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Chapter 45 Drive out the contractor

"What are you doing standing here?"

Tang Qing shouted loudly to the contractor standing at the gate of the Li family's old house.

"I, I, I'm looking for Mr. Li."

The foreman took a few steps back involuntarily.

"He's looking for you?"

Tang Qing looked back at Li Li. Li Li had no expression on her face. Because she was wearing sunglasses, she couldn't see her deeper meaning.

"Li, Li, Mr. Li..."

The contractor said as he reached into his briefcase.

"what are you up to?"

When Tang Qing saw the foreman's hand reaching into his briefcase, he quickly unloaded the two large bags of food on his shoulders and smashed his head against the foreman.


The contractor's round body hit the door of the old house and bounced onto the steps.

"Say, what do you want to do?"

Tang Qing went over and stepped on the contractor's body.

"I, I, I don't do anything, I just came to give you a gift."

The contractor was unable to move under Tang Qing's feet.

"A gift? What gift?"

Tang Qing questioned the contractor.

"Today is my uncle's May Day, so I'm here to pay homage and offer gifts."

There is an old custom in Yancheng. During funerals and "May 7th" celebrations, relatives and friends should give some gift money to express condolences.

"Your uncle?"

Tang Qing removed his foot from the contractor and looked back at Li Li again. Li Li still had no expression on her face.

"Li, Li, Mr. Li, this is my wish..."

"You are not allowed to move. Are you going to pull out some weapon?"

Tang Qing was very vigilant. When he saw the contractor getting up from the ground, he put a short and thick hand into his briefcase again and immediately went over to stop him.

The contractor really didn't dare to move anymore. He looked at Tang Qing pitifully and said:

"Master Jiujin, don't be so nervous. I don't even dare to do anything to you, and I don't even dare to do anything to Mr. Li. I just gave Mr. Li a red envelope."

"Red envelopes? Did anyone give red envelopes in May 7th? Did you get shot in the head?"

"Master Jiujin, I have never been hit in the brain by a gun, I have been hit by a pig."

"It's time to hit!"

Tang Qing was still angry at the contractor. She didn't want to take another look at such a beast-like man. If Li Li hadn't been here and said that Master Li was his uncle, she would have driven him away long ago.

Yes, so as not to affect the "May 7" for Mr. Li.

"Let him go!"

Li Li suddenly spoke.

"Okay! Get out of here!"

Tang Qing received Li Li's instructions, picked up a wooden stick by the gate, and hit the contractor hard on the buttocks.

"I'll get out, I'll get out, get out, get out, get out..."

The contractor scurried away with his head in his arms and fled to the roadside, still mumbling.

"Uncle? Master Li is his uncle?"

Tang Qing followed Li Li into the old house and wanted to ask Li Li what the uncle the foreman meant. But he didn't dare to ask directly, so he had to pretend to talk to himself and wait for Li Li's explanation.

But when she reached the hall, Li Li still didn't say a word.

Tang Qing walked to the kitchen angrily and started busy. This was the purpose and task of her coming to the Li family's old house today.

While washing vegetables and daydreaming, Tang Qing returned to her usual state in the barber shop, shaving her head while thinking wildly.

Li Li probably went to the backyard, whether she was missing Mr. Li or putting on a costume to sing.

He probably couldn't sing in broad daylight, he must have been feeling sad or worried and locked himself in his room.

Sad, because today is Mr. Li's "May 7th". On the 35th day of May 7th, Mr. Li has been gone for a whole month and five days. Can it not make people sad when I think about it?

She is worried, isn't she worried? I have been worried about her every day these days.

You said that a divorced woman is pregnant, which is nice to say but not nice to hear.

Master Li, Master Li, you entrusted me to help Li Li, but I really have more than enough ambition but not enough power.

Today she finally took the initiative to talk to me and even let me ride in her luxury car, but when I wanted to ask substantive questions she ignored me.

Of course, I don’t have the courage myself, so I can only say “oh and make up”.

Master Li, Master Li, it has been thirty-five days since you passed away. How come the time has passed so quickly? When I was a kid, I was waiting for the New Year to wear new clothes and eat braised pork. Those days were very slow. I waited and waited, okay?

It’s easy to look forward to the first day of the first lunar month.

Thirty-five days, one month and five days, I acted as a good guy to divide the property among the three brothers and sisters of the Li family, and thirty-five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Thirty-five days, Li Li, it’s been almost a month since you found out you were pregnant, right?

Alas, have you ever thought about how to deal with the child in your belly?

In another half month, you should have nausea, vomiting and other pregnancy reactions, right?

I remember when I was pregnant with my son, I started vomiting more than 40 days after I was pregnant. Hey, I feel so uncomfortable even thinking about that feeling. I was overwhelmed and wanted to vomit when I smelled the oily smoke. It made me vomit.

I had the heart to die. I was about to shave my head, but suddenly my stomach tightened. I had to run to the bathroom and vomited for a long time. This made the customer not want me, a nine-pound master, to shave my head for a long time.

Li Li, in another month, your belly will start to show. You have such a good figure, your belly will definitely become more obvious when it gets bigger. Unlike me, who has a bucket-shaped waist, my son was not special when he was seven or eight months old.

The show of mountains and dews.

At that time, Wang Banxian said eloquently that I must be pregnant with a son, because everyone thinks that when you are pregnant, a big belly is a daughter, and a small belly is a son. My parents-in-law and parents were so happy that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

I don't believe that, there is no scientific basis at all. But the son I gave birth to was a son, and he was so proud that he shouted for my grandfather, and asked my father and father-in-law to treat him to a drink.

I remember that Wang Banxian was sitting at the head of his son’s full-moon banquet, twirling his gray goat’s beard, and saying like an old birthday star:

Master Jiujin is not an ordinary person, and the son he gave birth to is even less ordinary. If he doesn’t win the first prize in the future, I will come to see him with his head raised.

Humph, you still come here to see me with your head? You went to Xishan Cemetery yourself, and you still bring up your skinny head?

That is, if my son doesn’t win the top prize, can he still go to Xishan Cemetery and dig up your grave? Wouldn’t that make me a tomb robber?

Besides, there is no one who is not the top scholar now, and I don’t ask my son to stand out. I just hope that he will grow up in peace and health. In the future, he will find a kind and good girl to get married and have children, and live an ordinary life.

The day will be good.

Hey, hey, hey, Tang Qing, your reverie is too far-fetched, isn't it too broad?

You were obviously worried about Li Li's pregnancy, so why did you think of digging Wang Banxian's tomb, hoping that your son would give you a grandson soon?

Tang Qing retracted his thoughts and sighed unconsciously.

Alas, Li Li, what will you do then? You are a newly divorced woman.

I guarantee that as soon as your belly gets bigger, every household in the streets and alleys of Yancheng will be talking about your belly.

Of course, you won't care about the rumors on the street, because you are Li Zapo of Yancheng. In your eyes, maybe this is just a small thing like eating.

But I care, Mr. Li cares. He gave many instructions before his death and asked me to help you maintain the reputation of the Li family in Yancheng.

I tried to refuse in every possible way, saying how could I have that ability? But Mr. Li said that in the whole city of Yan, I am the only Master Jiu Jin who has the ability to help you, Li Li, maintain the reputation of the Li family.

Alas, isn’t this embarrassing me? What should I do?

If an illegitimate daughter gives birth to an illegitimate daughter after divorce, how can the reputation of the Li family be good? This is a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times more destructive than the fight for inheritance between you three brothers and sisters.

Tang Qing, you must not disappoint Master Li's instructions.

Grandpa said that if you are entrusted by others, you must be loyal to them.

Did grandpa say this? Could grandpa say such heroic words? No matter who said it, I listened to grandpa anyway.

You must be loyal when entrusted by others. I must have a good talk with Li Li today, just about her pregnancy. I must persuade her to cut the knot quickly and do it immediately!

It's too late to do it now. The longer the time goes by, the more difficult it will be. Alas, it's just a pity for this little life. But in order to protect the reputation of the Li family, this is no alternative.

I have to have a good talk with Li Li while we wait for lunch.

This chapter has been completed!
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