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Chapter 1745 ceding land and summing up

 No one spoke in the entire parliament, which is a shame.

Among all the major forces in the underworld, which one is not an ancient and immortal force with a well-known name?

But they were defeated, and the defeat was so inexplicable, and the defeat was so humiliating! "Certain territory?"

Demon Godzi looked gloomy, even though he compromised, he was still a little unwilling.

At this moment, he looked at Prince Changqin and others who were suppressed by the artifact in the sky above the parliament.

"Everyone, do you also need to give us an explanation for this matter?"

Demon Godzi said with an unkind expression.

This sentence made the First Knight of the Starry Sky and others frown slightly.

"What do you want to explain?"

"If it weren't for these idiots, how could this happen?"

Yao Shenzi pointed at Shenxiu and others and yelled.

Naturally, it became clear that these people were exposed to this evil thing in the Nordic fairy palace.

And it was these people who caused the disaster.

If it hadn't been handled in time, everyone would have fallen there today! "That's what Luo Wuji forced us to do!"

Yasuo, the Son of God of Heaven, looked gloomy.

"Then why is Luo Wuji fine, but you are the only ones in trouble?"

"How do you know that Luo Wuji is fine?"

The first knight in the starry sky turned cold, naturally he wanted to protect his son.

"That's enough, now is not the time to argue about this matter."

Ren Ruoyuan sighed.

This battle is lost like this, no one feels bad, no one loses face! These people once controlled the world, looking down on the heaven and earth, like gods.

Now he is being restrained like this.

Especially since it was the sons of gods of the major forces who caused this chaos. How ridiculous is this?

"Have all the forces arrived?"

The First Knight of the Starry Sky asked again.

"There is also secular Luo Wuji who has not come."

On the side, the venerable Olympian said coldly.

The underworld made a request, and all the major forces had to give up part of their place to the underworld, and Secular specifically mentioned it as the top priority! Everyone's eyes turned to Ren Ruoyuan.

"I've already gone to invite you."

Ren Ruoyuan's face was equally ugly.

And Ren Sihai has indeed invited Luo Chen.

When Luo Chen entered, everyone looked at Luo Chen.

Because the underworld has special requirements, and if it doesn't work out, the underworld will probably not negotiate for peace, but will continue to attack.

Having learned from the past, especially the hair disaster, the major forces now have no confidence in fighting the underworld again.

"Give up one-tenth of the land on Shenzhou to the underworld."

The demon god said with an ugly expression.

This was the result of discussions between him and Yuan Hong, and he also learned through Yuan Hong how terrible the disaster was.

So the demon god had to give in.

"Zhongzhou also gave up one-tenth."

"Buzhou, alas, Buzhou..." The first knight in the starry sky looked the most embarrassed.

Buzhou had no choice but to give in, and almost the whole of Buzhou had fallen.

Now the Kingdom of Heaven and other forces have moved to Luzhou.

After saying these words, they all looked at Luo Chen, waiting for Luo Chen to express his stance.

Luo Chen ignored everyone's gaze and sat there without saying a word, as if he was watching a play.

"Brother Luo?"

Ren Ruoyuan reminded me.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Chen glanced at Ren Ruoyuan.

"Brother Luo, can your secular side give way?"

Ren Ruoyuan asked tentatively.

"The world will give in to nothing."

Luo Chen's words directly set the entire parliament hall on fire.

"Brother Luo, if you don't give in, there will be a fight in the underworld." "Luo Wuji, everyone has given in, but you won't give in?"

The First Knight of the Starry Sky was originally dissatisfied with Luo Chen for not taking action before, and now he became even more angry after hearing these words.

"Why give in?"

Luo Chen asked rhetorically.

"Are you trying to cede territory for peace?"

Luo Chen suddenly sneered.

"Luo Wuji, in the final analysis, this matter happened because of you. If you hadn't evacuated the people from Longhu Mountain, how would this disaster have happened?"

"Hundreds of millions of people have died. Do these people deserve to die?"

"Because of me?"

"I would like to ask you, Longhu Mountain is doing well over there, but Japan is persecuting them, don't you know?"

"Did anyone ask?"

Luo Chen's face turned cold.

"If someone had stopped me, how could something like this happen today?"

"Later, knowing that there was an outbreak there, you still went there alone to hunt the ghosts in the underworld at Forge Villa?"

This sentence left everyone speechless for a moment.

"Now is not the time to hold people accountable, now is the time to discuss giving up space."

The venerable man from Mount Olympus spoke.

"I, Luo, still say the same thing, the world will not let a single cent come out."

"Such a thing as ceding territory and seeking peace will never happen here in Luo!"

Luo Chen said proudly.

"If you want to fight, then fight to the end. The secular world will not seek peace!"

"Humph, Luo Wuji!"

"When we are finished, you, the secular world, will be finished too!"

"Can you stop the Yin army's attack in this world?"

"Don't forget, the secular world is not only your Taixuyuan, but also the secular world outside!"

"How many ordinary people are there, and how many people can you save?"

The First Knight of the Starry Sky sneered.

"Do you have the capital to fight?"

This is true, because Shi Shi is strong, and those who are strong are Luo Chen and the few people under Luo Chen.

Generally speaking, the secular world is weak, even fragile! Because there are too many secular ordinary people, once the Yin army attacks, it will definitely be unstoppable! This is the weakness of the secular world that everyone knows, so everyone also

I plan to use this to force you.

"Brother Luo, let's sit down and discuss this matter carefully."

Ren Ruoyuan gave a step up.

After all, if the trouble continues, Luo Chen will not be able to step down.

"Luo Wuji, things have reached this point, and now everyone has given in."

"This step is given to you. If you don't get down, you won't be able to get down again later."

The First Knight of the Starry Sky spoke again.

"You can't stop it."

The venerable man from Mount Olympus also said the same thing.

"In terms of craziness, who among you is not crazier than you, Luo Wuji?"

"But now, form is stronger than people!"

"There is a saying in the world."

Luo Chen suddenly lowered his voice.

"My man, why don't you take Wu Gou and collect the fifty states at the border!"

As soon as Luo Chen said these words, everyone suddenly became embarrassed.

"That's enough, Luo Wuji, the current situation is forcing us to give in to the secular world, so we must give in!"

"And why don't you, Luo Wuji, give in?"

"Once the Yin Army attacks", as soon as these words were spoken, an old voice sounded from outside.

"The Yin Army will not attack the secular world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man walked outside. This old man had no body, just like a ghost, but his aura was fierce and scary.

"The old man in red, the guardian of the left, pays homage to Mr. Luo."

The old man ignored everyone but was polite and courteous to Luo Chen, and even clasped his fists and bowed.

"The underworld has already made a decision. The Yin army will not attack the secular world. As for the territory, the underworld can make a gentleman's agreement with Mr. Luo."

"As long as Mr. Luo and Hongyi fight!"

"One battle will determine the territory!"

"As for your other forces, if you don't agree to cede territory, the Yin army will attack immediately!"

This sentence caused a sudden change in the expressions of everyone present.


Demon Godzi suddenly revealed a look of doubt.

This is treated differently.

The other forces refused to agree, so the Yin army attacked, but Luo Chen actually gave him a chance to resolve the issue in a fair fight! Anyone would have to ask why.

"It's very simple. Just relying on Mr. Luo's words about why men don't bring Wu Gou and charge fifty states at the border is enough!"

"This kind of courage and courage are impressive!"

"What's more, I've heard from the underworld that Mr. Luo walks and sits upright!"

This is the truth. The underworld has indeed inquired about Luo Chen's deeds.

"So, even if he is an enemy, the underworld will give Mr. Luo the respect of an enemy!"

"As for the rest of you, do you need respect?"

"The peace proposal was proposed by other forces in the underworld, and we in the underworld will look down upon it!"

"But Mr. Luo is different. We respect him because Mr. Luo will not ask for peace!"

This chapter has been completed!
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