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Chapter 89 Guessed and expected

Li Li has another purpose?

There must be another purpose!

Tang Qing had no doubts about his judgment.

According to Tang Qing's understanding of Li Li and Li Li's personality, when Dadu Qian and Bao Wen heard that "if I could sleep with her once and die," they would either slap them in the face or drag them away. They left the People's Barber Shop and humiliated them in public on the streets.

But Li Li was uncharacteristically not angry. Instead, she calmly took away the money and bags to inquire about them. She claimed that she was teaching them a lesson for Tang Qing, but maybe she wanted to take advantage of them for another purpose.

Well, from my point of view, the purpose of warning Big Belly Money has been achieved. As for Li Li's purpose, I won't care about her for the time being, and I don't have the ability or energy to do so.

"Da Mao, you arrived at the scene so quickly, are you coming over to have your head shaved?"

Seeing that everyone was still stunned, Tang Qing broke the silence.

"Master Jiujin, can you guess this?"

Da Mao sat on the barber chair.

"Master Jiujin didn't guess it, he expected it!"

"Who is Master Jiujin? Everything is under her control!"

Wang Carpenter and Lao Longtou, who had not participated in the battle, began to talk.

"Master Wang, is there any difference between guessing and expecting?"

When the butcher saw Tang Qing starting to shave Da Mao's head, he took down his big teapot from the cup holder and asked Carpenter Wang.

"Master pig butcher, if you want to know the difference between 'guessed' and 'expected', or is it the same as last time between 'cold' and 'cold', I will explain it to you clearly and you can help me pour the tea."

"no problem."

"Pour some good tea for Mr. Long."


"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself. You'd better listen to Master Wang attentively as he explains the difference between 'guessing' and 'expecting'."

The old dragon stood up and took down the big blue and white porcelain teapot.

"Master Wang, this 'guessing' is just imagining it out of thin air and making it up without any basis. And 'expecting' is based on the development of things, some signs that have appeared, and inferences based on experience and knowledge. That is, , Guessing, guessing blindly; Guessing, guessing things is like a god predicting things. Master Wang, please tell me, is what Allah said is correct?"

The Shanghai aunt sat on the special chair and said in a serious manner the difference between "guessed" and "expected".

Now Tang Qing no longer covers the special barber chair with plastic sheeting, but only women are allowed to sit on it, not men.

"Oh my, Aunt Shanghai, that's amazing, that's amazing? Not only is what you said right, but it's also more thorough than what I said. From now on, you can go to Lushan Park to set up a calligraphy and photo-taking booth!"

Carpenter Wang shook his head and praised Auntie Shanghai.

"Go to the carpenter Wang, don't do the same thing as Neng, deceiving the neighbors with all their tricks."

Little did he know that Auntie Shanghai didn't buy his fault.

"Aunt Shanghai, I have a conscience. I have never deceived my neighbors. It was they who came to my door to ask me for advice. It was they who were willing to give me some money for their hard work."

Carpenter Wang looked very aggrieved.

"Are you trying to say that if you don't give money, your advice will be ineffective? Then the auspicious days of the zodiac will also be affected by this?"

The old dragon interrupted.

"Yes, yes, Master Long understands the mystery, or Master Long understands me!"

Carpenter Wang looked at the old dragon head with grateful eyes.

"Master Wang, I don't know you very well. I just know some of the mysteries of how you read words and fortune tellers. But that's fine. You can help the neighbors choose a good day so that they can do things with confidence. They will be willing to give you a little copper. Tian, ​​you might as well buy some old wine to drink."

The old dragon poured the tea and sat down on the long bench again.

"Nong Wang is a great carpenter. You can pour the tea yourself. Your neighbors are willing to give you copper coins, but I will not be willing to pour you tea!"

The butcher first poured tea for Aunt Shanghai, and then sat down on a long bench with a big teapot in his hand.

"Hey, hey, pig-butcher, you heard the difference between 'guessed' and 'expected', why don't you pour me tea? You don't have a leprosy on your head, how can you still do anything?"

"Wang Carpenter, the difference between 'guessed' and 'expected' was not something you told me, it was my aunt in Shanghai who told me."

"Yo yo yo, where is my aunt from Shanghai? When did aunt Shanghai become yours? Do you think that after a few times of digging into bridge holes and tree sheds, aunt Shanghai will become yours? Let me tell you, if you don't treat us to a drink, we will

Don’t admit that Auntie Shanghai is yours.”

"Yes, yes, Master Wang is right, Pig Butcher, when are you going to treat us to some old wine?"

Da Mao couldn't help but turned his head and agreed with Carpenter Wang.

"Is old wine that good? Just be careful when you move around and I'll shave your head."

Tang Qing slapped Da Mao on the back of the head.

"We always have to drink the old wine from Master Jiujin, Pig Butcher and Auntie Shanghai."

"Then prepare the red envelope first."

"Yes, Da Mao, your red envelope must be the same as yours, it must be big, but you must not pluck out all of it."

"Pig-butcher, as long as you treat me to a drink of old wine, I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

"But it's not economical for you to receive red envelopes here."

"Why isn't it cost-effective?"

"You're not married yet. When you get married, don't I have to give you a big red envelope? If you give me five hundred, I can't pay you back five hundred. I have to add a little, right? Adding one hundred, six hundred doesn't sound good, you want

Blame me for cuckolding you. Add two hundred or seven hundred, no one guarantees this number, right? Add three hundred or eight hundred, which is auspicious, but I might not get it back."

"Hey, pig butcher, do you think you sell pork? You're so smart!"

"Hey, if you don't have the talent here, where can you get the talent? Anyway, you can eat enough for one person and the whole family will not be hungry. All the money you earn will be handed over to your mother!"

"Haha, that's right. I can't save money. If you hand it over to me, I can help me save some money."

"Da Mao, you can make up your mind and find one. You are almost thirty, right?"

"Master Jiujin, I'm only one year younger than you."

Tang Qing first listened to Carpenter Wang and Aunt Shanghai talking about the difference between "guessed" and "expected", and then listened to Da Mao and Butcher talking about eating old wine, and his mind returned to its previous state.

Tang Qing likes the current situation of the People's Barber Shop: she shaves the customers' heads, while the neighbors sit on the long benches and gossip.

Alas, no matter what Li Li's purpose was in bringing her money and bag to inquire, at least it helped her out and the People's Barber Shop returned to normal.

Humph, you rich man, you want to use the People's Barber Shop as your "money begets money" activity venue, no way! You want to use my reputation as Master Jiu Jin to win over the neighbors, no way!

However, judging from the behavior of Carpenter Wang and Lao Longtou just now, they seemed to be a little inclined to Daqian and wanted to help Daqian, but I didn't let go and they were too embarrassed to speak.

Wang Carpenter probably wanted to help Dadu Qian because he wanted to "make money from money". But it was impossible for the old leader to go to Dadu Qian to "make money from money", right? He was a retired person and had experienced big things.

Do I want to expose the money-making money issue? How should I expose him? Go to police Xiao Wang to call the police? Of course there is no need.

After all, I still don’t know how Dadu Qian “makes money from money”? If he really helps the neighbors make more money through normal channels, then I will not only cut off the money of the neighbors, but also become the target of public criticism.

, everyone hates me.

In this way, I followed the words of Da Mao and the Pig Killer to test out Lao Longtou and Wang Carpenter.

"Da Mao, you are only one year younger than me? Then you have to hurry up, otherwise my Xiaoqiang will be able to ask for a wife by then, and you will still be a bachelor."

"Master Jiujin, is it so easy to get a wife? Today's women are very demanding."

"It's not that Daduqian is doing some kind of 'money begets money' activity, why don't you go and participate? Let the money you save with my mother be used to generate more money, isn't it possible to get a wife?"

"Master Jiujin, that man with a big belly of money is not reliable. Didn't he just want to play a gangster on you? How about 'money begets money'? I think it's almost like 'money eats money'!"

"Da Mao, what are you talking about?"

"You don't have the money to make money, so don't curse others!"

Lao Longtou and Wang Carpenter were really angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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