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Chapter 57: Elf King Xinjie

A little kid but a big kid, this Wang Xinjie is really extraordinary!

Tang Qing's mind has been filled with thoughts of Wang Xinjie these days.

He accidentally met Li Cheng at Lao Zhang’s tofu and steamed bun restaurant. Tang Qing didn’t think of getting into trouble with him at first. He considered pretending not to see him, waiting for breakfast, and following him until he went to the Li family’s old house or to a deserted place.

It's not too late to warn him again.

But Lao Zhang pointed at Li Cheng, and Li Cheng dodged and avoided Tang Qing. Tang Qing knew that he must have bad intentions when he came back this time, and even wanted to take advantage of Li Li's absence in Shancheng to attack the Li family's old house.

Li Li was not in Shancheng, so Tang Qing would definitely not be able to stop Li Cheng from doing bad things.

Money can make all the difference, and Li Cheng has plenty of money. As long as he works a little bit, there are many people in Yancheng who can help him. He got the news that the Li family's old house was to be demolished so quickly this time, it must be from Yancheng.

Someone tipped him off.

The Li family's old house was going to be demolished, and Tang Qing wouldn't have known about it if Wang Xinjie hadn't told her.

The People's Barber Shop is somewhat of a news center in Yancheng, but during this period no one even mentioned that the Li family's old house was going to be demolished.

By the way, everyone must have known about my unusual relationship with the Li family, especially Li Li, and deliberately avoided my presence. Didn't Xinjie say that the news that the Li family's old house was to be demolished was heard by Carpenter Wang?

Carpenter Wang, you still want to hide three things from me? You don’t even tell me such important news? Let’s see how I deal with you!

Hey, Carpenter Wang hasn’t been to the People’s Barber Shop for a while. Is he too guilty to come?

Alas, I can’t blame Carpenter Wang, but I can only blame myself. Don’t I get angry whenever people mention things about the Li family? Do they still dare to mention the Li family in front of me?

It seems that I have to pay attention to it in the future. There is no need to stop the neighbors from saying anything in the People's Barber Shop. It's better as before, let them talk nonsense, and I can still know some things in the market. Otherwise, everyone will only pick what I like.

To put it bluntly, didn't I become a loner like the emperor and hear only good things?

Haha, Tang Qing, what you think is so beautiful, you are still an emperor, and you are alone. You are just a widow whose husband has died, an ordinary middle-aged woman who only knows how to shave her head, and you are so stupid that you want to touch porcelain Li Cheng

Go teach him a lesson.

If Wang Xinjie hadn't been a brat, you might not have been able to end things smoothly at that time. Maybe your reputation as a master of Jiujin would have been completely ruined by this incident.

When Wang Xinjie saw me lying on the ground, she did not panic or cry like other girls of her age, but observed calmly. When I gestured to her to go find the Pig Killer, she not only ran to her in time

The vegetable market called for a pig butcher, and said that it was my order to have the pig butcher threaten Li Cheng, but he must be careful and there must be no physical contact or substantive conflict.

Unfortunately, the butcher only used the butcher knife to gesture in front of Li Cheng, and there was no physical conflict or injury to Li Cheng, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

That's not all, Wang Xinjie also called Police Xiao Wang, and told Police Xiao Wang on the way that Master Jiu Jin just wanted to teach Li Cheng, an unfilial son, a lesson and give him a moral warning. But he was worried that Li Cheng was too

I always thought it was a big deal, so I asked Police Officer Xiao Wang to come over and stabilize the situation. I didn’t really want to escalate to the police station.

Tell me, how old is Wang Xinjie? She is only nineteen years old, but looks even younger, about fifteen or sixteen. When I was her age, I often got angry with my parents.

Why is Wang Xinjie so elfin and calm? This may have something to do with her family.

Needless to say, genetic factors, natural talent and intelligence. Wang Banxian, Wang Carpenter, fortune-telling, all day long talking about gods, pretending to be gods and ghosts. Hey, don't mention it, without that IQ and memory, you can't be a god. As for the "Book of Changes",

That "Ma Yi Xiangshu" makes you unable to understand it. Can you remember the Zichou Yinmao and the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches? Can you tell them casually?

Also, Wang Carpenter's wife and daughter-in-law, who are Wang Xinjie's grandmother and mother, these two women have been calculating the Wang family's assets all day long, and have included three generations of Wang family men (Wang Xinjie's great-grandfather - Wang Banxian, Wang Xinjie's grandfather - Wang Carpenter,

And Wang Xinjie’s father (Wang Xinjie’s father) was determined to die, to escape, and to be divided. Wasn’t this Wang Xinjie’s heart unaffected since she was a child?

As the saying goes, the children of the poor should be in charge early. Can the noisy family not allow young Wang Xinjie to be more tolerant and adaptable than her peers?

Is it a good thing or a bad thing for a person to be too smart or too clever? Especially for a beautiful girl like Wang Xinjie, being too smart and elf is not necessarily a good thing.

Tang Qing still hopes that Wang Xinjie can be healthy and grow up happily, and not be too premature or too sophisticated.

It has been a week since Wang Xinjie came to the shop to get her hair cut, which is also a week since Tang Qing warned Li Cheng.

There is only one week left before the Chinese New Year. Today is the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month. It should be Little New Year’s Eve in the north, and tomorrow is Little New Year’s Eve in the south. However, people in Yancheng do not have the habit of celebrating Little New Year’s Eve.

In the past, people in Yancheng had the custom of "sending stoves on the 23rd night", that is, offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God on the night of the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month.

The people of Yancheng call the Kitchen God Zaosi Bodhisattva. They say that on the morning of the 241st day of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God Bodhisattva will go to heaven to report the work of the past year to the Jade Emperor, so they offer sacrifices to him on the night of the 23rd in the hope that he will say good things in front of the Jade Emperor.

, don’t say bad things. At the same time, I would also like to thank Zaosi Bodhisattva for taking care of my family over the past year. I hope he will continue to bless my family with peace and prosperity in the coming year.

Although it is always rainy and cold in Yancheng these days, the New Year atmosphere in the streets and alleys is already very strong. People come and go to buy new year goods. The people's barber shop is also full of business. Tang Qing is busy from opening the door in the morning until closing in the evening.

, I will be even busier in the next few days, and I will be busy until the morning of New Year’s Eve. Sometimes I don’t even have time to go to the toilet.

It seems that buying New Year clothes for my son this year will go to waste again. I must buy them for him earlier next year.

Tang Qing thinks this way every year, but it never comes true every year.

Half a year ago, I promised my son that I would accompany him to watch the first sunrise of the millennium on New Year's Day, but the trip failed because it rained that day.

The millennium is already the year 2000 in the Gregorian calendar.

When Tang Qing was a child, he always felt that the year 2000 was so far away, but now almost a month has passed without even realizing it.

It’s been almost half a year since Li Li disappeared. How is she doing?

The New Year is coming, will she come back to celebrate the New Year?

After Tang Qing finished shaving her last head, it was already an hour and a half past the normal closing time, but she still cleaned the hairdressing tools and towels used by customers as usual, and then sorted them into the disinfection cabinet to ensure normal use the next day.

After turning off the lights in the store, Tang Qing used an iron rod to hook down the rolling shutter door. She was short and couldn't reach the door knocker of the rolling shutter door, so the butcher made an iron rod specially for her.


When Tang Qing pulled down the rolling shutter and turned around, she was startled by a dark shadow in front of her eyes.

This black figure is tall and big. Of course, this tallness is compared to Tang Qing's short and solid figure. Tang Qing's head only reaches the chest of this black figure. Because of the close distance, Tang Qing has an obvious feeling.

sense of oppression.

At this moment, in the dead of night and the cold, Tang Qing not only felt an obvious sense of oppression in front of this tall black figure in front of the People's Barber Shop on the old street of Shixin Street, but also felt

An unparalleled sense of tension.

This feeling of tension is mixed with fear, panic, helplessness and helplessness.

However, the sense of oppression and tension was quickly replaced by overjoyment. As Tang Qing's eyes adapted to the darkness outside, all the panic and fear disappeared. At the same time, his body and mood instantly became warm and joyful.

"You, you, you are back?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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