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Chapter 3085 take another look

 Luo Chen left!

Apart from eating, Luo Chen doesn't need any money on weekdays.

Therefore, I saved a lot of money.

Luo Chen walked aimlessly on the street, looking back at his life.

His heart disease is still there, and his body is getting thinner and thinner.

Luo Chen rented a small room, and besides cooking every day, he also went to the park for a walk.

It looks really peaceful.

However, Luo Chen cared about everything he heard, saw and felt every time.

The body touches a grass, a tree, everything that the breeze blows!

However, Luo Chen seems to have never found his destination and has not found his own world!

Then in the next year, Luo Chen simply moved out of the house, and Luo Chen began to go to one place after another.

Like a tramp, but fortunately he is richer than a tramp.

Luo Chen walked all the way, and gradually, he forgot.

He forgot that he was an immortal, his identity, the world, the prince, and his previous life!

His eyes were cloudy, and there was a lifeless look between his brows. His whole person seemed to have a sense of twilight as he walked to the back.

It seems that the next moment is the moment when he will die!

Everything flashed before his eyes, and everything gradually faded away in his life.

Luo Chen went to Yin Yang Town in the last three months.

However, Luo Chen kept wandering outside and could not find Yin Yang Town.

He doesn't remember.

The only thing he remembered was a person named Luo Dong and Wang Xixi!

Three months later, Luo Chen has forgotten that he will die in three months.

He wandered outside the mountains and could not find where Yin Yang Town was.

It seems that Yin Yang Town has disappeared.

It seemed that the world was so vast that he had nowhere to go.

He has no divine power, no immortal power, and no all power.

His consciousness, everything about him, seemed to be trapped in this body.

Even the memory seems to have been erased.

He has completely become the Luochen of this world.

After losing the memory of the past, various emotions in this body that had been subjectively suppressed by Luo Chen began to appear and began to explode.

Hesitant and helpless!

Sadness, resentment!


Hate Luo Dong and Wang Qianqian, hate this world.

I even hated this body and started attacking myself!

Started complaining about myself!

At this moment, this body and this consciousness seemed to think of the girl named Xiaoxia again.

He should compromise, he should stay there and marry that girl, and at least have a partner.

He should fight and defend himself instead of being wronged!

This is what Luo Chen did, completely forgetting who he was and completely sealing up his memory.

Then experience it as Luo Chen in this world and feel the world!

Then use this Luo Chen to achieve a destiny-defying change!

Otherwise, just use Luo Chen himself to change his destiny. He will have the memory of two lives and the courage and character of an immortal.

He has not fully integrated into this world, so he has changed his destiny.

That was also changed with the Immortal Lord.

Rather than trying to change it with ordinary people and ordinary people's lives.

The real way to change your destiny is to go against the will of heaven and do it with this body and this identity of Luo Chen!

Therefore, Luo Chen gradually erased his own memory and sealed it.

Then, after wandering here for several days, Luo Chen finally collapsed.

When he woke up, he was already in the hospital.

Opening his eyes, Luo Chen saw a nurse in white clothes.

"Your heart disease requires immediate surgery, but the surgery fee may be a bit expensive. Your family needs to prepare one million!"

"My family doesn't have that much money!" Luo Chen has forgotten who he is. He only remembers that he is the child of Wang Qiqian and Luo Dong.

"Then you contact your family first."

"I don't know how to contact them."

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it." The nurse sighed.

In the end, the result was obvious and Luo Chen was kicked out.

Luo Chen looked at the unfamiliar surroundings blankly.

"You are so seriously ill and your parents don't care about you?" At this moment, an old man wearing a hospital gown and sitting in a wheelchair asked.

"I've grown up and don't need my parents to take care of me anymore."

"What is this nonsense?"

"I'm almost an adult." Luo Chen said.

"Then you hate your parents?"



At this moment Luo Chen thought about it.

How to hate?

Although he does not experience life like a normal person.

But after all, his parents still gave him twenty years of life.

At this moment, he thought of those rich second generations who were feasting and feasting, and who could get everything by just opening their mouths.

I also thought about those normal people who can get some guarantees as long as they work hard.

but he.

It seems that no one has a complete life.

But there was another voice in my mind.

That voice told Luo Chen.

It’s been great to have the opportunity to experience this world for twenty years.

Well this is a gift, this is a blessing!

Because who stipulates that parents must bear everything for their children?

After all, they are all independent living entities.

"I don't blame them anymore." Luo Chen suddenly said.

"Then do you blame the world?" the old man asked again.

In this world, Luo Chen's memories are all the malice he encountered when he was a child, all the malice he encountered while traveling, all the cynicism he encountered during his three years of work, and the ruthlessness of people's hearts.

But Luo Chen thought about it.

Is this really the world?

Just because you see garbage, is the world garbage?

There is a saying that what you see depends on what you want to see.

If you want to see the ugliness of this world, then you will definitely succeed.

If you want to see the world as beautiful, then there must be beauty in the world of garbage.

There is no right or wrong in the world. What is right and wrong is human beings and their human hearts!

"No hate! No resentment, no blame!" Luo Chen smiled.

"The sun is bright and the wind is gentle. The fairness of the world is never the fairness of interpersonal relationships and social relationships, because these are made up of the human heart."

"The beauty of the world, the fairness of the world, is that even if I have a heart problem, I enjoy the same sunshine and the same air as everyone else."

"My every day is also twenty-four hours!"

"The world has never owed me anything because of my faults or shortcomings!" Luo Chen said with a smile.

The world is there, and the beautiful scenery is there.

Everyone can go see it, and everyone has the right to see it.

However, some people chose to look at the garbage dump.

The world is there, neither increasing nor decreasing, immortal, and motionless!

"I gotta go!"

"Luo Dong, and Wang Qianqian may not be able to come!" the old man suddenly whispered in a low voice.

"This is all their belongings, it's all in this folder!" The old man handed out a folder.

"They tried their best!"

And three years!

Three years in the outside world!

During the three years outside western Sichuan, there were constant wars!

Corpses everywhere!

Smoke is everywhere!

It seems that the last pure land is western Sichuan!

On the top of Mount Tai, two people were about to turn into stone statues.

"Luo Dong, I really want to see him again, even just once!"

They were covered in blood, and their souls were about to break!

Because this time, they are facing the gods of the world!

This chapter has been completed!
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