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Chapter 71 He Comes Uninvited

Made a mistake?

Tang Qing finally asked Li Li if she was pregnant, but Li Li said she was mistaken!

"I'm not pregnant."

"You're not pregnant? There will be problems in the hospital examination?"

"It's not that there's a problem with the inspection, it's not my inspection at all."

"It wasn't you who checked? Who checked?"

"My secretary."

"Your secretary?"

"Well, my personal secretary. She was deceived by bad people when she was young, and she accidentally got it."

"A little secretary, you, a big boss, accompany her to the hospital for a check-up? She really cares about her subordinates."

While Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, he still doubted Li Li's explanation.

"Originally I couldn't have been so concerned. The main reason is that I also have responsibilities."

"You also have a responsibility? What responsibility?"

"Don't mention this, I'm not pregnant anyway, so don't worry about me."


Tang Qing saw that Li Li didn't want to talk anymore, so he could only stop here and couldn't get to the bottom of it.

There's no point in asking for more details. As long as Li Li wasn't pregnant, Tang Qing didn't have to worry about ruining the Li family's reputation.

Next, let's ask Li Li if she owes a huge debt. Since there is no one in the store now, the two of them have already talked about it.

But when Tang Qing was about to ask, Li Li spoke first.

"Is your hair done? I'm going back to have lunch first. My daughter is home alone."

"Let's have lunch together too."

"No, I will come on time in the evening."

Li Li said as she put on her coat and walked out of the People's Barber Shop.

Tang Qing didn't eat lunch. She took a few days off during the New Year, eating and sleeping, and gained weight. She had no waist and became more round.

In the afternoon, after styling the hair of two female neighbors, I closed the shop early and went home to prepare dinner with my parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

The dishes of the father-in-law and mother-in-law were cooked very well, so Tang Qing specially invited them over.

"Qing, do you think Li Zapo would really come to my house for dinner?"

"Mom, why are you called Li Zapo? You must not say that when Li Li arrives."

"I'm sorry, I've heard it a lot from my neighbors, so did I say it smoothly?"

"Li Li will definitely come. Either she doesn't agree, or she will do it if she does. I believe in her."

Before Tang Qing finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, you all come here, come here quickly, Xiaoqiang, come here quickly too!"

Tang Qing heard the knock on the door and hurriedly greeted the four old men and their sons. They stood neatly at the door to greet Li Li and her daughter.

Bang, the door opened wide.

"Dragon, dragon, Lord Long."

When Tang Qing saw that it was not Li Li, but Lao Longtou, his joy was not only replaced by great disappointment, but he also felt a surge of fear in his heart.

"Why, you're not welcome?"

The old leader said as he walked into the small courtyard.

"Welcome, welcome, we are happy that Mr. Long can come."

"Master Long, please come in quickly."

Tang Qing was still stunned at the door, while his father and father-in-law accompanied Lao Longtou into the main house.

"Master Long, please sit down."

"Master Long, you smoke."

My father and father-in-law were all smiling, offering cigarettes and tea.

"Don't be so polite. I won't dare to come here anymore."

"Master Long, we're glad you can come. It's the Chinese New Year. You must have dinner here."

"Yes, today is only the fifth day of the first lunar month. Master Long must have dinner here."

When Tang Qing heard what his father and father-in-law said, he stamped his feet anxiously and thought to himself, what are you two talking about? Why do you want to have dinner? If Lao Longtou stays for dinner, what will happen when Li Li and her daughter come? What will you do again?

It's not that I don't know that he and the Li family don't deal with each other.

Alas, originally Li Li agreed to come to my house for dinner, and the whole family was very happy, but now? Tang Qing saw his mother and mother-in-law frowning in the kitchen, helpless.

Old Dragon Head, Old Dragon Head, it's not that we don't welcome you, it's just that you came at the wrong time. As long as you don't come at this time, we are just as happy, as happy as Li Lilai, and equally well prepared to entertain you. I will even have a few drinks with you.

But today you came at the wrong time. It's past four o'clock, and Li Liniang's daughter should be arriving soon. What should you do? You can't chase the old leader like you are chasing the messenger. It's only the fifth day of the first lunar month, and the old leader is not the messenger.

I'd better go out to meet Li Li, and I'll delay if I can. Maybe Lao Longtou won't have dinner at my house and will leave after a while. Even if he eats at my house, I'll explain to Li Li in advance that Lao Longtou did it by himself.

We did not invite him to come, we only invited you, my mother-in-law.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk!"

Just as Tang Qing was about to open the door and go out, there were three crisp knocks on the door.

"Mom, I'll drive it."

Tang Qing knew that Li Li and her daughter had arrived, so she concentrated on taking a deep breath and prepared to open the door. Her son Xiaoqiang rushed over, stood on tiptoes, stretched out his little hand, and opened the door.



The little strong man is not very strong, so the door is only opened a crack, and two little heads are exposed inside and outside the crack.

The little head inside the door, with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain, a pair of big shining eyes on a chubby face, slipped back and forth.

The little head outside the door is delicate and well-behaved, with a pink oval face and a pair of small almond eyes as clear as water, shining with hope.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

"I asked first."

"You are a boy, boys should answer first."

"Okay, my name is Xiaoqiang."


"I'm not a cockroach, I'm a little man. What's your name?"

"My name is Xiaomei."

"Little sheep."

"I am a sheep, but I am not a lamb."

"Come in, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!"

"You two little brats talking about cross talk? Who taught you this?"

Tang Qing had already laughed out loud, and her original worries and concerns were temporarily forgotten. She opened the door and invited Li Li and her daughter to enter the hospital.

"Children these days watch so many cartoons that they become sperm."

Li Li walked into the small courtyard with a smile.

"Boss Li, hello, hello."

"Hello, hello, Boss Li."

Tang Qing's father and father-in-law Wen Xun ran out of the main house to greet Li Li.

"Uncles, if you call me this, does that mean I shouldn't come?"

"Hey, this..."


The two old men were choked by Li Li and were speechless for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

"You guys, you can either call me niece in a formal manner, or call her Li Li directly. If you call Boss Li, why don't you just call her Li Zapo. Li Li, do you think so?"

Lao Longtou slowly walked out of the main room, scolding and greeting Li Li.

"That's right, Mr. Long is right. When you call me Boss Li, you don't call me Li Zapo."

Li Li responded with a smile.

"You, you..."

Tang Qing looked at Li Li and then at the old dragon head, confused.

I was originally worried that Li Li might turn around and leave when she saw Lao Longtou at her house, or that Lao Longtou would leave when he saw Li Li coming over. Even if we consider that today is only the fifth day of the first lunar month and cannot fall out at my house, at least we can keep silent.

, how could it be so affectionate?

"Li Li, come in quickly and sit in the room."

"She's so beautiful, Li Li, why are you still buying something like this? Haven't you already bought clothes for Xiaoqiang?"

Granny Tang Qing and her mother came out of the kitchen to greet Li Li.

"A little thought for the four old people, oh, and also for Mr. Long."

Li Li handed several large bags of items to Tang Qing's mother, mother-in-law and Lao Longtou respectively.

"Oh, you still have mine? Thank you, thank you eldest niece."

The old dragon happily accepted Li Li's gift.

"Mom, brother Xiaoqiang asked me to go play, can I go?"

Li Li's daughter came over and asked.

"Of course, but you are the elder sister, so you have to take good care of your brother Xiaoqiang."

Li Li's daughter is one year older than Tang Qing's son.

"Sister Xiaomei, go and play in my little room."


Two children running up the stairs holding hands.

"Slow down, be careful not to fall!"

Li Li hurriedly caught up.

"Hey, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Tang Qing pulled Li Li to the corner of the small courtyard.

"Is it because Mr. Long came to your house? Don't worry, I asked him to come here."


Li Li's answer surprised and delighted Tang Qing.

This chapter has been completed!
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