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Chapter 397: Tang Qing Returns Home

In the evening, Tang Qing returned home as he wished.

The ambulance took Tang Qing to the downstairs of the small house where she lived, and the neighbors who came over to ask for help carried Tang Qing upstairs.

Tang Qing’s mother once again distributed candies to everyone to express her gratitude to the neighbors.

Neighbors expressed their willingness to come and take care of Tang Qing in different shifts, and some even arranged their schedules.

Tang Qing's father stood up on the steps, cleared his throat and said:

"Everyone, as the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Everyone's kindness is really touching. With everyone's kindness, my young child will definitely recover quickly. As for daily care, our relatives can still do it. If you are really busy

But come over, please excuse me."

After the neighbors dispersed, Tang Qing smiled and praised his father:

"I never thought that Manager Tang could say such sensible words. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Master Jiujin, for your recognition of Lao Chan. Lao Chan will definitely continue to work hard and strive for greater heights."

Tang Qing's father bowed to Tang Qing with his hands raised.

"I hope you will do what you say and don't let me down."

"If I keep my word, I will definitely live up to Master Jiujin's expectations!"

"Hey, hey, hey, do you two want to read books or act? Are you unable to sleep at night if you don't compete all day?"

Tang Qing's mother came over and stood between her wife and daughter.

"Grandma, grandpa and mother haven't competed with each other for half a month. Can you let them compete for a while? Otherwise, I really won't be able to sleep at night."

Xiaoqiang came over and pulled Tang Qing's mother into the living room.

Although the neighbors had dispersed, the small living room was still full of people, including Bao Tantan and his woman, as well as Jian Qiang, Wang Xinjie, Director Liu, Shiba Diao, the eldest cousin, and the Shanghai aunt. Silly Gu was embracing the Spring Festival, but there was no one to welcome the New Year.

Go, when they learned that Tang Qing had returned home from the hospital, they rushed to the hut where Tang Qing lived.

Eunuch Tang Qing boiled water in the kitchen and served everyone cups of steaming tea.

"Qing'er's house is small, please bear with me. You'd better come to the small courtyard to eat dinner later. I'll go back and cook it right away."

Just as Tang Qing's mother was about to walk out of the hut, Director Liu stopped her:

"Mrs. Tang, don't be busy. Let's go back and have dinner separately. Just now, Manager Tang said that Master Jiujin has relatives who are taking care of him. I think it's not convenient for you three old people to go up and down the fourth floor. At night, we should be a little older than you.

Let the lighter female compatriots come, except of course the Shanghai aunts, silly aunts, and eldest cousins, they all have children."

"Director Liu, there is a nanny for hungry children. If you are hungry, you can come and take care of Master Jiu Jin at night."

"Cousin, you should take care of the child at home. Will the child sleep with you at night?"

"He slept with the hungry guys at night, and didn't he also have his father?"

"Cousin and aunt, thank you for your kindness. You should stay at home to take care of my little brother at night. My mother needs some peace and quiet."

"Xiaoqiang is right, cousin, you can't even knock the gong to wake you up after you fall asleep, and your snoring is quite good. I guess everyone in this building can't sleep well at night.

I thought it was thunder."

"You still said you were hungry, but after you fell asleep, I pulled you out and threw you into the river without knowing it. Your snoring was louder than hunger. The family next door thought you were hungry and raised two big fat pigs."

"Hehe, Uncle Shiba's family raises two big fat pigs. My eldest cousin said so herself."

"Okay, don't worry, everyone. Let me talk about the personnel arrangements. Tonight, Jian Qiang's mother will take care of me, tomorrow night will take care of me, the day after tomorrow will take care of Xinjie, and then Jian Qiang will take turns..."

"Director Liu, I should take care of Master Jiujin. After all, I have been taking care of Master Jiujin in the hospital. I am more familiar with him in all aspects and it is easier to take care of him."

"Director Liu, just let my woman take care of Master Jiujin. You are also busy with work, and your two children will report to school in a few days."

"Yes, yes, my man is right. I am the one who will take care of Master Jiu Jin."

"Mom, why are you in trouble? Director Liu, you should let my mother take care of Master Jiu Jin, otherwise she will feel uneasy."

"Sister Da Qiang, you are also doing it, hee hee."

"Xiaoqiang, your mother asked you to come in."

Tang Qing's father came out of the bedroom and called Xiaoqiang.

"Hehe, grandpa is here too."

Xiaoqiang made a face at everyone, ran into the bedroom and came to Tang Qing.

"Mom, did you call me?"

"Can you speak with your tongue straight? Don't be like this?"

"Mom, you are here too."

"Young poor man, go out and tell the elders that you can take care of me. Don't bother everyone, otherwise I will be angry."

"Okay, even if you don't say it, I still want to say that."

"Alright? Go quickly!"


Xiaoqiang stood at the door of the bedroom, cleared his throat first, and then said to everyone in a straight voice:

"Dear Director Liu, uncles, aunts, and sisters, my mother said that next is the time to test me, so you should all go back, including my grandparents and grandpa. Please give me a chance to grow."


"Is it appropriate?

"Can you do it?"

"Can we rest assured?"


Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. Especially Tang Qing’s parents and father-in-law, how could they trust Xiaoqiang, a child, to take care of a seriously injured patient like Tang Qing?

"If you don't give me such a chance, I may never grow up. Do you still remember when I went into the emergency room and called for my mother? The hospital director and uncle said that I am more effective than medicine. Please.

Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of my mother."

"Xiaoqiang, you must be careful."

"Xiaoqiang, if something happens, please call us in time."

"Xiaoqiang, you must be more alert at night. If your mother feels uncomfortable, tell us immediately."


"Everyone, please come back. If you continue to be 'Xiaoqiang', it will not only affect my mother's rest, but also make her angry. The dean's uncle said that you must not make my mother angry at this time. When my mother is angry,

The wound will burst and it will be unimaginable.”

"Okay, Xiaoqiang, stop talking. We are going back. You should take good care of your mother."

Director Liu took the lead to walk out of Tang Qing's cabin.

Tang Qing's parents, father-in-law and others all walked out of Tang Qing's hut.

Everyone knew in their hearts that this must be what Tang Qing meant. It was useless for everyone to persuade Tang Qing to decide what she wanted to do. It was better to listen to her. She must have known what she wanted.

"Uncle Shiba, my eldest cousin, aunt, please stay here for a while."

After Xiaoqiang kept Shibapi and his eldest cousin behind, he closed the door of his house.

When Shiba Diao and his eldest cousin walked into Tang Qing's bedroom, Xiao Qiang found a piece of red paper, wrote four big words with a brush: "Do Not Disturb", went out and pasted it on the door. Then he closed the door and walked into the kitchen.

Start making porridge for Tang Qing.

Xiao Qiang was busy in the kitchen in an orderly manner, while Tang Qing was in the bedroom asking Shiba Diai and his eldest cousin about Li Ya's coming to Yancheng to set up a large company.

"How did you know she was coming to Yancheng to set up a big company?"

"We also heard it from our friends accidentally."

"It's just that. I just heard about it occasionally. We don't mean anything."

"Don't be in front of me and talk properly. Which friend said that?"

"Young League, more than one friend is talking about it. Oh, it can't be possible. Our classmates are also talking about it, and it's spread all over the streets and alleys of Shancheng."

"Has it spread all over the streets? So quickly?"

"No, that's right. Manager Li is not running a small company."

"No way."

Shiba pissed and pooped on his eldest cousin's clothes.

"It doesn't matter if she does it, it doesn't matter if you don't want it. Cousin, do you know what big company Li Ya is coming to Yancheng to set up?"

Tang Qing glared at Shiba. She was now leaning on the bed with her upper body, and Xiaoqiang put two pillows on her waist.

"Master Jiujin, according to the foreman, Manager Li wants to eat everything in Yancheng."

"Take it all? What do you mean?"

"She will become the boss of Yancheng in all walks of life."


Tang Qing was stunned.

(End of chapter)

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