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Chapter 386 Awake Tang Qing

Tang Qing opened her eyes, and a smiling child's face was facing her.



Without waiting for Tang Qing to make further movements or words, Xiao Qiang pounced on his little head and kissed her fiercely, from forehead to cheek, from nose to chin.

After the kiss, Xiaoqiang jumped off the hospital bed and ran out of the ward, shouting:

"My mother is awake, my mother is awake!"

"Are you really awake?"

"Great, great!"

"The miracle finally happened, the miracle finally happened!"


Everyone sitting on the chairs in the corridor outside the ward rushed into the ward.

"Qing'er, are you awake?"

"Qing'er, how do you feel?"

"Master Jiujin, do you want some water?"

"Master Jiujin, do you still recognize me?"


"Hey, hey, hey, grandpa, grandma, grandpa, elders, my mother has just woken up, and she can't talk much yet. In this way, you line up and come one by one, each of you can only say one word to my mother, how much

Said he would be disqualified next time.”

Xiaoqiang's little head came out from the other end of the hospital bed, climbed onto the hospital bed, sat beside Tang Qing's pillow and spoke to everyone seriously.

"Okay, okay, let's follow Xiaoqiang's arrangements. Everyone should line up and come one by one."

Li Ya asked everyone to line up.

"Aunt Li Ya, you are my mother's lifesaver. Without you, my mother would not be able to come back. You come first, come and have a word with my mother."

Xiaoqiang waved his hand, and Li Ya happily ran to the bedside, leaned down and asked Tang Qing gently:

"Master Jiujin, how do you feel?"

"Liya, thank you!"

Tang Qing's eyes were moist.

"Master Jiujin, don't get excited, you have to..."

"Aunt Li Ya, you said the second sentence, this won't work, we have to enforce the rules. Grandma, come up quickly."

Xiaoqiang didn't wait for Li Ya to finish her second sentence before calling Tang Qing's mother to come over and talk to Tang Qing.

"Qing'er, Qing'er, how are you?"

Tang Qing's mother came over without saying a word, tears fell first.

"Mom, I'm fine, fine."

Tang Qing wanted to reach out and wipe his mother's tears, but her body couldn't move yet.

"Grandma, step back. Grandpa, come here."

Xiaoqiang was selfless and told Tang Qing's mother to leave before she could say the second sentence, and called Tang Qing's father to come over.

"Qing'er, Qing'er, how are you?"

"Grandpa, can you ask me something else? Grandma has already asked you this just now. It's such a waste of time. Grandpa, please get out of here. Grandpa, come up."

"This kid is scolding me."

Tang Qing's father turned around reluctantly, and Tang Qing's father-in-law happily came to the bedside.

"Qing, just wake up and rest. Xiaoqiang is very sensible."

"Well, what Grandpa said is good. Grandpa also said that he is the manager of the People's Barber Shop. He speaks so poorly. Uncle, come up quickly. Don't waste time."

"Okay, okay, Master Jiujin, are you finally awake? I feel at ease when you wake up, otherwise I..."

Bao inquires about the voice and swallows it more.

"Uncle, please say thank you to my mother slowly later. Auntie, come here."

"Master Jiujin, you finally woke up!"

The woman who had inquired came over and hugged Tang Qing, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Auntie, this counts as you talking to my mother. Sister Daqiang, it's your turn."

"Master Jiujin, have you finally woken up? Master Jiujin, thank you for saving my father. Master Jiujin, I didn't expect that something like this happened not long after I met you just now. In addition to sadness, I feel

Sad. If you don’t wake up, I, my father, and my mother will all live with guilt for the rest of their lives. Master Jiujin, you have finally woken up. I am not only happy, but also happy. I...


Jian Qiang came over and talked to Tang Qing non-stop.

"Sister Daqiang, you have violated the rules."

Xiaoqiang had to interrupt Jian Qiang.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, didn't I violate the rules?"

"Sister Daqiang, you clearly violated the rules by saying so many words."

"Brother Xiaoqiang, you only require everyone to say one sentence to Master Jiujin, but you don't specify how long they should talk for."

"Sister Daqiang, you just said more than one sentence to my mother."

"Brother Xiaoqiang, Master Jiujin and I didn't stop talking, so we could only count one sentence."

"Sister Da Qiang, how did you get admitted to a well-known university in a northern metropolis? What score did you get in Chinese? You won't fail, right?"

"Does this have anything to do with me getting admitted to a well-known university in a northern metropolis? Brother Xiaoqiang, let me tell you, my Chinese scores are the best among all my subjects."

"No, no, Sister Daqiang, your Chinese language must have been taught by your physical education teacher, otherwise you wouldn't be able to figure out the subject, predicate and object. If the subject, predicate and object are complete, it will be a complete sentence. At least what you just said

Six sentences and you'll be out next time."

"Brother Xiaoqiang, please tell me the subject, predicate, and guest, otherwise I won't be convinced."

"Hey, hey, hey, you have a little brother and a big sister. Don't keep talking about subject and object. We are still queuing up here."

Wang Xinjie seemed a little impatient.

"Sister Xinjie, I'm sorry, I have to clarify the subject, predicate and object with Sister Daqiang today. Didn't you teach me before? If there is a problem, you must clarify it in time. You must not understand it half-way or give up halfway."

"Brother Xiaoqiang, you are so awesome!"

"Sister Daqiang, don't flatter me. Even if you flatter me, I will still dance with you to the end, hehe..."

"Brother Xiaoqiang, you and your sister Da Qiang should go aside to host and preside over the guests. We don't have any objection if you dance till dawn. We need to hurry up and have a word with Master Jiu Jin."

Wang Xinjie walked to the bedside alone.

"Sister Xinjie, I actually think it's not good for you to line up like this to talk to my mother. I'm going to cancel."

"Xiaoqiang, what did you say? Hey, it was my turn just now, and you said you wanted to cancel? Are you deliberately trying to make things difficult for me?"

"Sister Xinjie, do you think that everyone lining up to talk to my mother like this is a bit like that?"

"Farewell to the body?"

"Haha, sister Xinjie, this is what you said. I don't know what farewell to the body means?"

"Xiaoqiang, are you going to make me mad?"

"Sister Xinjie, you must not be so angry that my mother is still waiting to hold your child, hehe!"

Xiaoqiang made a face at Wang Xinjie and hid on the other side of the hospital bed.

"Hmph, watch me spank your little ass!"

Wang Xinjie stretched out her hand to hit Xiaoqiang, and then she sat down on the hospital bed.

"Sister Xinjie, don't be angry. Just now my mother was the queen receiving her courtiers. Isn't that how it was shown on TV?"

"Then what kind of minister am I?"

"Aren't you sitting on the bedside to serve my mother? You must be a palace maid!"


Wang Xinjie wanted to be angry but couldn't. She didn't expect that she would fall into Xiaoqiang's hands today.

"Xiaoqiang, you can't be so happy about Sister Jie's jokes."

Tang Qing had long wanted to laugh out loud, but still didn't laugh out loud. Firstly, he had just woken up and did not have the strength to laugh. Secondly, Wang Xinjie was a very high-spirited girl and could not laugh at her easily.

However, Tang Qing's body felt a lot better all of a sudden. It was not just Xiaoqiang's humor and intelligence that made her feel happy. It was also that even Wang Xinjie and Jian Qiang couldn't beat Xiaoqiang. The two of them were admitted to the North

As for college students from well-known universities in big cities, my Xiaoqiang will definitely be more promising than them in the future.

"Master Jiujin, my maid Xinjie wishes to greet you."

"Come here, I would like to say hello to you and thank you for taking care of Xiaoqiang."

"Master Jiujin, I can't take care of Xiaoqiang. If I have to take care of him, he will take care of me."

"Still talkative."

"Master Jiujin, didn't you see it just now? If he, the little prince, hadn't shown mercy, my maid wouldn't have even had a chance to say a word to you."

"Sister Xinjie, you have violated the rules."

A man came to Tang Qing's bed carelessly.


When Tang Qing saw the man, he frowned.

(End of chapter)

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