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83. Chapter 83 Fifty million!

83. Chapter 83 Fifty million!

Author: Chief Designer

Chapter 83 Fifty million!

Inside the office of Chairman Changlong.

There was a knock on the door, and General Manager Hu Chen walked in excitedly again.

"Dong Su, Dong Su, what a happy event!"

Su Gang, who was dealing with other matters, was slightly startled.

"What big happy event?"

"Li Mu has sent over the plan he designed!" Hu Chen said with great surprise: "And me and the people in the design department have already read his plan. It is very good!"

Su Gang suddenly became surprised.

Has Li Mu actually designed the plan?!

This speed is not bad, but for them, it is exactly what they need. After all, whether this plan is completed quickly or not will determine whether they start construction of the roller coaster early or not, and ultimately determine the opening time of the new amusement park.

It's early or not.

He quickly asked: "What does his plan say?"

Hu Chen didn't talk nonsense, "You'll know after you see it."

He took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the computer in front of Su Gang.

After opening the model inside, a thrilling-looking roller coaster appeared in front of them.

Su Gang looked surprised and looked at it carefully. When he saw the vortex-shaped vertical descent track, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Is this gameplay... really possible? This damage to the track structure should be

Is it big?"

Hu Chen laughed: "So, this is the biggest highlight of this roller coaster."

He operated the computer to enlarge the fixed structure here and displayed the triangular-like structure.

"It is this structure that is worthy of Li Mu's reputation as a genius."

Hu Chen said: "You should all know the fixed structure of the roller coaster viaduct in the past, which was fixed with rivets between the track and the main beam. Most of them had no bright spots, but Li Mu has optimized this fixed structure and it is effective.

Taking advantage of the stability of the triangle, it also reduces the stress on the material and greatly alleviates the metal fatigue effect."

"In addition, there is another key point. Compared with the structure of the old track, the new structure is even cheaper in cost. The design department has calculated that after using this new structure, the cost will be lower than that of the old track structure.

By replacing the old structure, the cost can be reduced by 10%.”

“It can be said that this is a comprehensive design of roller coaster track structure!”

Hu Chen's emotional tone made Su Gang even more convinced that they had really found a treasure this time!

Letting Li Mu design their new roller coaster was definitely the most correct choice he made this year!

Suddenly, Su Gang thought of something: "By the way, has Li Mu registered a patent for this new structure?"

Hu Chen was stunned, thinking that Su Gang wanted to register the patent, so he quickly persuaded him: "Dr. Su, this is not good... Li Mu has helped us so much, and the one behind him is Shanghai Jiao Tong University..."

Think about it, the last time we signed a contract, so many barristers came out. If the patent is really rushed, people will probably appeal to have the patent invalid.

But when Su Gang heard Hu Chen's words, he frowned: "What? You've been following me for so many years, and you still think I can't even tell such a thing apart?"

"What I mean is, if Li Mu hasn't applied for a patent yet, you should hurry up and ask him to register the patent. This will also prevent other companies like Happy Valley from rushing to register, and then it will be us who will lose.


Only then did Hu Chen's face show an expression of sudden realization.

"Oh, yes, you are right, you are right, I will apologize to you!"

Su Gang glared at him angrily and said: "In addition, we will discuss the contract with Li Mu again. We will increase his design fee to 50 million. We hope that he will not license the patent for this new structure within three years."

To any other amusement park in the country.”

"Okay, I'll go talk to him later." Hu Chen responded.

And he couldn't help but marvel in his heart, 50 million!

How old is Li Mu this year?

Nineteen years old!

When he was nineteen years old, he didn’t know which university he went to play in the mud...

And Li Mu is about to earn 50 million!

"Well, go quickly. In addition, go to the Special Inspection Institute and ask them to review this plan as soon as possible." Su Gang waved his hand and said.

Once the Special Inspection Institute passes the review, they will immediately start building the new roller coaster and strive to open the park as soon as possible!

When Li Mu got a reply from Changlong, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

And it was Hu Chen who called him personally.

"Applying for a patent? The cost of the contract has been increased to 50 million? But it cannot be licensed to other domestic amusement parks within three years?"

"Yes." Hu Chen said with a smile: "Your design is really wonderful and exceeds our expectations, especially your new structure, which amazes us even more."

"Of course, you can also discuss with your teacher about the contract, and we can modify any other conditions."

"Oh, okay." Li Mu seemed to only have the 50 million left in his mind at this time.

However, the computer in his mind quickly woke him up and thanked him: "Thank you for the reminder."

The other party was able to remind him to register a patent and also took the initiative to increase such a huge remuneration. Although from a normal perspective, this is what the other party should do, but from a realistic perspective, this is still too rare.

Li Mu should be grateful.

Hu Chen smiled and said: "There is nothing to be grateful for. We also hope to make good friends with a well-known scholar in the future. I will help you contact a regular patent agent later, and you will be able to get the patent number soon."

, once you have a patent number, you don’t have to worry about being registered by others. In addition, remember to apply for an international patent, so that you may be able to earn money from foreign amusement parks, and it is perfectly fine for you to license it to foreign amusement parks.”

"Of course, you need to pay for the agency fees yourself, which should cost tens of thousands of yuan."

"Okay, okay, of course, thank you." Li Mu thanked you.

For him now, tens of thousands of dollars is no big deal, after all, there are seven figures in his bank card.

After quickly hanging up the phone, Li Mu contacted Professor Meng from the law school whom he had met before and told him about the matter.

Professor Meng was naturally very surprised when he learned about this matter. He did not expect that Changlong would actually increase the remuneration to 50 million yuan. However, after knowing the reason, he was relieved. He had seen such examples before.

, which is considered normal.

Considering that Changlong only requested to be in the country and could not be granted to other amusement parks within three years, the price of 50 million was just right. Also considering that they took the initiative to remind Li Mu to register the patent, Professor Meng suggested

Li Mu just agreed to this condition.

In addition, there was the matter of registering a patent. After Hu Chen contacted Li Mu’s patent agency, relevant personnel contacted Li Mu.

Li Mu's patent is a structural patent, belonging to the utility model category. It would cost more than 50,000 yuan to register a domestic and international patent. Of course, the advantage is that it is fast and professional.

It is expected that the patent number will be obtained within one month, and having the patent number is almost guaranteed.

So Li Mu also paid the money readily.

After just paying the money, he felt quite distressed.

This was the largest amount of money he had ever spent in his life.

I just looked at the seven-digit balance in my bank card and thought about the 50 million that would be credited to my account over time.

His heart no longer hurts.

Making money seems pretty easy?

(End of chapter)

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