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235. Chapter 235 Touched selfishness

235. Chapter 235 The ‘selfishness’ that was touched

Author: Lao Tuo

Chapter 235 The ‘selfishness’ that was touched

Holding hands, we returned to the small courtyard.

In Zhang Wentao's room, two people were sitting on the sofa. One was holding the computer and reading something intently, while the other was leaning on the other's shoulder and reading a book.

Both of their mobile phones were lying quietly on the table.

Xu Hongdou would occasionally glance at her phone secretly, wanting to take it over and swipe it.

But seeing the other party replying to the email so seriously, she felt a little embarrassed and turned her attention to the book again.

Although she couldn't understand the content of Zhang Wentao's French email, she could still understand the English email she just scanned at a glance.

Before I knew it, half an hour had passed.

She really couldn't stand the book anymore and didn't want to pretend anymore. She glanced sideways at the other party. She spotted the clothes stacked on the bed with her peripheral vision. She rolled her eyes and said softly: "I'll go get the clothes back."


Zhang Wentao replied softly.

"Then wait for me."

Xu Hongdou finished speaking with a smile, kissed the other person's cheek, put the book on the table, and picked up her mobile phone to get up.


Zhang Wentao did not speak, but frowned, coughed, and moved his eyes staring at the screen to the other party.

At noon, ever since he started to focus on the problem on his mobile phone, he had been thinking about preventing himself from developing the same hobby as Xu Hongdou, so the two of them discussed it when they entered the house.

When Xu Hongdou accompanies him to work, he is not allowed to play with his mobile phone next to him.

Hearing this cough, Xu Hongdou frowned, reluctantly put the phone back on the table, pouted and stood up to get her clothes.

Seeing that the other party was so obedient, the corners of Zhang Wentao's mouth also turned up a little.

As soon as Xu Hongdou went out, he returned his attention to the computer screen and opened an email. The specific content was a recent report on French catering, including photos and recipes of some recent masterpieces by chefs.

As a chef, if you want to improve your cooking skills, it is no use just shutting yourself in front of the kitchen stove after reaching a certain level.

On weekdays, I also need to look at a lot of the masterpieces of my peers to get some inspiration.

There are a lot of articles in the world, and the same goes for cooking.

The difference between making the same recipe is that the taste, the design of the presentation, and the emphasis you want to express are all different.

While he was concentrating on his thoughts, the "buzz" of his cell phone disturbed his thoughts.

When he saw the letter was from WeChat, he frowned, took the phone over, opened it and saw that it was Si Qing who had refunded the money.

Xu Hongdou happened to come back at this time.

When she entered the room pouting, she turned around and saw the other party looking at her mobile phone. She sat down next to him a little dissatisfied and said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "You didn't let me play with my mobile phone just now. What were you doing?"

"Yes, I'm replying to the message."

Zhang Wentao explained and showed the other party the phone screen.

Xu Hongdou was not interested at first, but after just taking a glance, she stared at the screen in confusion.

The screen is not big, and her face is not very close.

But it can still be clearly seen that there are financial transactions between the two, as well as each other's names.

Si Qing?

This name sounds very nice.

But as soon as I heard it, I knew that this person was a woman!

After Zhang Wentao came here, Xu Hongdou knew all the women he had come into contact with. She had met Nana, Damai, Sun Xiaowei, and Pigeon.

When did Si Qing appear?

Xu Hongdou thought with a puzzled look on her face. It wasn't that she didn't believe the other party, but a woman she had never seen before suddenly appeared. She was a bit...

However, it felt like the other party was looking at the screen directly for me so unscrupulously.

It seems that he is also afraid of misunderstanding.

This also shows that the relationship between this woman named Si Qing and Zhang Wentao is just normal.


There was a vibration.

Zhang Wentao's watch lit up, and an additional sentence appeared in the chat interface.

Si Qing: Mr. Zhang, my friend has bayberries here. He will pick some for me tomorrow. I can’t confirm the price yet, so you can take the money back first.

"What did you buy?"

Looking closer and seeing this sentence, Xu Hongdou's face was full of curiosity, and the slight doubt that appeared in his eyes just now was gone.

Zhang Wentao said "uh" and smiled:

"When I came back, I heard you saying that you were going to pick plums tomorrow. I thought the bayberries in ZJ were also in season, so I asked the manager to help me buy some."

"Manager?" Xu Hongdou asked.

"Yes, the manager of the bank. I met Lao Shi when we went to the garden. She is not a bad person. The girl is quite awesome and pretty."

After saying that, Zhang Wentao casually replied a thank you to Si Qing and prepared to put the phone back on the table.

He spoke very casually and moved very casually.

But Xu Hongdou didn’t sound so casual!

When I first met, I would praise others and even praise them in front of me for how beautiful they are!

When these key points came out of the mouth of Zhang Wentao, who usually didn't open his eyes to look at strangers, Xu Hongdou felt extremely satisfied.

The cherry lips that I had lowered only after entering the house started to pout again with a sour feeling in my heart.

You never praised me so much when you saw me...

For some reason, Xu Hongdou suddenly thought that he had never been praised so much by the other party, and Xu Hongdou's eyes drooped a little.

“It’s really pretty.”

Zhang Wentao thought that the other party's silence was because he didn't believe it, so he added another blow when he put down the phone.

This stab not only overturned Xu Hongdou's jealousy, but also made the other party feel a surge of anger in her heart. She glanced at Zhang Wentao: "She looks good, do I look good?"

Zhang Wentao originally had a smile on his lips, but as soon as he turned his head, he felt the anger in Xu Hongdou's eyes.


Zhang Wentao was hit like this, and while cursing himself secretly, he was thinking about how to answer.

Saying of course it's you seems a bit perfunctory, but it's the truth


Xu Hongdou caught this key reaction and took a deep breath. It was the first time that she was jealous of another woman when she saw the other woman hesitate, and her heart became sour for no reason.

Originally, it was just delicious, but now it's more like adding a few drops of lemon juice to a vinegar jar.

A kind of grievance also tumbles along with this sour smell.

Two people, last night.

Two people, this morning.

Still having the most intimate interactions, and not even taking protective measures.

Now, at this moment.

The other party praises other women's beauty in front of him.

As this kind of grievance became more and more intense, Xu Hongdou's eyes suddenly turned red.

The two people looked at each other, and Zhang Wentao quickly realized that things were going in the wrong direction, so he quickly turned sideways and looked at each other, regardless of the notebook on his lap, and asked in a somewhat anxious tone: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm going back to the house."

Xu Hongdou didn't want to talk to the other person, and tried hard to maintain her emotions. She glanced at the other person's face and stood up while not wanting to look at the other person anymore.

When the other party stretched out his hand to grab her, she shook it off angrily.

What's wrong?

What did you say?

I accompany you with all my heart, protect you, care about you, and in the end you praise other women to me for being beautiful?

Xu Hongdou didn't know why she suddenly cared so much about this matter.

She just felt uncomfortable.

I just feel like I just heard the tone and smile of the other person praising others, which makes me...

Let your selfishness be touched...

It's not a knife. I'll send it out as soon as the next chapter is written.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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