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Chapter 3 Eyes are the king of ninjutsu!

Chapter 3 The eyes are the king of Ninjutsu! (Please collect and recommend)

Author: information exchange

Chapter 3 The eyes are the king of Ninjutsu! (Please collect and recommend)

Unexpectedly triggering the mission and unlocking new functions on the panel made Nara take the crown and felt doubly happy.

The more critical point is that this B-level mission seems to be able to be taken directly by the boss!

Between Sannin and Jonin, don't I have the advantage?

Nara Langui glanced expectantly at Tsunade beside her. The latter's profile was shining brightly under the weak moonlight, like an invincible and powerful Valkyrie...

Although, it seems that this game is really not a win-win game!

The unparalleled charm of the blonde elder sister did not completely confuse Nara Langui's mind.

At this stage, Tsunade's apparent strength and prestige are indeed powerful enough.

But we must not ignore her weakness - hemophobia!

As early as during the Second Ninja War, Tsunade experienced the deaths of her younger brother Nawaki and her boyfriend Kato Dan.

Even the most exquisite medical ninjutsu could not save two corpses that had completely lost their vitality.

The extremely painful personal experience left extremely deep traces of trauma in Tsunade's heart, so much so that she suffered from "hemaphobia", which is fatal to ninjas!

Even the slightest sight of blood will make this "Ninja World's No. 1 Wet Nurse" weak, trembling, and completely lose her fighting ability.

This is top-secret information that only a few people in Konoha Village know.

'Can Tsunade completely eliminate the Iwagakure Jonin on the opposite side before the bloodphobia breaks out?'

Nara Langui looked at Tsunade, and then at the empty road ahead, without an accurate answer in her mind.

At this time, Tsunade, who seemed confident and fearless, was also thinking about this problem rapidly in her mind.

If he didn't have hemophobia, Tsunade would be able to punch the opponent like a gopher, even if he were to take another class. One punch would be like smashing a mole, smashing the opponent into small cakes.

But she happened to suffer from hemophobia!

Once the enemy bleeds, Tsunade may completely lose her ability to fight.

And even if one's own side is injured and bleeding, the situation will be the same.

'It must be done without causing any harm!'

Tsunade's eyes were firm.

'Or a one-hit kill!'

Generally speaking, for spy ninjas discovered by accident, the value of capturing them alive is far greater than killing them.

But now Tsunade is really not sure that she can capture a Jonin-level enemy alive without any injuries. The risk of fighting is too high!

Facing the enemy, since you can't capture him alive, you can only choose to kill him on the spot.

For Tsunade, who is proficient in medical ninjutsu, "killing without injury" is not a particularly difficult operation.

As long as you use the A-level medical ninjutsu "Chakra Scalpel", you can cut off the muscles, blood vessels and even bones inside the enemy's body without leaving any trauma, thereby causing fatal wounds!

But the real difficulty is that the enemy spies are not ordinary people, and they also master the extremely rare "advanced invisibility technique". Tsunade's perception ability cannot accurately sense the enemy's position, size and posture.

Whether it is healing medical ninjutsu or offensive medical ninjutsu, the requirements for accuracy are very strict.

Use the "Chakra scalpel" to attack invisible enemies. If you are not careful, you may attack the wrong part of the body.

If you are lucky, you may be able to achieve the "one-hit kill" effect.

But if unlucky, it will cause the enemy to be slightly injured and bleed, and then the battle situation will be reversed directly...

'It seems that the only way to fine-tune the battle strategy is based on the actual battle situation.'

After thinking about it, Tsunade basically finalized the next battle plan.

'It's really troublesome! If I hadn't brought this kid next to me...'

Tsunade turned her face and looked at Nara Langui next to her. Seeing the latter staring at the empty road ahead with a serious face, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

That’s it! Who made me take the initiative to take over his B-level mission?

"There is no absolutely perfect ninjutsu in the world. As long as it is ninjutsu, there will be shortcomings."

Tsunade reached out her hand and gently pressed Nara Langui's head.

"Boy, let me teach you how to break this invisible ninjutsu, which is similar to Touretsu!"

Transparency, a special blood inheritance limited ability mastered by the Moonlight Clan of Konoha Village, its basic effect is to "eliminate one's own aura and make the whole body transparent".

Tsunade knows something about Touden. On the one hand, this is because this kind of blood-limited ability is extremely rare. It is extremely difficult for ordinary ninjas of the non-Uchiha and Hyuga clans to restrain themselves and deal with it;

On the other hand, it needs to be "credited" to her good teammate who likes to peek into women's bathhouses. The latter has been pursuing this kind of special ability that allows people to remain invisible since he was a child.

For the above reasons, Tsunade not only knows how "Transparent Escape" works, but also roughly knows how to counter this type of invisibility.

What about invisibility that prevents you from seeing through enemies?

Just make it impossible for the enemy to become invisible!

'But having said that, families with eyes like Uchiha and Hinata are really enviable at certain special times...'

The big blond fat sheep who was born into the Thousand Hands clan sighed like this in his heart.

At this time, Iwagakure Jonin Oishi still maintained his original posture, standing motionless, his body transparent and invisible.

Ninja Technique·Camouflage Hide.

This is an advanced secret ninjutsu of Iwagakure Village that Oishi has mastered. By forming seals, extracting and controlling chakra to make the whole body transparent, and at the same time tightening and isolating the breath of the whole body, making one's own sense of existence weak.

As long as he is not facing the pupil arts families such as Uchiha and Hinata, Oishi can basically rely on the effect of ninjutsu and camouflage to avoid the observation and perception of most ninjas. This secret technique is also his greatest ability to spy on the intelligence of Platycodon City.


Of course, as Tsunade said, camouflage invisibility is by no means a perfect invisibility technique.

One of the shortcomings of camouflage concealment is that it cannot suppress the sound of air flow caused by the user moving at high speed.

The large stone that maintains its transparent state continuously refines chakra, changes its properties into earth properties, and temporarily retains them in the body.

Ordinary ninjas may not be able to detect the faint sound caused by him moving at high speed while hiding in camouflage.

But Tsunade-hime, one of the dignified Sannin, would never fail to notice it!

'I can only think of ways to create opportunities and escape with the help of Earth Escape.'

Oishi is not arrogant enough to think that he can defeat Tsunade-hime alone, even if the other party brings a burden.

'Fortunately, the mission of spying on Platycodon City is basically over. It's just that the director of the orphanage that I just passed by looks too much like the shrine maiden... No, there is no need to dwell on this issue now!'

Oishi eliminated distracting thoughts and calmed down, staring closely at Tsunade and Nara Langui, not letting go of their every move.

The moment Tsunade raised her hand to touch Nara Langui's head, a light suddenly flashed in Oishi's eyes.

"It's now! Earth Escape·Tu Long Spear!"

The earth-type chakra refined by Dashi for a long time was released along his chakra acupuncture points and spread into the ground in front of him. Suddenly, a rumble of noise came from inside the originally flat ground, and the ground shook slightly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the moment when Oishi completed the Earth Release Technique seal, one after another, sharp and towering earth spears as thick as giant trees rose up from the ground, attacking Tsunade and Nara Lan with lightning speed.

Gui, during this period, it brought up countless dust particles.

"A Earth Escape with this speed is still far from hitting me!"

Tsunade's palm that was originally pressed on Nara Langui's head slid down and instead grasped the collar of the latter's neck. She used her legs to jump back and avoided this move with incomparable dexterity.

The mighty Tulong Spear.

At the same time, Tsunade looked past the dust and smoke flying in the sky and the staggered thorn communities, and looked at its end position from the distance.

She knew very well that the starting point of this earth escape ninjutsu was the location of the enemy village spy.

Want to attack? A thought flashed in Tsunade's mind.

No! She rejected her idea of ​​course.

At such a long distance, I'm not sure I can kill him in one hit!

After a brief hesitation, Tsunade gave up the idea of ​​taking the initiative to attack, but she did not forget what she had just taught Nara Langui.

"Watch it, boy!"

Tsunade, who took Nara Langui up to the sky, also raised her index and middle fingers, placed them on her chest and refined chakra, and a layer of dense green light covered her whole body.

"Strange power!"

Kaili, the frontal combat ability that Tsunade is most familiar with, its essence is to accurately control its own chakra to explode powerful physical power.

In the past years, Tsunade used her "strange power" to violently crush many enemies.

But what few people know is that strange power can not only act on rigid fist physical skills!


The moment Tsunade exploded with strange power, a strong air current comparable to a hurricane suddenly erupted from her delicate body, roaring toward the fog and dust below, sweeping it away easily.

Oishi, who had just created a precious opportunity and planned to use earth escape ninjutsu to escape, was caught off guard and hit by this violent airflow!

Dashi, who was forced to form a seal due to the use of "Tulon Spear", has already exited the transparent state of camouflage.

At this moment, the gray-yellow figure standing in the strong wind, covered in dust, couldn't be more conspicuous!

Both Tsunade and Nara Langui clearly saw each other's existence.

"not good!"

Dashi frowned tightly and decisively sped up the seal formation speed.

Tsunade accurately captured this scene, but did not immediately pursue the victory. Instead, she dropped Nara Langui first, and then stepped on the Tulong gun that had just risen. She deliberately waited half a beat before rushing over, almost letting it go.

The opponent dives into the ground.

'Finally the opportunity has come!'

It was clear that the enemy had fled, but Tsunade's mood was not bad. This was one of her well-considered battle strategies.

Staring at the ground in front of her that showed faint traces of earth escape, Tsunade raised her small fist again.

This time, I went all out:

"Strange power!"


With a deafening roar, countless mud and stone fragments were centered at the point where Tsunade's fist struck, and flew in all directions at high speeds. The Tulong gun community that had just risen was like a fragile reed, with roots

The roots are broken and they fall face to face.

Traces of deep cracks like knives and axes spread around like spider grids. The speed was extremely fast, and the relatively flat ground was actually blasted nearly ten meters away by Tsunade's "Fist of Strange Power".

Deep pit!

Nara Langui raised his arms to shield his face from the flying sand and rocks coming from the front. From the corner of his vision, he caught a glimpse of the ground in front of him that was being ravaged by a strangely powerful fat sheep, and his eyelids involuntarily jumped wildly.

Is this the power of the little fists of the Ninja World’s number one wet nurse?

It's so terrifying!

Thick, dark red blood seeped out from the broken cracks in the earth, and a few drops of it stained Tsunade's fist.


The dazzling bright red color was reflected in Tsunade's clear brown eyes. Princess Wei Li, who was so majestic just a second ago, trembled all over, her face suddenly turned pale, and she fell weakly into the pit.


Nara Langui ran over from behind and planned to help Tsunade up, but suddenly there was a strange sound on the ground.


On the edge of the dilapidated pit on the ground, a human-shaped dirt bag full of cracks rose up strangely. The original color of the yellow soil was completely obscured by the scarlet color of blood, and the pungent smell of blood drifted along the evening wind.

'The ninja spy just now is not dead?'

Tsunade's pupils shrank violently. She tried hard to squeeze out some strength and courage from her trembling body, but the terrifying blood color seemed to bring her back to the battlefield of the Second Ninja War.


Under the impact of this bloody smell, the heroic Tsunade-hime turned directly into a frail and fragile flower.

‘From the Nara family…’

"Stop looking."

The white and thin little hands covered Tsunade's trembling eyes, and Nara Langui's calm voice sounded in her ears.

"Now, leave it to me."

As soon as Nara Langui finished speaking, the blood-soaked human-shaped soil bag broke open, revealing the true face inside.

Iwagakure spy Oishi's whole body looked like a mess of blood and flesh, and there was almost no good piece of flesh on his body, but his ordinary black eyeballs shone with a frightening light of life.

If he hadn't just accelerated the speed of forming seals, if he hadn't just used the most skilled earth escape technique, if he hadn't given full play to his survival instinct... he would have been punched to death by the woman just now!

Even so, Dashi still had multiple fractures and bleeding all over his body. If he did not receive timely treatment, he would almost certainly die.

Is this the legendary Sannin?

Desperate power!

It's a pity...


Looking straight ahead at Tsunade-hime who was slumped in the pothole, Oishi let out a terrifying laughter like a night owl.

"Is this Tsunade-hime? Such a powerful ninja, but he has inexplicably lost his combat effectiveness? Lost his strength? Or... some other reason?"

Oishi couldn't figure out the reason, so he simply didn't think about it. He struggled and took out a kunai from the hidden pocket of his clothes. The dark red iron tip stained with a lot of blood pointed directly at the heads of Tsunade and Nara Langui, killing them violently.

The intention is unabashed.

"Let me take down the Sannin's head!

"Sandaime-sama, my mission...is completed!"

Nara Langui stood behind Tsunade, covering the latter's eyes with his hands, and stared at the Iwagakure spy calmly.

The boss accidentally disconnected and couldn't take him directly, so he had to do it himself!

【The art of gathering shadows!】

A shadow tentacle silently emerged from Nara Langui's feet, followed the back of his right leg, reached into the ninja tool bag at his waist, and flexibly took out a stick of adhesive tape to detonate at a timed pace.

Talisman's special kunai.


A bit of cold light arrived first, and the dark kunai shimmering with cold light flew out from behind Nara Langui at high speed. The detonating talisman that was lit at an unknown time brought up a trail of smoke and flames in mid-air.

"Detonating Talisman Kunai?"

Oishi didn't see Nara Langui's throwing action clearly, but with just a simple sideways movement, his jounin-level explosive power allowed him to easily avoid the special kunai thrown by Nara Langui.

"Too slow, kid!"

Even in a state of serious injury, Oishi's combat experience and reaction speed were still beyond what Nara Langui could capture and follow.

But Nara Langui didn't have the extravagant expectation that he could stab a Jonin to death with a kunai.


A loud roar sounded behind the boulder, and the brilliant firelight reflected his bloody body like a ferocious ghost, while invisibly lengthening his shadow.

The hot shock wave came from behind, and Dashi felt a slight heat on his back. His seriously injured body was almost staggered by the shock wave of the detonating talisman.

'A very advanced detonating talisman! You must be careful! The kid opposite may have some tricks to turn the tables!'

Dashi was very cautious, did not rush forward, and continued to test with words.

"This is your last—"


But before he finished speaking, Dashi's voice was interrupted by another roar from behind.

But this time, it's no longer a detonating charm.

A fierce and dazzling light was released from behind the big stone, magnifying his already stretched shadow several times again.

What Nara Langui just threw was not just an ordinary detonating talisman kunai, but a detonating flash kunai!

At the moment when the flash bomb exploded, the shadow of Oishi and the shadow of Nara Langui completely overlapped!

Deep shadows spread across Nara Langui's eyes, and dense tentacles of shadows rose from behind him.

The blazing white light caused by the burning flash bomb illuminated Nara Langui's cheek.

The dark pupils and pure whites of the eyes together form a pair of dark ghost eyes that seem to come from hell.

"Listen, the corpse is talking."

[A-level technique: Paint Eye]

[Description of the technique: Nara Langui’s self-developed technique to penetrate the dark eyes of spiritual energy]

[Effects of the technique: 1. In the [Paint Eye] state, the flow of spiritual energy can be observed in an unobstructed vision environment;

2. In the [Paint Eyes] state, you can perfectly control your own spiritual energy and Yin Escape Chakra. Any Nara clan shadow secret technique you master does not require sealing, and your mind can be cast instantly]

[Evaluation of the technique: The eyes are the king of ninjutsu!]

Thank you very much to the boss of "Wandering Youhuo" for the 5,000 starting coin reward!! and becoming the first deacon of this book!!


New book issue, updated twice a day, 12 noon and 6 pm.

The contract for this book has been completed, and book friends who want to invest should speed up.


In the official data book, the secret techniques of the Nara clan are basically [Secret - No Level], and the only A-level secret technique is [Shadow Slap Technique] (which was released by Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino in the Fourth War)

That shadow yo-yo...)

This book has two assumptions about the level of the [Shadow Secret Technique] of the Nara clan. Please explain it.

(End of chapter)

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