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Chapter 64 Uniform Eighteen Urine

"Tang Qing, your mouth is still so unforgiving. I am Shibapi, and you gave me this nickname."

The big-backed man walked towards Tang Qing with a playful smile.

"Stop first!"

Tang Qing pointed the razor at the back of his head.

"Tang Qing, don't be so nervous, our old classmates are here."

Da Beitou's footsteps still stopped.

"You said you were Shiba?"


"Shibazui, is it really you?"

"Of course it's me, I guarantee it's true!"

"Shibazui, how come you're such a good person and you behave like a dog?"

"Qingtuan League, what are you talking about? These brothers are here to save face for our old classmates."

"Save face? Have you saved face for me? Have you saved face for your old classmates?"

"Didn't I just recognize you? We haven't seen each other since we graduated from high school, right? No matter what, the friendship between my old classmates is still that of being classmates for more than ten years, better than brothers and sisters!"

"Bah, we have been classmates for more than ten years. Do you have any friendship with old classmates? You are simply worse than a dog!"

"Qingtuan, why am I inferior to a dog?"

"Dog, as long as you give it some food, it will wag its head and tail at you, always remember your kindness, and won't bite you again. What about you? You don't miss your old classmates, you are ungrateful, and you repay kindness with hatred! You

Are you still a human being?"

"Qingtuan, why can't I understand what you are saying?"

"Shibapi, do you know who the owner of this villa is?"

"Li Zapo, we are the richest woman in Yancheng."


With a "poof", Tang Qing spat on the right side of Da Beitou's face, and at the same time slapped him loudly on the left side of his face.

"Qingtuan, don't go too far."

"I'm going too far? Do you know who the owner of this villa is? It's Li Li! What you destroyed was Li Li's villa, do you know that?"

"Li Li? Our school beauty Li Li? How could it be her? It's obviously Li Zapo's villa."

"Shibazui, you call me Li Zapo again and see if I don't tear your mouth open!"

"How did our school beauty Li Li become Li Zapo?"

"You still call me Li Zapo?!"

Tang Qing twisted the corner of Da Beitou's mouth with one hand and raised the razor with the other hand.

"Tang Qing, Qingtuan, if you have something to say, please say it carefully."

Da Beitou was terrified.

"Speak well? Can you speak well? If you keep your tongue, you will only bark like a dog. I might as well cut it off today!"

Tang Qing's razor shaved Da Baotou's face.

"Qing, Qing, Qingtuan, I was wrong, wrong, wrong, spare, spare, spare me this time."

The cold razor was shaved on the big-backed head's face, and there was a violent diarrhea in his crotch.

"Humph, I'm still so cowardly. I still can't turn off the faucet down there. If I can't turn it off, what are you doing out here acting like a dog? Why don't you get out of here! It stinks!"

Tang Qing let go of his big back and pinched his nose with his hands.

"Get out, get out, I'm getting out, I'm getting out, brothers, get out."

He waved his head back to the dozens of men and turned around to leave.



Tang Qing shouted, frightened Da Beitou and dozens of people collectively braked and turned their heads to look at Tang Qing in horror.

"come over!"

Tang Qing waved to Da Beitou.

"You, you, didn't you tell me to get out?"

Da Beitou hesitated and did not dare to turn around.

"You can't come over? If you don't come over, I'll cut your tongue out with a flying knife!"

Tang Qing raised the razor in his hand.

"No, no, no, I'm coming, I'm coming."

Da Beitou walked up to Tang Qing obediently.

"Shiba urine, you must clean up the broken glass here and replace it with new ones immediately."

"Isn't this too humiliating for me? Originally, I didn't complete the task, so it would be hard for me to deliver the work when I get back. If I do that, how will I be able to make ends meet in the future?"

"Do you want to continue doing this in the future? Then I will destroy you now, because you can't turn off the faucet anyway!"

"No, no, no, no, I can clean up the broken glass, why not replace it with a new one? After all, Li Li owes a debt to the big boss."

"Impossible. It's impossible for Li Li to owe someone else's debt. Do you want to exchange it?"

"No change."


Tang Qing and Da Beitou were in a stalemate.

"Master Jiujin, are they a group of people?"

Police Xiao Wang rushed to the scene.

"These are the people who broke into people's houses and destroyed them."

Tang Qing pointed at Da Beitou and the dozens of people.

"Are you from the top? Come on, follow me to the place!"

Policeman Xiao Wang walked up to Da Beitou.

"This, this, this... doesn't it mean everything is settled?"

Da Beitou took a few steps back and muttered.

"What did you say?"

Policeman Xiao Wang took a few steps.

"No, no, no, it's nothing. Comrade police, we, we..."

Da Beitou retreated to the wall.

"Police Officer Xiao Wang, they just said that they have realized their mistake and are willing to clean up the scene and promise to restore it to its original state. Do you think you can stop going to the station? On New Year's Eve, the family is also waiting for them to go home for a reunion dinner.


Tang Qing stepped forward to put in a good word for Big Back Tou.

"Master Jiujin, what you said makes sense. With so many people going to the place on New Year's Eve, there are not that many steamed buns. So, take out your ID cards and I will register them, and then you listen to Master Jiujin

Command, clean up the scene and restore it to its original state."

Policeman Xiao Wang wrote down the names and ID numbers of Big Beitou and those dozens of people one by one.

"Qingtuan, thank you, I'll treat you to dinner during the Chinese New Year, haha."

He bowed his head to please Tang Qing.

"Don't be ridiculous. Send some people to the glass shop quickly. It shouldn't be closed yet. If it is closed, call the boss over and install new glass quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Go and clean up the broken glass on the ground yourself."

"Okay, okay."

The big-backed man went to follow Tang Qing's instructions.

There is actually a reason why this big-backed man is so afraid of Tang Qing, and there is also a reason why Tang Qing nicknamed him "Eighteen Urine".

Da Beitou's ancestors were the ones who collected feces. In his father's generation, although they were said to be public toilet managers, they were actually the ones who collected feces.

His mother died of schistosomiasis when he was three years old, and there was no one to take care of him at home. He followed his father to collect feces since he was a child, and he would follow wherever his father took out feces.

Because of the pain of losing his wife, the bearded father resorted to drinking to relieve his sorrow and got drunk every day. Of course, some people say that drinking is to paralyze the olfactory nerve, so that he will not be so sensitive to the smell of feces when he removes feces.

The drunken father of Da Beitou not only dug his own excrement into the cesspit that day, he also took the five-year-old Da Beitou into the cesspit with him and almost drowned.

Some people say that the big-backed father did this on purpose. He felt that life was not enough, so he just drowned the father and son together in the manure tank.

That day, Tang Qing followed his grandfather to the Li family's old house to shave his head. He happened to pass by the cesspit. When he saw the big-backed father and his son falling into the cesspool, his grandfather did not hesitate to jump into the cesspool to save them.

Da Beitou was saved, but Da Beitou's father drank too much wine and suffocated for too long, so he could not be saved.

Grandpa wanted to deal with the aftermath and asked Xiao Tang Qing to go to the Li family's old house to inform Master Li and shave his head another day.

After learning about the situation, Master Li left the Li family's old house for the first time and came to Da Beitou's house to help Grandpa Tang Qing arrange his funeral.

Da Beitou became an orphan. Grandpa Tang Qing wanted to take him in, but without the ability, it was not easy for his family to have enough to eat at that time, not to mention that Da Beitou had a huge appetite since he was a child.

In the end, Mr. Li decided that he would pay for Da Baitou to be raised by a cousin. The couple was infertile and wanted to find an adopted son.

Because they are of the same age, Da Beitou, Tang Qing, and Li Li have been in the same grade and class since kindergarten.

I don’t know whether it was because he fell into a cesspit or was born with a disease, but this big-headed boy still wet the bed when he was in high school. Not to mention the wet sheets and pants hanging around the house all day long, he himself also stunk all day long. None of his classmates

I am willing to get close to him, let alone sit at the same table with him.

Only Tang Qing always helped him and sat at the same table with him. But Tang Qing required Da Baotou to take a bath every day and recite silently before going to bed every day, "I must not wet the bed today. If I wet the bed again, it will be 18 times, and my wife will not be able to ask for it in the future."


Da Beitou really stopped wetting the bed gradually, but the nickname of Shibawei also stuck.

This chapter has been completed!
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