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Chapter 31 Wen Tao, how about taking you to eat papa?

Chapter 31 Wen Tao, how about taking you to eat daddy?

Author: Lao Tuo

Chapter 31 Wen Tao, how about taking you to eat daddy?

In the evening, Xie Zhiyao came back from the ancient town and used his mobile phone to locate his location. As soon as he learned that his brother had run away from home, he knew where his brother had gone.

The mobile phone Xie Zhiyuan used was one he had used before, and the various accounts on it belonged to him.

Originally, he saw that his younger brother occasionally purchased some game skins through his own account, so he thought about logging out to prevent his troubled younger brother from becoming addicted to games.

I never thought that it would play a big role now.

Seeing Xie Zhiyuan hanging out with A Liang to experience working life in a hot pot restaurant, he took advantage of his brother's time to go to the toilet and asked A Liang, who knew everything, to take good care of Xie Zhiyuan.

He returned to Yunmiao Village with peace of mind, preparing to deal with the relatives and friends who were concerned about Xie Zhiyuan's running away from home, and keep his brother's eye on Xie Xiaoxia, so as to avoid alerting the enemy.

As soon as he entered Youfeng Restaurant, he saw Xu Hongdou, who was also there.

This made him feel joyful for no reason. He turned his head and asked Nana at the bar: "Did you call Xu Hongdou?"

"Ah, that's not it. Look at how worried your brother is about Hongdou. If I don't ask her to come and listen, it would be strange if she can sleep peacefully tonight."

Nana, who was sitting at the bar, rolled her eyes at Xie Zhiyuan angrily. It was not like she had not seen what happened in the restaurant in the afternoon.

When she heard that Xie Xiaochun, Xie Xiaoxia, and Yang Guanjun came to the small courtyard in the evening to discuss where to find Xie Zhiyuan, she immediately called Xu Hongdou who had just finished eating in the small courtyard.

Ask her to come over and listen, so she can feel at ease.

"Well done." Xie Zhiyao couldn't help but smile and walked over.

After saying hello to Xie Xiaochun, Xiaoxia and Yang Guanjun, and touching four carrot heads, he sat next to Xu Hongdou as naturally as in the afternoon.

He corrected his attitude and said to Xu Hongdou: "This afternoon, it's my fault. When you were anxious, I shouldn't have put on a playful smile and made you angry. I'm sorry."

Her mood improved a lot. After listening to Damai's story, Xu Hongdou was a kind-hearted person and made up her mind on her own. When she heard Xie Zhiyao's apology, she pursed her lips and nodded.

In her heart, she was no longer angry with Xie Zhiyao.

As she said in the afternoon, she was actually more concerned about where to find Xie Zhiyuan at the moment, rather than who told Xie Zhiyuan's secret.

The five people chatted together for a while. Xie Xiaoxia, who was holding her mobile phone and playing games to cover up her embarrassing situation, listened carefully to the exchanges between them...

He thought that he was the only one present who knew where Xie Zhiyuan was.

He also thought that his disguise was so perfect that no one present could see any clues about him.

Even the smartest eldest brother, Xie Zhiyao, was dealt with by him.

In Youfeng Xiaoyuan, three gentlemen, Zhang Wentao, Ma Qiushan, and Hu Youyu, were also gathered together.

Hu Youyu drank beer, Zhang Wentao and Ma Qiushan drank tea, gathered around the stone table in the small courtyard, chatting and spanking.

There was a grill on the stone table, and several chestnuts and oranges were roasting on it. Zhang Wentao fanned the cattail leaf fan in his hand slightly from time to time.

"Wen Tao, what did you do every day when you were in France?" Hu Youyu asked while drinking beer.

He came back early today and was responsible for warming up the show. The three of them sat down and started chatting. It was because he was looking for a topic. The main reason was that he couldn't hide his curiosity about Zhang Wentao and he was not as good at pretending as Mr. Ma.

"What to do? Just cook, what else can you do?" Zhang Wentao replied simply.

"Then what's your relationship with Pigeon? Why are you here all of a sudden?"

"They are just friends. I was originally traveling with a friend I met on another trip, but later he was going abroad. I just didn't know where to go, so I was fooled by a pigeon and came here."

"Hey, that's it. I thought you came here just to chase pigeons." Hu Youyu looked like he believed you, and then said: "By the way, Wen Tao, let me ask you, what do you think about France?"

Is there any difference between the girls here and the girls in our country?"


Why can't this guy say anything without a woman?

Zhang Wentao glanced at Hu Youyu, shook his head and said: "There is no difference, they are all the same."

When Hu Youyu heard this, his interest became even higher. He looked at Zhang Wentao curiously and motioned for him to talk. Even Mr. Ma, who was drinking tea quietly beside him, stopped drinking tea and waited for Zhang Wentao to answer this question carefully.

Seeing that these two people have this attitude, Zhang Wentao doesn't think there is anything he can't say: "Based on my careful observation over the years, I feel that foreign women are actually the same as our Chinese women."

"Very strange."

Damn it, isn’t it nonsense?

Hu Youyu and Ma Qiushan thought Zhang Wentao could explain something, but they didn't expect that these three words came out of his mouth, and they immediately lost interest.

"Really, it's just weird. You see, if something is not said directly, you have to guess, right? And then you did something wrong, and she didn't tell you, leaving you in the dark..."

Zhang Wentao didn't care, scratched his head, and talked endlessly about his knowledge of women.

Such complaints made Hu Youyu quite agree with him, after he just said: "Only villains and women are difficult to raise."

"That's wrong." Mr. Ma, who really couldn't stand listening, raised his hand and said, "The ancients said that only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you are close, you will not be inferior, and if you are far, you will be resentful. It comes from "The Analects of Confucius" Ha, it says

They are maids and male servants, not women in the world. And the word "raise" talks about cultivating one's health and nature. The meaning of the whole passage is that it is difficult for those who are arrogant and villains to cultivate their own righteousness... and the meaning in this sentence

Cultivating one’s nature is about…”

After talking a lot and taking a sip of tea, the smug Ma Qiushan said to the confused Zhang Wenshan and Hu Youyu: "How to understand what is in your heart and understand your heart's wishes? How about meditating with me tomorrow?"

"Master Ma, you meditate every day, and this is all you realize?" Zhang Wentao looked at Ma Qiushan suspiciously.

"Not necessarily." Ma Qiushan pretended to have a profound smile: "How about I teach you tomorrow?"

After hearing this, Zhang Wentao swallowed his saliva and felt a little nervous. Just when he was about to grab a roasted orange to calm down his shock, he saw Hu Youyu grinning at him, shaking his head and blinking hard.

"Let me take a look again. Mr. Ma, eat the oranges, they are almost baked..." It was so dangerous that I almost got on a pirate ship...

"Wen Tao, why don't I take you to play tomorrow? You haven't been here for a few days." Seeing Ma Qiu Shan looking sideways at him, Hu Youyu quickly opened another bottle of beer and said with a smile.


"Okay, it just so happens that in the past few days, apart from cooking, I have been wandering around the village. I have never been to other places."

"Then how about we go eat Xizhou Baba together?"

"This is fine. Master Ma, will you go?"

"I can just meditate at home." Ma Qiushan thought of the delicious food in a small restaurant in Xizhou, and felt his saliva suddenly secrete. He quickly peeled the orange that Zhang Wentao handed him and ate it, and refused.

This guilty reaction was clearly seen by Hu Youyu and Zhang Wentao.

Asking for favorites, recommendations, comments

I was praised by a book friend, I’m so happy, I’ll add another chapter, haha

Thank you watezef for your praise. I also hope that everyone can comment more to avoid the author being alone.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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