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103. Chapter 103 A Valentine's Day Gift for Mathematics

103. Chapter 103 A Valentine’s Day Gift for Mathematics

Author: Chief Designer

Chapter 103 A Valentine’s Day Gift for Mathematics


Li Mu was sitting on the sofa backstage, closing his eyes and concentrating.

And his mind was still filled with the storm of knowledge.

Just one last bit left... Just one last bit left...

He could clearly feel that he was closer to the answer than ever before.

It's like there's a keyhole.

He could even see the scene behind the door through the keyhole.

However, he is about to go on stage. Can he still find the most critical key before he goes on stage?

"Mr. Li, you can make preparations in advance."

The meeting staff walked into the backstage and said to Li Mu.

Li Mu opened his eyes, looked at the staff member, nodded slightly towards him, and said, "Okay, I understand."

"Well." The staff member raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "It's now 9:55. At ten o'clock, Professor Mohot will come on stage to preside over the order of the scene, and wait until he says he wants you to give a speech.

When the time comes, you can go up.”

"I see."

Li Mu nodded, and then looked at a middle-aged man sitting in another seat in the lounge.

This person is Mohot, a member of the AMS Council, who is responsible for presiding over the agenda of their meeting room.

After all, Li Mu is not the only one reporting here. After his report is over, there are other people who will also report.

At this time, Mohot also smiled and nodded to Li Mu, then got up from his seat and came to sit next to Li Mu.

"Do you know how many people are here to listen to your report today?"

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Since he came here, he has been immersed in his own mind and has not cared about other things at all, so he has not looked at the audience outside.

Mohot said with emotion: "Many big shots are here."

"I took a look just now. Peter Schulz, Gerd Faltings, and Andrew Wiles are all here, as well as Professor Deligne from Princeton, Terence Tao from the University of California... Tsk tsk, in the past

There has almost never been a precedent for so many Fields Medalists attending a lecture at a joint mathematical conference."

"But your report did it."

Hearing the news, Li Mu was stunned.


So many Fields Medal winners actually came to listen to his report?

In the end, I can only sigh in my heart, it is indeed the famous hail conjecture.

Even if he only made relatively big progress and did not really solve it, he could still attract the attention of so many mathematicians.

Mohot reached out and patted Li Mu on the shoulder and said: "The hail conjecture is a great problem, and the process of proving this problem is indeed full of difficulties. You are so young and can do this, which is already very impressive."

"I believe you will do well in your report later."

"Thank you, I will."

Li Mu nodded.

At this time, the staff member came up and said to Mohot: "Mr. Director, it's time, you can go on stage."


Mohot nodded slightly, then stood up, gave Li Mu an encouraging look, and then walked up.

Li Mu let out a long breath and then stood up.

Always ready to go out.

The chat with Mohot just now did not affect the thinking in his mind.

It has reached this level, is it really impossible to solve it?

Suddenly, his memory returned to the time when he first became interested in the hail conjecture.

At that time, he was taking a plane to the Institute of Atomic Energy, and then he met two similar mathematics enthusiasts on the plane, which finally led to a discussion.

Speaking of which, Ye Ning, who he accepted as his apprentice, later won the gold medal in the Olympic Mathematics Competition.

You will then have the opportunity to participate in the competition for the National Mathematical Olympiad Team.

However, the focus of his recollection was not this incident, but the discussion between him and Wen Huohua.

Suddenly, a word made his eyes suddenly condense.

"Shamedy's theorem... Shammedy's theorem..."

And what Yun Rongshang told him that day about "returning to nature" also flooded into his heart at this moment.

His body froze in place.

The storm in my mind found its direction at this moment.

Until, "Mr. Li, come on stage, Professor Mohot has already invited you to come on stage!"

The conference staff called in Li Mu's ear.

Li Mu came to his senses, and the storm calmed down in an instant.

Looking at the staff in front of him, he smiled and said, "Sorry, I was a little distracted just now. I'm going up now."

The staff breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Come on, you only have forty-three minutes."

Li Mu faced the podium outside and stepped out.

And the smile on his face showed a confidence that he had never had before.

Because, he caught it.

The source of inspiration hidden among mathematical laws.

On the stage, Mohot looked at the backstage where no one had come out, and humorously said to the audience: "Maybe our Mr. Li is missing his lover at this time."

There were bursts of laughter from the audience.

And it was at this time that a voice came from the backstage exit.

"Mr. Mohot is indeed right."

Then, Li Mu, wearing a suit, finally appeared in front of everyone.

The crisp suit and shiny leather shoes make his image particularly attractive.

The eyes of the people in the audience brightened. No matter what, Li Mu's image is considered to be the best among many mathematics scholars.

Just that thick black hair is enough to make many mathematicians envious.

When he saw Li Mu coming out, Mohot showed a smile on his face and joked: "Oh? It seems that our handsome Mr. Li has found his own love."

Li Mu smiled and said, "That's right. When I come here today, I'm here to offer today's Valentine's Day gift to my lover, mathematics."

His words made the mathematicians at the scene stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed, and many even clapped and expressed their agreement.

Mohot also burst out laughing, "So that's it. Well, I won't disturb you in presenting a gift to your lover."

"Please also welcome Li Mu with applause again and bring his speech to you."

The applause surged again, Mohot left the podium, and Li Mu came to the middle.

"The puzzle about the hail conjecture has puzzled the mathematical community for a long time."

"Under its rules, it seems that any positive integer must fall like hailstones and fall back to the starting point of 1."

"And is this true?"

"In this report, I will lead you to gradually explore this answer."

"I also hope that Mathematics will like my Valentine's Day gift."

(End of chapter)

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