward Xiaoqiang with a smile on her face, looking completely different from the one she had just seen at the door of the emergency room.

"Aunt Li Ya, isn't my mother okay? Why haven't you come to see me yet?"

Xiaoqiang's little eyes looked at Li Ya with disappointment.

"Xiaoqiang, your mother also wants to assist policeman Xiaowang and the others in catching bad guys. Come, let's see what gift sister Xiaomei brought you?"

Li Ya didn't dare to look at Xiaoqiang's disappointed eyes, and held the paper bag in front of Xiaoqiang with both hands.

"Did sister Xiaomei bring me a gift? Is it really a gift from sister Xiaomei?"

Xiaoqiang suddenly jumped up from the hospital bed and couldn't wait to open the paper bag and check it out.

Xiaoqiang was mainly frightened, and except for one or two scratches on his face, there were no other serious injuries.

Of course, if Tang Qing hadn't turned around and pinned Xiaoqiang under him in a flash of lightning, Xiaoqiang probably wouldn't have had a chance to save him.

Just imagine, what would happen if the base of a stone bench fell from the river embankment and hit Xiaoqiang's young body?

"Wow, what a high-end building block. Oh, and there is also a beautiful music box."

Xiaoqiang was completely immersed in the happiness Xiaomei brought him.

"Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong, dear brother Xiaoqiang, sister Xiaomei, I wish you good health, happiness, and joy!"

Xiaobaa's sweet voice came from the music box.

"Hehe, sister Xiaomei wishes me a great health. I am in great health, hehe..."

Xiaoqiang returned to his carefree childhood state and concentrated on building blocks.

Li Ya exited the ward, and the three elderly people and others followed Li Ya to the corridor.

Tang Qing's mother closed the ward door, took Li Ya's hand and asked softly:

"My child, can Qing'er be saved?"

Before she finished speaking, Tang Qing's mother burst into tears.

Tang Qing's father and Tang Qing's father-in-law covered their faces and wept. Director Liu, Wang Xinjie, Jian Qiang and the woman who asked Bao also had wet eyes and sobbed softly.

Li Ya actually wanted to cry more, and she felt even more uncomfortable. But she still held back her tears, lowered her voice and said to Tang Qing's mother and everyone:

"You must not cry, especially in front of Xiaoqiang. Master Jiujin will definitely be fine, and she doesn't want to see you like this."

"My child, if Qing'er can't survive, how will we survive?"

Tang Qing's mother couldn't stop her tears from flowing down.

"Auntie, for Xiaoqiang's sake, you all must do well. If Master Jiujin really has his shortcomings, I will be your daughter, and I will take care of you till the end of your life!"

Li Ya spoke firmly and decisively.

"My child, thank you for your kindness. Auntie asks you to find a way to save Qing'er. Even if you try to sell the iron, we won't hesitate."

"Auntie, I believe that the medical experts from the northern metropolis will be able to save Master Jiu Jin. You don't have to worry about the medical expenses. I will take care of everything."

"My child, please help us put it on first. When Qing'er gets better, she will definitely find a way to return it to you."

"Auntie, you are talking like an outsider again. When I came here, my sister warned me again and again that the Tang and Li family would not have been the Li family without the Tang family; without Master Jiujin, there would have been no sisters like us. She told me not to care.

For money, if one million is not enough, just ten million. If ten million is not enough, just one hundred million. As long as Master Jiujin is healthy."

"Child, thank you two sisters!"

Tang Qing's mother wanted to kneel down to Li Ya, but Li Ya quickly stopped her from kneeling down.

"Mr. Li, the dean invites you."

A young beauty came up to report to Li Ya.

"Okay, I'll go down now. Auntie, everyone, you must not show any pain in front of Xiaoqiang. His mood has just stabilized and he can no longer be stimulated at the psychological level."

"Yeah, yeah, we will definitely do it, we will definitely do it."

Looking at Li Ya's back, Tang Qing's mother, father and father-in-law wiped away their tears and returned to the ward.

The woman who inquired Bao and Jian Qiang followed the ward. In addition to sadness, they felt full of guilt.

If it weren't for seeking justice for Bao Qing, Tang Qing would have been thrown off the river embankment by his big buck teeth, and his life was hanging by a thread.

"Sister Jian Qiang, come and help me find out how to build it here?"

Xiaoqiang concentrated on building the building blocks that Xiaomei gave him. Since it was a building block imported from abroad, Xiaoqiang couldn't build it completely at once.

"Oh, such high-end building blocks? Sister Jian Qiang doesn't know how to do it."

Jian Qiang went over to build blocks with Xiaoqiang.

"Father, mother, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for Master Jiujin..."

The inquiring woman bent over with tears in her eyes and apologized to Tang Qing's father, father-in-law and Tang Qing's mother.

"Child, you must not do this. Have you forgotten what Li Ya said?"

Tang Qing's mother took hold of the woman's hand, looked at Xiaoqiang and winked at her.

"Mom, in my heart..."

"Don't say any more, we know what's going on and it's not your fault."

"Auntie, uncle is also a victim. My mother is a master of Jiujin. She will definitely be able to work with policeman Xiao Wang to catch that bad guy and shoot him!"

Xiaoqiang suddenly raised his head and said to the inquiring woman. After finishing speaking, he concentrated on building blocks with Jian Qiang.

Tang Qing's mother sat down to one side while the woman she was asking about was quietly watching Xiao Qiang and Jian Qiang building blocks.

"What our Xiaoqiang said is so good. Uncle Xiao Wang has arrested all the bad guys, and those who deserve to be shot will definitely be shot!"

As soon as someone arrived, policeman Xiao Wang walked into the ward.

"Uncle Xiao Wang, why are you here?"

Xiaoqiang's little head looked up from the pile of blocks, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Uncle Xiao Wang has brought you delicious food. Classmate Xiaoqiang, please look at it. What is this?"

Policeman Xiao Wang handed two food boxes to Xiao Qiang.


Xiaoqiang was overjoyed, but as soon as his two little hands touched the food box in Policeman Xiao Wang's hand, he immediately retracted it, as if he was electrocuted.

"What? You don't like it?"

"My mother won't let me eat this, saying it's junk food."

"It's okay to eat a little occasionally. Your mother asked me to buy it for you today as a reward for your bravery."

"Really? Is my mother here? Where are her people? Where is she?"

Xiaoqiang did not take the food box from Policeman Wang, but jumped out of bed and rushed to the door.

(End of chapter)

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