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Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Kou Laoxi, both civil and military

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 133 Kou Laoxi, both civil and military

[Since the establishment of the Song Dynasty, emperors of all dynasties have focused their main energy and strength on internal suppression in order to consolidate their rule.

The first two emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, Taizu Zhao Kuangyin and Taizong Zhao Guangyi, both regarded foreign invasion as a "trouble" and "rebellion" and military coups by the people as "trouble at the heart".

Therefore, most of the laws of the Zhao and Song dynasties were formulated to prevent internal troubles, and even to prevent military rebellions, they tried their best to suppress military generals and weaken the combat effectiveness of soldiers.

In this way, the soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty did not have much combat effectiveness.

Most of the power of the Song Dynasty regime was spent on internal control, but it was extremely weak against the strong external enemy Khitan.】

Seeing this, Liu Che couldn't help but joked: "Haha. I'm afraid this is the real reason why the Song Dynasty is called the Great Coward."

Zhu Di couldn't help but sigh and said: "It's a pity that Kou Zhun made great contributions to the outside world, but in the end he ended up dying miserably."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with an expressionless face: "Those who made great contributions to the outside world in the Song Dynasty almost never ended well."

"The people of the Song Dynasty were experts in civil war, but laymen in foreign wars. They just pitied loyal people like Yue Wumu, alas."

[We all know that throughout the Song Dynasty, their main opponents were the Liao Kingdom, the Jin Kingdom, and the Mongolian and Yuan Empires, and the founder of the Liao Kingdom was the Khitan.]

[During the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, warlords in the Central Plains were fighting for their own rule, but the Khitan people in the north took the opportunity to start rapid development.

In 923 AD, after the fall of Houliang, Hebei was in chaos.

Yelu Abaoji, Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, saw the opportunity, so he led his army southward and took the opportunity to capture Youzhou and Anci, Lu, Sanhe, Yuyang, Huairou, Miyun and other counties.

In 936 AD, General Shi Jingtang of the Later Tang Dynasty asked Taizong Yelv Deguang of the Liao Dynasty for help in order to become emperor.

Shi Jingtang established the Later Jin Dynasty with the help of Liao soldiers, ceded the sixteen states of Yanyun to the Liao Dynasty, and recognized the emperor of the Liao Kingdom as his father. As a result, the Central Plains lost the northern Ping vassal and also lost face.]

Shi Jingtang, who was on the list of the top ten weak men, has been dead for almost a month. Unexpectedly, at this time, he was caught on video and whipped. This fully shows that it is shameful to regard a thief as a father, and I am afraid that even after death, he will not be able to live in peace.

[Chai Rong, Emperor Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty, devoted himself to the Northern Expedition in order to regain lost territory and revitalize national defense. He once regained the three states and three passes that had been occupied by Khitan nobles for more than 20 years. Unfortunately, Chai Rong led his army to continue marching north in an attempt to regain Youzhou.

However, due to illness, he had to drop out of school.

They established Waqiao Pass as the Xiongzhou and Yijin Pass as the Bazhou, leaving troops to defend, while the main army returned to Bian. Soon, Chai Rong died of illness, and the Northern Expedition was stopped.]

"Oh! This emperor seemed quite powerful. It's a pity that he died like this!" Liu Bang felt deeply regretful when he saw that an emperor almost regained the sixteen states of Yanyun.

"Chai Rong seems to be quite good." Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty's evaluation was concise and to the point.

"It's a pity that Chai Rong regarded Zhao Kuangyin as his brother, but Zhao Kuangyin took away his son's empire," Kangxi said with some disdain.

When Zhao Kuangyin saw the name "Chai Rong" in the video, his expression became a little unnatural.

Chai Rong's trust in Zhao Kuangyin reached the point where he could be trusted by his family. However, such unreserved trust resulted in the tragic ending of the throne being taken away and his sons either missing or dying young.

[During the time of Taizu of the Song Dynasty, Mu Zong Yelujing of the Liao Dynasty was in power. Yelujing indulged in drinking and sex, ignored state affairs, and adopted a conservative strategy towards the Song Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty was able to take the opportunity to vigorously develop its power and quickly put down the separatist regime in the south.

When Yelvxian, Emperor Jingzong of the Liao Dynasty, came to the throne, the national power of the Liao Dynasty had not been restored for a while, so it could still be at peace with the Song Dynasty. From the seventh year of Kaibao (974) to the fourth year of Taiping and Xingguo (979), Song and Liao still sent envoys to each other for five years.

as long as.

However, this seemingly friendly situation eventually broke down when Song Taizong personally conquered the Northern Han Dynasty and Liao soldiers aided the Northern Han Dynasty.]

[During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, two large-scale wars occurred between the Song and Liao Dynasties in the fourth year of Taiping and Xingguo and the third year of Yongxi (986).

These two wars ended with the Song army suffering a disastrous defeat.

From then on, the tendency of the Northern Song Dynasty to "preserve the internal situation and ignore the external situation" became more serious, and the mood of passive compromise within the Song Dynasty court also grew day by day.

The Khitan cavalry went south in the middle of the year, and the Hebei Plain was often invaded, and the people's production and life were seriously damaged.]

[In the third year of Zhidao (997 AD), Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty died, and Prince Zhao Heng succeeded to the throne, becoming Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty.

The Khitan cavalry took advantage of the newly established Song lord and harassed the border more frequently.

In the second year of Xianping (AD 999), the Liao army defeated the Song army at Gaoyang Pass, captured the Song Dynasty and deployed Kangbao descendants, and returned with a large plunder.

In the sixth year of Xianping, the Liao army invaded Gaoyang Pass again. Wang Jizhong, the deputy commander of the Song army, was captured and surrendered to the Liao Dynasty.

These two huge failures greatly shocked the Northern Song Dynasty court.]

Seeing this, countless people in parallel worlds shook their heads and sighed involuntarily.

The Song Dynasty had a weak national defense and could even be said to be weak. In the end, it was the people who suffered!

[In the first year of Jingde (1004), urgent documents from the border were frequently circulated, saying that the Liao army was about to invade on a large scale again.

Prime Ministers Li Hang and Bi Shi'an were helpless in the face of powerful enemies.

In June of this year, Bi Shi'an recommended Kou Zhun to Song Zhenzong as the prime minister, and said to Song Zhenzong: "Kou Zhun is talented in loyalty and can handle important events; he is willing to die for his country, and he is jealous of evil. Now that the Beiqiang is invading, only Kou Zhun can defend it.

The enemy protects the country."

In August, Kou Zhun was appointed as a bachelor of Jixian Palace, and became prime minister together with Bi Shi'an.

In September, Liao Shengzong Yelu Longxu and his mother, Queen Mother Xiao, led an army of 200,000 people and set out from Youzhou to attack the Song Dynasty!]

[The Liao army attacked Dingzhou from the Weilu army, but was blocked by the Song soldiers, so they turned their troops to the southeast.

When the enemy's cavalry marched south to invade and "hurriedly wrote a letter for the next five days", most of the upper-class figures in the ruling group of the Northern Song Dynasty were panicked and frightened.

Political Councilor Wang Qinruo was from Jiangnan and advocated moving the capital to Jinling; Privy Councilor Chen Yaosou was from Sichuan and proposed moving the capital to Chengdu. They all unanimously advocated ways to avoid the enemy in order to deal with the Khitan invasion.

At this moment, Song Zhenzong had no intention of resisting the enemy, and was even more frightened. The huge court was like an ant in a hot pot.]

[At this extremely critical moment, Kou Zhun stood up and firmly advocated sending troops to resist.

When Song Zhenzong asked Kou Zhun for his opinion, Wang Qinruo and Chen Yaosou happened to be present.

Kou Zhun knew in his heart that the proposal to move the capital was proposed by them, but he pretended not to know and said to Zhenzong: "I wonder who gave your majesty the plan to move the capital? The crime is punishable by death!"

Later, Kou Zhun further proposed that the emperor should personally conduct a decisive victory, and swore that if Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty personally conducted the expedition, the enemies would flee; even if they did not escape, we could send out surprise troops to disrupt the enemy's strategic deployment and at the same time hold on.

The capital city is used to tire the enemy, so that he can wait for work, wear down the enemy, and achieve final victory.]

[Kou Zhun’s analysis finally dispelled Song Zhenzong’s fears and stopped the escape faction’s claims.

Facts have proved that Kou Zhun was not only good at analysis, but the series of enemy strategies he later formulated were indeed effective, helping the Song Dynasty successfully resist the invasion of the Liao Kingdom.]

(End of chapter)

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