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Chapter 51 Tang Qing returns the red envelope

If Grandpa Tang Qing relied on courage and wisdom to save Li Li's grandfather, then he relied on sincerity and life experience to save Li Li's father.

Grandpa Tang Qing did not refuse Li Li's grandfather's request for him to shave the heads of men in the Li family, but he only charged the same as outside, not a penny more, and he also provided door-to-door service.

After Li Li's grandfather passed away, the rule that all men in the Li family had their heads shaved by the Tang family has not changed.

Once, Grandpa Tang Qing went to the Li family's old house to have his head shaved at the specified time. He waited on the front yard road until the sun went down and Li Li's father didn't come out, so he went in to ask.

At that time, the Li family had moved from the Li family compound in the city to the Li family's old house on Lutei Mountain in the suburbs, and there were no servants or helpers left.

Grandpa Tang Qing walked to the door of Li Li's father's room, knocked a few times, but made no sound, and then shouted several times, but made no sound.

Grandpa Tang Qing knew that the situation was not good, because Li Li's father was a knowledgeable person and would not ignore people without reason.

Grandpa Tang Qing opened the door with all his strength and saw that Li Li's father had just committed suicide by hanging from the beam, and his feet were still kicking there.

Grandpa Tang Qing did not panic or yell like ordinary people. Instead, he closed the door, untied Li Li's father, and laid him flat on the ground. After closing the door, he went over and pressed Li Li's father's chest.

"Oh, Master Tang, what did you do to save me?"

Li Li's father woke up and complained about Grandpa Tang Qing.

"Master Li, if you are not afraid of death, what else are you afraid of?"

Grandpa Tang Qing always calls Li Li's father Master Li.

"Master Tang, I'm not afraid, I'm sorry for her."

Li Li's father committed suicide because of the sudden death of Li Li's biological mother.

"Master Li, how can you be worthy of her? You can only be worthy of her if you live a good life and raise Li Li when she grows up."

Grandpa Tang Qing comforted Li Li's father.

"Master Tang, what you said makes sense, but I have already done such a thing, do I still have the nerve to live on?"

Li Li's father looked ashamed.

"Master Li, what did you do? You were reading in your room, fascinated. I came over and asked you to shave your head. You and I chatted for a few words, and that's it."

Grandpa Tang Qing is smiling, sincere and calm.

"Master Tang, you saved my father's life, and now you save my life. Our Li family has failed your Tang family too much!"

Li Li's father was filled with tears and infinitely grateful.

"Master Li, go get your hair shaved. Today is the 30th, and I should have to pay for this month's haircut."

Grandpa Tang Qing opened the door.

"Master Tang, it's time to tie it up."

Li Li's father followed Grandpa Tang Qing out to the front yard to have his hair shaved.

The Li family does not pay the Tang family the haircut money in advance, but pays it only once at the end of each month.

The last time Tang Qing went to shave Li Li's father's vagina, she said that it was a one-time payment. In fact, she didn't want Li Zhong and Li Cheng to pester her too much.

As a result, the two money-obsessed descendants of the Li family rushed to the People's Barber Shop after dividing the inheritance and asked Tang Qing to calculate in person how much money was left for the haircut.

Tang Qing had no choice but to give each of them one hundred yuan.

When the Li family shaved their pubic heads, Tang Qing not only did not get a penny of the shaving money or benefit money, but was also paid two hundred yuan.

Fortunately, Li Li no longer regarded herself as an enemy, and Tang Qing felt a little relieved.

What kind of holiday does this old leader have with the Li family?

Tang Qing looked at the gray-haired old dragon head in front of him, feeling confused.

Tang Qing didn't know about her grandfather saving Li Li's grandfather and Li Li's father, but Li Li's father told her about it.

Tang Qing's grandfather and father seldom mentioned the affairs of the Li family. His grandfather also reminded Tang Qing after knowing that Lao Longtou had become a regular customer of the People's Barber Shop: Never talk about the affairs of the Li family in front of Lao Longtou, including those in the shop.

If others mention it, you should stop it immediately.

Tang Qing always keeps her grandfather's teachings in mind, because she knows that although her grandfather is just an ordinary barber, his principles of life are worth learning for her life.

Especially the ancestral precepts for hair-cutting left by my grandfather: Don’t be careless when it comes to important things. Haircuts deal with people’s hearts, their feelings, and the relationships between people!

Tang Qing didn't dare to forget it for a moment.

Grandpa just reminded Tang Qing not to talk about the Li family in front of Lao Longtou, but he didn't say why? Tang Qing wanted to ask, but she didn't dare and wouldn't ask. Because she knew that Grandpa must have his reasons if he didn't tell her, and asking was in vain.


Today, Lao Longtou took the initiative to bring up his dispute with the Li family. Why don't I take the initiative to ask about it? Maybe it can help Lao Longtou resolve the dispute between him and the Li family, and it might also be good for Li Li.

But it's still not appropriate for Carpenter Wang and the Butcher to be there. Although Carpenter Wang and the Butcher don't go around talking like Bao Wenting, there are always times when a person slips up, not to mention that Carpenter Wang himself is very talkative and speaks great books.

People who are accustomed to talk. The Pig Killer is straightforward and has no scheming. When people find out, he guarantees that Zhudong will tell the story straight away.

I have to send Carpenter Wang and Butcher away first, so that I can ask Lao Longtou alone.

The butcher told him to leave and he would leave immediately. Carpenter Wang has not been to the People's Barber Shop for a long time. It would not be good to drive him away when he comes today.

How to do it?

Tang Qing thought while wiping the razor.

Got it!

Carpenter Wang must have secretly taken away the father-in-law's shaving box last time, he must have cleaned the blood on the razor, and he must have put away the five hundred yuan of benefit money.

He should come over and clean the razor. I can't or won't take the five hundred yuan of profit money under any circumstances. I have kept it in the cash box until the right opportunity comes and I will give it back to him.

Isn't today a good opportunity? Give him some money and let him go back to rest early. After all, he just got sick and was hospitalized.

Okay, let's do it like this.

"Hello, Master Jiujin, oh, Master Long, Master Wang, and Master Pig Butcher are all here?"

As soon as Tang Qing reached for the cash drawer, she walked into the People's Barber Shop with a full face full of money. She hesitated for a moment, then opened the cash drawer and took out the red paper bag.

"Master Jiujin, why don't you give me a big red envelope as soon as I come in? Isn't that too polite of you?"

Big belly money really stretched out a big fleshy hand to Tang Qing.

"Come on, you, the God of Wealth, would miss a red envelope from me? I'm afraid you have to use a basket to carry your banknotes, right?"

Tang Qing opened the fleshy hand stretched out by the big belly money and walked to Carpenter Wang.

"Master Jiujin, what is this?!"

Carpenter Wang looked at the red paper envelope and recognized it as the money he gave to Tang Qing.

Tang Qing shaved Wang Banxian's vagina with a razor stained with blood, and was humiliated by a woman from the Wang family. As a member of the Wang family, Wang Carpenter could not help Tang Qing on the spot, and Wang Carpenter was ashamed.

Afterwards, there was no uproar in the city about the Wang family. It was just some scrawled discussions about Wang Banxian's funeral by some descendants. This showed that Tang Qing had not told the second person what happened that day, which made Wang Carpenter even more worried.


So Carpenter Wang secretly took Tang Qing's father-in-law's shaving box home early the next morning. After cleaning the razor, he paid homage in front of Wang Banxian's tomb. While returning the shaving box, he specially put 500 yuan in benefit money.

He earned money by telling fortunes for neighbors in private.

"Master Wang, I have only come to see you once for such a long time since you were hospitalized. This is just a small token of my gratitude and condolences."

Tang Qing did not say that he was returning the money for the benefit. Seeing that Carpenter Wang was stunned and did not accept the red envelope, he continued:

"Master Wang, if you don't accept this offer, then I will settle the cost of these tool racks, cash drawers, etc. that you built for my shop in your spare time."

Carpenter Wang still didn’t accept the red envelope and muttered:

"This, this, this is different."

The old leader probably saw some clues and advised:

"Neighbors, please don't be so polite, Master Wang. Your intention in accepting Master Jiujin is that only when you are sick in your life do you need everyone's concern."

Carpenter Wang is a smart man. He understood what the old leader said. He stretched out his hand to take the red envelope handed over by Tang Qing, and his voice changed slightly:

"Thank you, thank you Master Jiujin!"

"Master Wang, if a small red envelope makes you so excited, I can turn the red envelopes in your hand into two within a year!"

Dadu Qian went over and snatched Carpenter Wang's red envelope.

This chapter has been completed!
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