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Chapter 112 Zhang Wentao Holds the Knife Tightly

Chapter 112 Zhang Wentao clenched the knife (please vote for me, please vote for recommendations)

Author: Lao Tuo

Chapter 112 Zhang Wentao clenched the knife (please vote for me, please vote for recommendations)

On the way to the e-commerce warehouse, Xie Zhiyao introduced the staff to Xu Hongdou. Since Xu Hongdou joined the store, the service quality of the store has quickly improved a lot after a short period of careful training.


His business is basically related to the service industry, so Xu Hongdou needs help in many areas.

For example, problems with e-commerce warehouses mainly occur in the customer service area.

Aunt Feng is old, and her family's conditions are not good because of her son. In addition, as a person who has endured hardships in that era, she will have a habit of frugality and reluctance to waste things.

Her temperament is more serious and upright.

For such a person to serve as customer service and deal with after-sales issues would be in great conflict with the 'service first' pursuit of this era. But because the income of customer service is higher than that of other positions, Aunt Feng also had to work hard to get this job.

It took a lot of effort.

Xie Zhiyao had no choice but to move Xu Hongdou out and ask her to instill more service concepts into Aunt Feng and change her thinking.

No matter what, he couldn't change the other person's position due to emotions and reasons, even if the other person's serious personality was not suitable for the after-sales position.

"It seems that Zhang Wentao's analysis in the morning made sense."

While listening to Xie Zhiyao's story about Aunt Feng, Xu Hongdou was thinking to herself. Thinking that the best way to solve the problem is to deal with it from the root cause, Xu Hongdou looked sideways at Xie Zhiyao and asked:

"Then can you tell me about the situation at Aunt Feng's house, preferably in more detail, and about other people."


Xie Zhiyao was a little embarrassed. After all, Xie Qiang's affairs were not glorious, but when he saw the word "serious" written all over the fair face in front of him, he pondered for a while and nodded.

Said: "Aunt Feng has a son who grew up with me. After graduating from high school, he found a job as a warehouse manager..."

After walking for about twenty minutes, the two of them arrived at Xie Zhiyao's e-commerce warehouse while talking.

In the warehouse, the aunties are gathering together to pack the goods to be sent out today.

When the champion mother saw the two walking in together at a leisurely pace, a joyful smile appeared on her face: "The boss and the boss's wife are here."

In her eyes, Xie Zhiyao is the most promising "baby" in Yunmiao Village, and Xu Hongdou is a woman with outstanding appearance and gentle temperament. If two people can get together, they will be better for their family and each other.

Life and common career are all good.

Aunt Baoping and Chu Chu couldn't help laughing when they heard the joking greeting from Champion's mother.

Now in the village, the neighbors who are familiar with Ayao's family and have close relatives are all thinking about this matter.

Aunt Feng's expression was a little solemn, she patted the champion mother beside her and said, "Don't scream, I saw Manager Xu with a man this morning, the one in their courtyard."

"Aunts." Xu Hongdou fixed her hair, walked up to several aunts with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "Aunts, I am Xu Hongdou, you can just call me Hongdou. As for Mr. Xie and I

The rumors cannot be taken to be true."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Xie."

As she said that, she turned to look behind her at the other person, who had an awkward smile on her face.

"Ah... yes, Manager Xu is the tenant in the courtyard. Auntie, please stop talking nonsense and just joke around in private. We should be more careful when we work." Xie Zhiyao said coquettishly.

"It's not possible in private. If you don't have it, you don't have it." Xu Hongdou's tone was a little serious, as if she had returned to the attitude of her conversation with Xie Zhiyao when Xie Zhiyuan ran away from home.

"I just said it casually." Xie Zhiyao scratched his nose to cover up his embarrassment.

But at this moment, his heart felt like he had been stabbed by an awl, and he was in terrible pain.

He couldn't figure out why Xu Hongdou, who didn't pay much attention to rumors before, changed so suddenly after just one night. Is Zhang Wentao really that important to her?

Or maybe this change is due to what happened between the two of them last night...

In the kitchen of the restaurant, Zhang Wentao and Shi Tiandong were watching Xie Liang clumsily handling the fish scales, and couldn't help but shake their heads and smile bitterly.

He obviously grew up on the shore of Erhai Lake, but he can't even catch a fish.

Aren’t the people in this place supposed to have grown up eating fish? Even if they were pampered at home since childhood, at least they should have watched their parents cooking fish.

"No, Xie Liang, haven't your family taught you how to remove fish scales?"

In the end, Zhang Wentao couldn't stand it anymore, and his tone of voice was not as easy-going as before.

Because after the fish was processed, it would be used at night. He thought that it would not be a big problem to hand over this job to Xie Liang, who usually performed well, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't know how to do it at all. Even after Shi Tiandong taught him twice, he didn't learn it.

"Um..." Xie Liang's expression was a little reserved. He was really Zhang Wentao who was a little afraid of losing his temper.

With anxiety, he felt embarrassed and disappointed in himself, and worried about being scolded. And he didn't know how to answer Zhang Wentao's question.

The movements of my hands were so nervous that I couldn't even catch the fish.

His parents divorced when he was young, and he grew up with his grandparents.

I don’t know where my father is. Although my mother still cares about him, she has a new family of her own. My grandparents make a living by farming and don’t earn much. In addition to using their income to maintain daily expenses, they rarely see each other at home.

To the fishy taste.

"Don't do this or that." Zhang Wentao hated it most in the kitchen when the other party didn't give a clear answer when he asked about something. Seeing the other party's hesitating look, his tone became stern: "What's the matter?

Just talk nonsense, if you really can't do it, just watch from the side."

While talking, Zhang Wentao patted Xie Liang's arm with the back of his hand, indicating to him to give up his position, and at the same time took the kitchen knife from the other person's hand.

Then he said to Shi Tiandong: "You go outside and keep an eye on it first. I'll take care of it here."

Shi Tiandong nodded to Zhang Wentao, then gave Xie Liang an encouraging look, then turned and left the raw meat processing room.

After a while, Zhang Wentao quickly processed the scales of several fish. When he was lowering his head and preparing to process the next one, he found Xie Liang poking at his side like a piece of wood, and said angrily: "Don't just stand here, go

Bring the tweezers, you can always get fish bones, right?"

There was no sound around me.

In his peripheral vision, he could see the other party beside him, motionless.

Half a minute passed, and a minute passed, but there was still no response from the other party.

Zhang Wentao was even more dissatisfied with this attitude. He raised his head and was about to tell the other party to get out. When he was out of sight and out of mind, he was stunned and felt a thump in his heart.

A young man of eighteen or nineteen actually bit his own lip because of what he said and stared at himself with red eyes and tears in his eyes.

This sudden situation made Zhang Wentao instantly recall many situations that had happened in French restaurants.

Subconsciously, he held the knife in his hand.

"Master, am I... particularly embarrassed..."

Well, some people may think this is an exaggeration, but this kind of thing is real. Between the chef and the chef, and between the chef and the waiter in front of him

(End of chapter)

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