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Chapter 57 Zheng Daoguang's Figured Out

Chapter 57 Zheng Daoguang’s thinking

Author: Chief Designer

Chapter 57 Zheng Daoguang’s thinking

Prove world-class mathematical problems?

China’s nineteen-year-old math genius?

The combination of these two pieces of information really shocked these national economists.

They may not know what the Adamard conjecture is, but in any case, being named a world-class mathematical problem is enough to make them aware of the effects this matter will bring.

Especially its prover is only a nineteen-year-old young man.

Economists also know a little bit about sociology, so for the economists present, they are all very aware of the effects of this incident when it spreads.

Just like before, there was a young undergraduate in China who successfully solved a mathematical conjecture. Even that mathematical conjecture was not too difficult, but there were very few people studying it, so it has never been solved. Then

That young man became a trending topic on Weibo and received nationwide attention and praise. Even the school awarded him one million yuan on the spot and directly hired him as a professor after he graduated.

Who said that such young talents are too few for China?

Silence fell in the conference room.

But everyone looked at Zheng Daoguang over there.

I want to know what Zheng Daoguang has to say now.

At this time, Zheng Daoguang had no expression on his face and didn't say anything. He just quietly looked at this Weibo post on the big screen.

[The second issue of Volume 190 of "Annals of Mathematics" was released on September 1st. As a mathematics enthusiast, the author also maintains the habit of browsing papers in every issue of "Annals of Mathematics".

But this time, I found a surprise!

A mathematical conjecture that has troubled the mathematical community for more than a hundred years, the Adamard conjecture has been proven.

What’s even more surprising is that the person who proved this conjecture is a 19-year-old genius from my country!

According to the information I have received so far, this young genius should be surnamed Li, and his real name is Li Mu. He is currently studying at the School of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Judging from his age, he should be a freshman or sophomore.

I don’t know the specifics, but no matter what, as long as they are young people in our country, this is gratifying!

Moreover, this young man’s paper was also very brilliant. The reviewers were Professor Deligne, winner of the Fields Medal, and Professor Sarnak, winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics. Professor Deligne was very interested in this paper.

This article made the following comments:

"This paper is sufficiently groundbreaking and innovative. It successfully solves another remaining problem in mathematics. It is hard to imagine that this was completed by a 19-year-old young man. Maybe old guys like us can't

It’s definitely time to retire.”

Professor Sanak also made this evaluation:

"Every step of this article is cleverly designed as if God has carefully designed it. Every process and derivation is not redundant. The final proof makes this paper reach the pinnacle of perfection. Its author is a nineteen-year-old man who deserves his reputation.

A genius, perhaps I want to congratulate the world of mathematics for welcoming another successor!"

The two professors spoke so highly that I was moved and even more excited. This genius is my Chinese boy!

This reminds me of the famous conjecture left by Professor Chen Shengshen.

The 20th century was the century of mathematics in the United States, and the 21st century will be the century of mathematics in China.

And I think the proof of this problem will start from here!


The blogger of this article is a well-known learning blogger. He often publishes articles to share learning experiences, encourage learning, etc., and occasionally shares news from the academic circle. He has many fans, nearly one million.

Ignoring the zombie fans, the number of real fans is still quite large.

Coupled with the great gimmicks of this article and the sincere content of the article, the number of comments and likes quickly skyrocketed.

If this blogger buys traffic or something, it will not be a problem to be on the hot search.

Of course, if it doesn’t hit the hot searches, there’s nothing much to say about Zheng Daoguang.

At this time, he was only attracted by the "Chen Shengshen Conjecture" mentioned in this article.

Can this young man prove this conjecture?

His distrust of young people is actually not only due to inherent impressions, but also due to things that have happened in the past.

When he was still serving as the chief economist of the Central Bank, he encountered an emergency financial incident that involved international affairs. A young man he had trusted before made a huge mistake in this response due to experience issues, which caused the country to be in trouble.

The huge losses in this accident made him feel very guilty about the country.

As for that young man's level of excellence, he may not be as good as Li Mu, but he can still be regarded as one in a thousand.

The young people he trusted taught him to distrust young people.

After that, and some other things, he maintained his resistance to young people until now.

But now, after reading this Weibo, his heart is relaxed. Maybe, he should change his attitude again?

After all, he was once a young man.

The hand that had been holding the armrest of the seat loosened and finally lay flat.

After a moment, under the gaze of other economic experts, he turned to look at Sun Ziping: "Professor Sun, are you sure this person is talking about Li Mu?"

Sun Ziping thought Zheng Daoguang was angry because he suspected that he was not that Li Mu. Their names had the same pronunciation. They were both students of the School of Physics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and they were also nineteen years old. What else could be false?

She immediately opened the WeChat chat interface with Li Mu and showed it to them: "Li Mu has admitted it himself!"

If you can admit this kind of thing with your own mouth, it is basically impossible to lie.

Zheng Daoguang let out a long breath, then reached out and took off his glasses.

"Okay, I have no objection."

"In addition, Professor Sun, if you have the opportunity in the future, please introduce me to this genius named Li Mu. Maybe because of him, I will change my attitude towards young people again."

Sun Ziping was stunned by Zheng Daoguang's words, and Lin Siyang and others were also stunned.

Zheng Daoguang, is this not difficult?

But then, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After arguing for so many days, each of them was physically and mentally exhausted. Even those on Zheng Daoguang's side gradually recognized Sun Ziping's strategy.

But there is no other way. If Zheng Daoguang doesn't agree, that means he doesn't agree.

Sun Ziping also smiled after a moment of surprise. Since Zheng Daoguang stopped being obstructive and said good things, she certainly would not show off her face and said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, I believe Li Mu will also be very happy."


Lin Siyang over there also smiled and said: "Don't forget me either."

Subsequently, other economic experts all said that they all wanted to get to know such a mathematical genius.

The meeting ended like this.

It seems a bit anticlimactic, but that's the case with any dispute. Once one party figures it out, the dispute will smooth out.

After Lin Siyang finished, he took the initiative to walk next to Zheng Daoguang and asked, "Have you really figured it out?"

Zheng Daoguang just looked at the scenery outside the window. There were colorful flowers and the scenery around the National Academy of Sciences was so beautiful.

After a moment, he sighed: "We are no longer young, but we still need young people."

Lin Siyang nodded, followed his gaze, and said, "It's a pity that flowers bloom again and no one is young anymore."

After admiring the flowers for a while, Lin Siyang asked: "How many days will it take to go back to your alma mater?"

Zheng Daoguang nodded: "Okay."

He smiled: "Just in time, I'll go to Shanghai to meet this young man."

(End of chapter)

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