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243. Chapter 243 242 The seriousness of the problem

243. Chapter 243 242 The seriousness of the problem

Author: Lao Tuo

Chapter 243 242. The seriousness of the problem

Xu Hongmi's home in Shanghai seems to be more lively.

Lingdang came home from school. After dinner, she heard that her mother was taking her to Dali to play with her aunt, and to meet the legendary aunt on the way. She was very happy.

As she watched her parents packing her luggage, she kept smiling. This was more or less a reason why she didn't have to go to school.

She couldn't wait to meet her beautiful aunt...the uncle she had talked about with her parents.

What does a chef do?

Will he buy delicious food for himself?

Ling Ding, biting her finger, couldn't help but start drooling when she thought about the delicious food her aunt sent home...

At the same time, under the ancient trees in Yunmiao Village.

The time passed more quietly.

The last time everyone gathered at Yang Guanjun's barbecue stall, it must have been more than a month ago.

Zhang Wentao thought about it for a while and couldn't quite remember the time.

When was the last time you and Xie Zhiyao looked at each other so close?

Taking into account the two parties organized by the other party, it seemed that the one was at the racecourse. When he was resting, Xu Hongdou took him out to see the surrounding scenery.

In the quiet woods and clear streams, the two of them strolled along the Erhai Lake.

Zhang Wentao still remembers the incident of one red and one green.

In his mind, he still remembered that there was a young pony in Xie Zhiyao's racecourse. While Xu Hongdou was thinking about it, he was also thinking about it.

Zhang Wentao was deeply impressed by this.

"I feel relieved now that you are here. Please persuade him to stop looking so droopy." Yang Guanjun brought the skewers ordered by everyone and said as he put them in front of everyone with a smile.

His words seemed to be spoken to everyone, or to someone.

Everyone smiled and thanked him, and then he went on to grill skewers for everyone.

Others come here so late to take care of his business. It's not that there is no stove in the courtyard, nor is there no food, it's just for convenience.

He still understands this truth.

As soon as he left, everyone turned their attention to Xie Zhiyao. Everyone who participated in today's work knew about his worries. Even Zhang Wentao, who did not participate, also heard about it.

Different from the concerned expressions of others, Zhang Wentao hoped that the other party would take action quickly.

Otherwise, the skewers will be cold and won’t taste good.

Seeing everyone looking at him like this, Xie Zhiyao was stunned for a moment and then quickly smiled and said: "Don't be like this, you should eat. I just want to drink and relax."

"Mr. Xie..." Nana looked at the other party with concern.

Xie Zhiyao did not hesitate, quickly picked up the beer in his hand, and said with a reluctant smile: "Come on, let's have a drink together first. Thank you for your hard work today."

After saying that, except for Zhang Wentao who acted the fastest, the rest of the people hesitated for a while before picking up the beer. After everyone touched it lightly, they each took a sip and began to eat the skewers.

As soon as the kebabs were eaten, everyone started talking.

The content of the conversation was nothing more than concerned about Xie Zhiyao's condition. He was upset, and no matter how well he concealed it, everyone could see it.

Xu Hongdou also showed appropriate concern, while Zhang Wentao just ate and nodded without saying a word.

There is a lot of pressure, there are many difficulties, and life is not easy. This is a common topic that everyone has encountered in their lives.

Zhang Wentao has no sympathy or pity for the other party, let alone express opinions from his own perspective.

As before, he did not consider his relationship with Xie Zhiyao to be very close.

Regarding the dilemma faced by Xie Zhiyao, he believed more rationally that the reason why the other party faced such a dilemma was inseparable from the original choice.

Since it is something you choose, you have to bear it yourself.

This idea is very similar to what Nana said to comfort Xie Zhiyao in the tavern. We are all adults, and there is no need for anyone to coax the other.

However, he showed appropriate concern for his girlfriend Xu Hongdou.

He still selectively accepted it.

"After all, you are still thinking about Shaohua Bookstore." Yang Guanjun saw that all the guests had left, leaving only Xie Zhiyao and his group, and walked over with the skewers and beer prepared for him.

Zhang Wentao's table is made up of three small tables put together, and the space is large enough.

Yang Guanjun casually brought a bamboo chair over and sat down.

"Shaohua Bookstore?" Nana frowned, then looked at Zhang Wentao and Xu Hongdou. Yesterday morning, they had a brief discussion about this bookstore.

Nana also knows its importance.

Considering that Xie Zhiyao's reluctance to let Zhang Wentao help might be due to face issues, she softly tried:

"Wen Tao, don't you know the people from Shaohua Bookstore? Do you think you can do it?"

Zhang Wentao frowned after hearing this.

The reactions of others were also different. Except for Xie Zhiyao, who also frowned, and Yang Guanjun, who was confused, the remaining three people present all turned their attention to Nana who made a sound.

Because she rarely calls Zhang Wentao like this.

"It's unlikely." Zhang Wentao shook his head and said.

He knows Zhang Mingyu, and his partners also know him, but eating and investing are completely incompatible.

It is impossible for people to follow his advice and open a bookstore just because they think he is good at cooking.

That is pure nonsense.

"No, I mean..." Nana wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Xie Zhiyao's deep voice: "He's right, it's unlikely."

"Mr. Xie..."

Nana was interrupted and looked at Xie Zhiyao worriedly.

"Actually, it's not that it's impossible. It all depends on people." After seeing Nana mention this, Mr. Ma said with a smile, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Zhang Wentao told the truth: "Everything depends on human effort, right? Mr. Ma."

Mr. Ma, who was named, nodded and smiled at Chang Wentao again.

Having been in contact with Zhang Wentao for so long, he also knew the other person's character and knew that he was willing to help, but it depended on what he was helping. He didn't care about Zhang Wentao's flat tone.

After saying this, Zhang Wentao suddenly felt his calf being pinched.

You don't need to guess to know that it was Xu Hongdou who asked him to pay attention to his attitude when speaking.

"Brother Wen Tao, do you mean that from your point of view, there is no hope for Yunmiao Village?" Damai asked curiously.

"No." Zhang Wentao shook his head again. When facing Damai, his tone changed from indifferent to calm: "What I mean is that there is little hope that I can invite the other party to come and facilitate this matter.

It’s not as complicated as you think.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xu Hongdou next to him and pursed his lips.

When Xu Hongdou heard his explanation, a smile appeared on her face. She quite agreed with the meaning of this sentence. In any case, she and Zhang Wentao were outsiders in Yunmiao Village.

It's okay to help, but asking them to give as much as Xie Zhiyao does is a bit taken for granted.

"But, we should do something."

After Nana finished speaking, she lowered her head and looked at the kebabs on the table. She suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, just like when she first faced online violence.

At this moment, she wanted to do something, but found that she couldn't help at all.

In other words, I don’t know how to help.

"Forget it, don't worry about me all the time. Look at what I'm doing to you every day." Xie Zhiyao smiled at himself, picked up his beer, and said to everyone.

The moment Nana finished speaking, Xie Zhiyao suddenly discovered a problem.

Recently, it seems that he can only bring trouble to the people around him, instead of the happiness he once had.

When people see me, they always think something bad will happen.

Not a good thing.

At the beginning, everyone might comfort him and care about him out of empathy.

But what happens after waiting too many times?

No one likes someone who comes to your door every day with trouble, right?

Xie Zhiyao asked himself, and the answer was no.

Then think about it from your own perspective, what will happen next if you don’t change?

Realizing this problem, he quickly forced out as many smiles as possible.

Say to everyone: "..."

(End of chapter)

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