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Chapter 11 Vigilant Barley and Nana

Chapter 11 Alert Damai and Nana

Author: Lao Tuo

Chapter 11 Alert Damai and Nana

As the sun set slowly, the grandmothers who had been observed by Zhang Wentao for a long time began to close their stalls and prepare to cook delicious dinners for their busy family members outside.

A local man who looked to be in his thirties greeted a few grannies warmly and then began to set up his barbecue stall.

"Champion, this name is really interesting. It seems that his parents hope that their son will succeed."

Names are the hopes parents give their children, just like him. If it weren't for his father's strong request, he should be called "Wen Tao" in Wen Tao Wulue, instead of the current Wen Tao.

Listening to the exchange between the barbecue stall owner and his grandma, Zhang Wentao, who was getting up and dusting his buttocks, smiled when he heard each other's name.

Let's try some local specialties. What's the name of that shop?

Gesanghua Hotel?

Don't know how it tastes.

After all, after learning from the coffee shop that was highly recommended by others, his expectations for the food here were slightly lowered, but when he found this small shop with such concerns.

The aroma from inside hit his nostrils, causing him to swallow subconsciously and make him feel hungry.

Sure enough, the special dishes are the most attractive.

Smelling the aroma, Zhang Wentao walked in quickly. There were many people in the shop, eating, drinking, and chatting in twos and threes.

As he passed by, he saw other people stuffing food into their mouths, and the smell made him more and more upset.

He is greedy.

It seems that the person who recommended this restaurant has a good conscience and did not deceive himself. No... that person also recommended Youfeng Restaurant...

Forget it, never mind this.

With this thought in mind, he walked into the store.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?"

The person who received him was a local grandmother, wearing traditional local costumes and smiling very kindly.

"Grandma, I just came here today and don't know much about this place. Just make me two special dishes and some rice."

Glancing at the ingredients displayed outside, Zhang Wentao didn't know what to eat. People in the store also had a variety of dishes, and they all seemed good.

"Okay, I'll make you grandma's specialty braised chicken, and then I'll make you a water-based poplar soup, what do you think?"

"Okay, no problem."

After a while, Zhang Wentao, who was sitting alone at an empty table, waited for his own meal.

"The dishes are here, you eat first. This water-based poplar flower is a local specialty here. Try it more, it's delicious."

"OK, thanks."

As Zhang Wentao replied, he lowered his eyes and took a look at the attractive yellow braised chicken and the water-based Yanghua soup that looked a little clear and watery.

Naturally, I chose to eat the former first. After all, the braised chicken looked and smelled very appetizing.

He couldn't wait to pick up a piece of tender chicken, put it to his mouth and bit into it. It was tender and smooth, and the soup was also very delicious.

It's really delicious. I didn't expect that the chef in this small shop is very good at his craftsmanship.

After confirming that this dish was delicious, he quickly poured a little braised chicken soup into his rice. After eating two bowls of rice and half a portion of braised chicken, he was satisfied and slowed down his eating.

The water-based Yanghua soup, which seemed to be a bit clear and watery before, also gave him some surprises.

It's like two dishes that complement each other, one is responsible for quenching cravings, and the other is responsible for quenching boredom.

Without anyone, the meal would be missing a bit of flavor.

After eating and drinking, he looked at the unfinished battlefield, touched his belly with a look of unfulfilled satisfaction, and said with emotion: "It would be great if the lunatic was here, there wouldn't be so many left."

A meal partner is actually quite important.

"Grandma, can you pack it?"

"Of course!"

On the other side, Xu Hongdou, who slept in the courtyard all afternoon and felt a bit chilly, ran back to room 6 to continue sleeping. He turned around and wanted to sleep for a while. After realizing that he seemed to be full, he stared at the roof.

I was stunned for a while.

It wasn't until she felt the hunger in her belly that she rubbed her still hazy eyes, got out of bed, put on a coat and the slippers Xie Zhiyao bought for her, and walked out of the room softly and slowly.

In the kitchen of the small courtyard, Nana, who had returned from get off work, was sitting in the dining room, drinking tea and eating dried fruits while waiting for the barley to be cooked in the kitchen.

Seeing Xu Hongdou coming, she immediately smiled: "Why are you up? I see you have been sleeping."

"I slept a lot in the afternoon." Xu Hongdou's voice was very soft, and he sat down opposite Nana naturally. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Damai, whom he had just met this morning, walking over carrying a pan and basin.

"Are you ready to eat?"

Damai hummed and put the cooked rice noodles on the mat on the dining table. Obviously, she was not prepared for Xu Hongdou's sudden arrival, but she still mustered up the courage immediately and asked: "Want to eat?"


"I'm not hungry, no need."

Xu Hongdou shook her head slightly. She never thought that she would meet someone having dinner together by such a coincidence.

It's embarrassing to join in so rashly.

Nana smiled. She still liked Xu Hongdou very much and had a good impression of her. She said, "You have been sleeping since I came back. You must be hungry now. Let's eat together. I'll get the bowls and chopsticks."

"Well, yes, let's eat together, it's about having more sets of bowls and chopsticks." Damai added.

Xu Hongdou was actually a little hungry. Thinking of the rice noodles he had eaten in the morning, he could no longer pretend to be reserved at this moment, so he thanked Barley with a smile and looked at the cooked rice noodles pot with expectant eyes.

It should still taste just as good as it did in the morning and smell the same.

Damai seemed to have read her thoughts. He gently pushed the cushion under the pot, placed it in the middle of the dining table, and opened the lid.

Sure enough, as Xu Hongdou expected, it was exactly the same as the rice noodles in the morning.

The aroma that hit her face made her couldn't help but say "hmm" and pursed her lips slightly. However, such a subconscious action made her feel very embarrassed.

"Do you two want chili?" Nana came back with bowls and chopsticks. After serving rice noodles for the three of them, she asked the two of them with a small plate for chopping chili like a grown-up family.


Xu Hongdou and Damai replied in unison.

Soon, with the help of Mi Fen, the three of them started chatting while eating. Damai heard that Xu Hongdou was the front desk manager at BJ's five-star hotel. She had never worked before and admired the person in front of her very much.

A good-looking sister.

Xu Hongdou was also full of curiosity when he learned that the other party was an online writer.

After listening to their respective introductions, Nana also briefly introduced herself to the newcomer Xu Hongdou, but she hid the real reason for coming here. She acted very naturally, patronizing Xu Hongdou and Barley.

None were found.

While the three of them were slurping the rice noodles, enjoying the delicious food, and warmly sharing the information they could share, Zhang Wentao walked into the small courtyard carrying the packed food.

After having dinner at the Gesanghua Restaurant, he took the unfinished braised chicken, water-based poplar soup, and some rice, and walked around a lot in the night before returning.

He was used to going to bed late, so when he came back early, he was just in a daze. He might as well enjoy the night view of the ancient village.

The first person to notice Zhang Wentao coming in was Nana. The red jacket left a deep impression on her. At the same time, Xu Hongdou turned her back to the person who walked in and did not notice it.

"Excuse me?" Nana stood up and looked at Zhang Wentao doubtfully.

Wouldn't this person come to Xiaofeng Xiaoyuan just to get a WeChat account?!

Damai leaned back a little, as if someone suddenly came in and broke the warmth, making her full of alert. Xu Hongdou also turned his head and looked at Zhang Wentao who was standing at the door of the restaurant.

She thought that maybe Nana and Damai didn't know the new resident who moved in today, and they were about to explain it to each other.

Zhang Wentao walked into the kitchen by himself, opened the refrigerator and put his things away without expression, and said calmly: "I am the guest of Room 5."

After saying that, Zhang Wentao left the restaurant and quickly went to the second floor without even looking at the three people.

People are sensitive animals. The moment you come in, it is not difficult to detect the other person's defense against you.

As soon as he left, Xu Hongdou, who turned around, also noticed the slight fear on the faces of the two people who were fine just now, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Ah...no, it's nothing."

Nana, who sat down again, stroked Da Mai's back and explained: "Previously, when Da Mai went for a rare walk, she met a young man and asked for her contact information..."

(End of chapter)

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