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Chapter 73 Master Li and Aunt Li

"Master Jiujin, you are truly worthy of being..."

"Come again, the food cooked by my mother and mother-in-law is not delicious? Can't you shut your mouth?"

“It’s delicious, it’s delicious, even better than the ones in big hotels.”

"Then go and brag in front of them, and don't show off in front of me."

"Master Jiujin, I'm not trying to fix my weakness. I really admire you. The fact that you can say things like, 'Delay in dealing with urgent matters, slow things down will make things right' shows that your level is extraordinary."

"Master Long, this is what my grandfather said, I'm just parroting it."

After dinner, Tang Qing, Lao Longtou and Li Li continued to talk. Tang Qing's parents and parents-in-law were cleaning up in the kitchen, and the two children continued to play games.

"Master Jiujin, your grandfather is not very handsome. To outsiders, he is just a barber. But his way of conducting himself in the world and the things he has done are worthy of our learning and admiration."

The old dragon head sighed again.

"Master Long, my grandfather asked me never to mention the Li family or the people of the Li family in front of you. Do you know why?"

Tang Qing believed that since the relationship between Lao Longtou and Li Li was unusual, and Lao Longtou said that he was a witness to the persecution of Li Li's biological mother, there was no need for him to hold it back any longer and he could just open the skylight and speak out.

"Tang Qing, I can explain this to you. My father told me before he was alive that Mr. Long spared no effort for my mother's affairs. He had offended many big shots in the scene for this, and he was dismissed from his position early because of this. But

He always refused to care and must seek justice for my mother."

"This is what I should do. Without the Li family and Aunt Li, I would have starved to death on the streets, and how could I survive today?"

"My father also told me not to disturb Mr. Long and not to mention my mother's affairs, because Mr. Long will definitely help me at all costs."

"It's my duty!"

"So my grandpa also told me not to mention the Li family or the people of the Li family in front of Mr. Long, so that Mr. Long would not get angry. But my grandpa also told me to keep a respectful distance from Mr. Long. What's the explanation for this?"

Tang Qing finally understood the first meaning of his grandfather's talk about Lao Longtou, but he still didn't understand the second meaning.

"Tang Qing, keep a respectful distance from Grandpa Tang. The meaning of respect from a distance should be the same as what my father means, because Mr. Long belongs to the people of the scene. In the past, those who worked in the industry and did business would try to avoid contact with the people of the scene."

"Yeah, they tend to keep a respectful distance from us."

"I see."

Tang Qing understood what his grandfather said and solved the mystery between Lao Longtou and the Li family. Next, he wanted to solve the mystery of Li Li's biological mother and the mystery of Li Li in the past six months.

"Master Jiujin, let me tell you about the relationship between Master Li and Aunt Li."

The old dragon's weathered face was stern and sad.

Mr. Li is not only a die-hard theater fan, but also a senior fan. He loves the art of opera and has done a lot of research on Shaoxing opera.

"You don't have to eat, but you must listen to the show!"

This shows how obsessed Mr. Li is with opera.

Li Li's biological mother was the top performer in the troupe at that time. She sang Xiaodan and Gongbeidan. Her song "Love Detective·Traveling" made the audience burst into tears, and even the eight-foot-tall black-faced man covered his face and wept.

As long as there is a scene involving Li Li's biological mother, Mr. Li will definitely be the first to sit in the best seat in the audience. He will not get up and leave even half a step during the performance.

Sometimes after the play is over, Mr. Li will still sit in his seat and reflect on it for a long time.

Although Mr. Li is infatuated with Li Li's biological mother, it is only on and off the stage.

Outside of the stage and after performances, Mr. Li never bothered Li Li's biological mother.

It wasn't until one day that Li Li's biological mother fainted on the stage during the performance of "Chasing Fish" that Mr. Li had a dispute with her.

A section of "Chasing Fish: Pulling Out Scales" is a martial arts drama that requires actors to roll and jump in large spans. That day, Li Li's biological mother fainted and fell unconscious on the stage during the performance of this section. Mr. Li rushed onto the stage with a sprint.

, picked up Li Li’s biological mother and ran to the hospital.

When the doctor took a look, it turned out that she was pregnant and was bleeding due to excessive movements during the performance.

Mr. Li immediately asked the doctors and nurses to keep the secret secret and to stay with Li Li's biological mother.

Li Li's biological mother woke up and wanted to die. Master Li couldn't persuade her, so he had to say that he was willing to be the father of the child in her belly.

Li Li's mother didn't believe it, so Mr. Li immediately decided to hold a wedding the next day to marry Li Li's biological mother to the Li family's old house.

Mr. Li was already in his sixties at the time, and his first wife had died of illness two years before.

Li Li's biological mother entered the Li family's old house and gave birth to a baby girl, Li Li, six months later.

Mr. Li took great care of Li Li's biological mother, but the rumors were fierce, especially in that era. Li Li's biological mother could not bear the mental torture and passed away in depression. Li Li was still an infant at that time.

Tang Qing felt sad when he heard this, and even asked:

"Long Ye, Li Li, do you know who tortured Aunt Li and left her in depression?"

Li Li was lowering her head to wipe her tears when the old leader replied:

"It's none other than those two unfilial sons Li Zhong and Li Cheng!"

Tang Qing was shocked. It turned out to be Li Zhong. Li Cheng persecuted Li Li's biological mother to death.

She believed that Li Zhong and Li Cheng could definitely do such evil things, but she also wondered, how could Li Zhong and Li Cheng dare to torture Li Li's biological mother in front of Master Li? So she asked the old leader:

"Li Zhong, Li Cheng was not very young at that time, right? Is there someone behind the scenes?"

"Master Jiujin, you are so worthy..."

"Master Long, you're here again to talk about business. It's late and the two children have to go to bed. We must keep the conversation short."

"Master Jiujin, Li Zhong, and Li Cheng were already in their twenties at the time. They were young and vigorous. When someone outside provoked them, they naturally showed no mercy to Aunt Li. They tortured Aunt Li with all the evil words and methods in the world."

"Then Mr. Li doesn't care?"

"This is exactly Mr. Li's shortcoming. In today's terms, Mr. Li was a literary youth when he was young. When he gets older, he is more concerned about face. How could he let the family scandal be publicized? What's more, Li Zhong and Li Cheng are not Mr. Li's biological son."

"Li Zhong, Li Cheng is not Mr. Li's biological son?"

"That's right, Mr. Li's first wife arranged a baby marriage for the old man above. Mr. Li has no feelings for her, and they have never slept together. In addition, the first wife has suffered from asthma since childhood and is covered with scabies, so it is impossible for her to have children.

, If Mr. Li hadn't been so soft-hearted and kept treating her, he would have died long ago."

"Then Li Zhong, who was Li Cheng born to?"

"Li Zhong and Li Cheng were both orphans. It was Master Li who took pity on them and took them into his home when they were two or three years old."

"It's just two white-eyed wolves."

"It is said that when you are three years old, you are older and when you are seven years old, you are old. In fact, Mr. Li has long recognized that Li Zhong and Li Cheng are not good people, so he sent Li Cheng to study outside very early. He did not want him to cause trouble around him and affect the reputation of the Li family."

"Since Li Cheng has been outside, why did he and Li Zhong torture Aunt Li?"

"It was Li Zhong who called him back, and the two teamed up to torture Aunt Li."

"Evil people, do they know now that they are not really members of the Li family?"

"You should have known when you tortured Aunt Li. It was probably the person behind the scenes who told them and instigated them. If Aunt Li took over the Li family and had Li Li, they would be kicked out of the Li family sooner or later. Not only would they inherit the Li family's

There is no hope of inheritance, and the blood debt will be demanded by the grown-up Li Li."

"It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes is the real murderer of Aunt Li."


"Do you know who is the mastermind behind this?"

"I know, it's just that he's dead."

"Dead? Then there is no way to pursue it."


"Long Ye, Li Li, since the mastermind behind the scenes is dead, the matter of seeking justice for Aunt Li can only be left alone. The only way to vent your anger is to find an opportunity to teach Li Zhong and Li Cheng a lesson, and in due course

Reveal their identities when the time comes, expel them from the Li family, and restore the reputation of the Li family."

"Master Jiujin, you are right. I advised Li Li in the same way. It's just that the man behind the scenes made others immortal and is still trying to hurt Li Li."

"Master Long, do you also believe in superstition? What about the immortality of someone's soul after death?"

"Master Jiujin, I don't believe in superstition. You misunderstood what I meant. I meant that he himself is dead, and his descendants are still trying to harm Li Li."

"Oh, then we must eradicate the root cause to avoid future troubles!"

Tang Qing slapped the Eight Immortals table.

This chapter has been completed!
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