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Chapter 389 Love Warms the Heart of the Old Man

Tang Qing was grateful to Li Ya, but he always felt sorry in his heart. What could an ordinary barber in a small county do in return for Li Ya's life-saving kindness to him?

Kind people will always remember the kindness others have done to them, and always think about how to repay them?

Tang Qing must be a kind person, otherwise she would not have become the nine-pound master of the People's Barber Shop, and it would not have been possible for her neighbors to worry about her day and night when her life was hanging by a thread.

Since Tang Qing's accident, neighbors have been coming to the hospital in droves every day to visit her. From the eighty-year-old grandmother and grandfather to the eighty-nine-year-old elementary school students, everyone hopes that she, the nine-pound master, will get well soon.

Tang Qing's father always blamed Tang Qing for not shaving his head properly, for being a nosy, for being a show-off in front of the neighbors, and for pretending to be a good guy.

After this half month, Tang Qing's father's thoughts completely changed. He was moved by the true love of his neighbors and felt proud to have such a daughter.

Tang Qing's mother made a joke. If she accepted the condolence money sent by her neighbors, Tang Qing would have no problem renting the best storefront in Shan City and opening a people's barber shop.

Tang Qing's father-in-law also joked that if he accepted the condolences sent by his neighbors, Tang Qing would be able to open a supermarket instead of buying goods for a month after he got better.

Although what the two old men said was a bit exaggerated, it was enough to imagine the love the neighbors had for Tang Qing.

When they learned that Tang Qing had regained consciousness, the neighbors were overjoyed and did not dare to disturb Tang Qing at the hospital. Instead, they went to the People's Barber Shop to congratulate her.

After Tang Qing was out of danger and his injuries stabilized, Tang Qing's father and father-in-law went to the People's Barber Shop to resume their old business. Just like the last time Tang Qing injured his hands while fighting a fire, they both sat in the People's Barber Shop.

No matter what happens, the people's barber shop must be opened, not to make money, but to provide convenience to the neighbors and to convey the love to the neighbors.

"Come on, come on, everyone eat candy, everyone eat candy!"

Tang Qing's mother distributed candies to the neighbors with a smile on her face.

For half a month, Tang Qing's mother couldn't eat and sleep well. She finally had a good sleep last night. After breakfast, she came to the People's Barber Shop. From a distance, she saw from the entrance of the People's Barber Shop to the river embankment, everything was dark.

The neighbors came to congratulate Tang Qing on her recovery. Without saying a word, she ran to a nearby candy shop, took out all the money she had, bought two large bags of candies, and came to distribute them to the neighbors.

"Everyone, everyone, from now on, the food stalls are free for one day. You can order whatever you want to eat. We guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

Bao Wenqing and Jian Qiang were busy at the snack stall. When they saw Tang Qing's mother distributing candies to the neighbors, they temporarily decided to provide various snacks to the neighbors for free.

"Grandparents, uncles and aunts, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, children, in order to thank everyone for caring about my mother, the People's Barber Shop will give free haircuts to the neighbors for a week starting from today. Welcome! Welcome!"

Xiaoqiang stood on a long bench in front of the People's Barber Shop, with his two small hands made like trumpets, and shouted at the top of his voice.

“The snack stalls provide all kinds of snacks for free, everyone is welcome to come and taste them!”

Jian Qiang's shouts and Xiao Qiang's shouts came and went, enthusiastic and cheerful, becoming a festive symphony in front of the People's Barber Shop.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, sister Daqiang, thank you both for your kindness. We are happy that Master Jiujin can revive. We are even happier by eating a candy. We will not accept free snacks and haircuts."

"Yes, Master Jiujin's recovery is more important than anything else. We will trouble her a lot in the future."

"With the People's Barber Shop and Master Jiujin here, we feel at ease."


The shouts of Xiaoqiang and Jian Qiang were quickly drowned out by the shouts of the neighbors. There was a happy scene at the entrance of the People's Barber Shop and on the river embankment in front.

This situation was quickly conveyed to the ears of Tang Qing in the hospital. Tang Qing was mixed with joy and sorrow. He was happy because of the love his neighbors showed to him and the People's Barber Shop, but he was worried about how he could repay his neighbors. Originally, he was worried about how he could repay his neighbors.

The panic caused by Li Ya suddenly became more intense.

To eliminate this panic, Tang Qing thought that the only way was to find Li Li.

To find Li Li, currently we can only go through two people, one is the contractor and the other is Shibapi.

The contractor was too smooth. Although Tang Qing could use a razor to scare him into telling the truth, if the news reached Li Li and Li Ya, misunderstandings would inevitably arise between them. Moreover, the contractor would definitely tell Li Li afterwards

, Li Ya reported that after all, their sisters were his financial backers.

Shibapi, you bastard, you marry a wife and forget your mother. Ever since I met my cousin, I have not only forgotten my parents, but I have also never stepped foot into the People's Barber Shop.

Grandma is a bear. She used to keep saying, Qingtuan, I love you, I only have you in my eyes.


You really fell into a manure pit and spewed feces all over your mouth. Fortunately, I have my own opinion and am not the kind of person who is greedy for money and is easygoing. Otherwise, my reputation will not be the same as yours in the rest of my life. I am as smelly as the feces!

"Qingtuan, how do you feel? Do you want me to buy you something delicious?"

Shibapi's big-backed head appeared in front of Tang Qing.

Tang Qing was scolding Shiba in his heart. When he saw his playful smile and asked himself, he blurted out:

"Eat your shit!"

"Hey, hey, eldest sister, my youth group wants to eat big cakes, please buy them quickly!"

"Ah? Master Jiu Jin wants to eat big cakes? Then I'll go buy it now. I'll go buy it now."

The inquiring woman hurriedly rummaged through the pockets of another piece of clothing for money. She had been living and fed in the hospital for half a month, and stayed with Tang Qing around the clock.

Tang Qing didn't know whether Shiba Diao misheard "dung excrement" as "big cake", or he deliberately said "dung excrement" as "big cake". When he saw Bao and inquired about it, the woman believed it and took the money to go out and buy her big cake.

He shouted anxiously:

"No, no, no..."

Tang Qing's shouting at this time was almost the same as a normal person's soft talk. She had just woken up yesterday and had not eaten yet. She relied on salt water to maintain her nutritional needs. How could she shout with a really loud voice? Bao inquired about the woman's single-minded focus.

I thought about buying big cakes for Tang Qing as soon as possible, but I couldn't hear the words "no" from Tang Qing at all.

Shiba was enjoying himself while urinating. Tang Qing felt angry, and in a hurry, he stretched out his hand and pushed the glass cup on the bedside table to the ground.


A crisp sound not only made the woman who had just hurried to the door of the ward to open the door to buy big cakes for Tang Qing turn around and run towards Tang Qing's bedside, but also made Shibazui shrink her neck in fright and run towards the door of the ward.


There was a muffled sound, and Bao Chunwen and Shiba Diai both fell at the end of Tang Qing's hospital bed.

One of the two people was running inside and the other was running outside. They were in such a hurry that they didn't even care to look at their surroundings. A spark hit the earth. After they hit each other hard, the two sides bounced off a distance of more than one meter.

One is lying on the left side of the end of the hospital bed, and the other is lying on the right side of the end of the hospital bed.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Auntie, Uncle Shiba, what game are you playing to show my mother?"

The eldest cousin, Jian Qiang and Xiao Qiang rushed into the ward.

The eldest cousin came to the hospital with Shiba Ni to visit Tang Qing, because she stood at the door of the ward to eat before she finished the food in her hand.

Jian Qiang and Xiao Qiang came to the hospital from the People's Barber Shop together. Since "Brother Xiaoqiang" and "Sister Daqiang" called out the People's Barber Shop to provide free haircuts and snacks for the neighbors, the People's Barber Shop and snack stalls have disappeared.

A customer that everyone avoids.

Tang Qing's father and Bao Dawen thought this was not good, so they sent Jian Qiang and Xiao Qiang to the hospital to readjust their strategies and tactics. People's barbershops and food stalls still charged fees, but only the cost of work was charged.

Doctors and nurses rushed into the ward at the same time, and they were more panicked than anyone else.

(End of chapter)

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