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89. Chapter 89 Powerful simulation of the real environment of the universe

89. Chapter 89 The power of simulation of the real environment of the universe

Author: Chief Designer

Chapter 89 The power of simulation of the real environment of the universe

After listening to Zhao Heyang's introduction, Li Mu nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

"Well, by the way, what is your WeChat account? Let me add you. I will share some relevant information with you later. You can learn more about it from this information, and it will also facilitate your future research."


Li Mu nodded, and then added WeChat with Zhao Heyang.

Not long after, Zhao Heyang sent him a compressed package of several hundred MB. After downloading it, he saw that it was all PDF and related papers.

"so much!"

"There is no way." Zhao Heyang spread his hands and said: "Our thing is too complicated, and there is not much to see, let alone the future."

Li Mu was helpless, it seemed that he had been very busy recently.

Let’s read the paper first!

But at this moment, his eyes noticed the image on the computer in front of Zhao Heyang.

"What's this?"

Zhao Heyang said: "The computer simulated nuclear fission reaction cycle is the conversion cycle between polonium 239 and uranium 238 that I just told you, based on our latest research on the reactor distribution plan."

He turned his head and glanced at the computer, and finally shook his head and said, "This solution won't work. The response efficiency is too slow. We still need to redesign it."

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you can do your own thing. I have to continue to study how to improve the efficiency of this cycle."

Immediately, he started to operate the computer, modifying parameters and so on, probably re-simulating.

But he didn't notice Li Mu's thoughtful expression.

Computer simulation?

When it comes to simulation, is there any computer in the world that is more powerful than the computer in his mind?

He did not forget that he still had two opportunities to simulate experiments in real cosmic environments.

And it seems that this thing is specially prepared for this kind of research?

Thinking of this, he immediately put his thoughts into his mind, "Use the real universe environment to simulate experiments."

Immediately, the system's voice rang: "Please confirm the experimental topic you want to conduct. The following experiments will be limited to simulations within the scope of the experimental topic."

This means that other than the selected experiment, no other experiments can be performed.

Probably to prevent him from getting stuck, after deciding on a topic, he conducted other experiments in the simulation, so that he could use the number of simulation experiments in vain.

As for what research to conduct...

He tried it first: "Fourth-generation nuclear reactor technology research and development experiment."

The system voice sounded: "After evaluation, this experiment exceeds the current computing power level limit of the brain computer. Please choose another experiment."

"Ah this..." Li Mu was helpless, what a pity.

However, this is expected. His brain computer is only level 2, and for such a big subject as fourth-generation nuclear reactor technology, level 2 is probably not enough.

"Then...the fourth generation nuclear reactor distribution simulation experiment."

"It is determined that the title of this experiment is [Fourth Generation Nuclear Power Generation Technology Reactor Distribution Simulation Experiment]."

It seems that this experiment is in line with the computing power level range.

The system's voice sounded again: "Please select the simulation environment parameters. It is recommended to select the current environment."

Then, Li Mu saw a panel appear in front of him, which actually allowed him to choose various environmental parameters such as gravity, air composition, etc.

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart, it was indeed a simulation of the real environment of the universe, and it was real enough in this regard.

After all, environments such as gravity are a major factor that cannot be ignored for almost any experiment.

Of course, the system also thoughtfully provides the parameters of the current environment, allowing him to choose directly.

In this regard, Li Mu naturally chose the parameters of the current environment.

"Please select an experimental scenario."

The system sound sounded again.

Li Mu saw several scene options appearing on the panel, including the current scene.

"Select the current scene."

Li Mu made a choice.

"The simulation experiment environment has been determined, please start your experiment."

The sound of the system sounded, and then Li Mu found that an aerial view of the Atomic Energy Research Institute appeared in his mind.

This is a simulation of a real universe environment.

He was secretly amazed in his heart, looking at the Atomic Energy Research Institute in his mind, except that there were no people, every flower and grass looked the same as reality.

Then with a thought in his mind, he shifted his perspective to the fourth-generation nuclear reactor that was still under construction at the Institute of Atomic Energy.

There is nothing in the reaction pool, unlike the pool of blue heavy water in other third-generation nuclear power plant reactors. The heavy water has two functions in it, one is a neutron moderator and the other is a coolant.

But the fourth-generation nuclear power plant they want to build uses a fast neutron reactor, which does not require a neutron moderator, so heavy water cannot be used, but it does require a coolant.

His heart moved again, and the pool was filled with liquid sodium coolant.

This is a sodium-cooled fast neutron reactor that uses liquid sodium as the coolant. It is also the fourth-generation nuclear reactor that is considered the most likely to be realized among the fourth-generation nuclear reactor technologies in the world. It is also the fourth-generation nuclear reactor that is mainly studied in China.


What they are studying in this project is sodium-cooled fast neutron reactor.

Li Mu then tried again, injecting nuclear fuel, polonium-239, and placing uranium-238 on the outside.

These materials, which are expensive in reality, are inexhaustible in this mind computer simulation experiment.

At this time, he operated the neutron generator and fired a neutron towards polonium-239. In an instant, the chain reaction began. The polonium-239 began to fission and fired a neutron towards the uranium-238 outside. The uranium

238 absorbs neutrons and becomes polonium-239.

Just like that, nuclear fission begins.

Li Mu looked surprised.

This real simulation experimental environment is really powerful!

Allowing him to conduct this otherwise expensive experiment at no cost!

But at this moment, the reactor in his mind suddenly exploded.

And he felt a sudden pain in his head.

The picture froze instantly, and the system then sounded a warning: "The simulation experiment has experienced abnormal reactions that exceed the current computing power load of the computer in the mind. The host please design the experiment with caution."

Then, the screen returns to its original state.

Li Mu rubbed his head, with helplessness on his face.

This reactor was indeed randomly designed by him, and it exploded... to be precise, it was a nuclear explosion, which was also expected.

But he didn't expect that the computer in his mind would be overloaded by the explosion.

This gave him a sense of urgency for the first time to improve the level of his brain computer.

"It seems that I have to be more relaxed when designing experiments in the future."

I patted my head. The headache felt really uncomfortable.

Of course, it's painful and happy.

With the help of real universe environment simulation, Li Mu suddenly felt that everything seemed possible?

[There are three chapters left, which will be sent out at 6 p.m.]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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