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Chapter 152 Jia feels that Chen Ping is fine

Chapter 152 Jia thinks Chen Ping is fine

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 152 Jia thinks Chen Ping is fine

[Chen Ping went through the hands of King Wei and King Xiang, but both failed. Not only did he fail to carry out his revenge, but he almost lost his life.

But Chen Ping did not feel depressed, but after crossing the Yellow River, he went to join Liu Bang's Han army.】

[Of course, Chen Ping was not a celebrity at this time. After he entered the Han army, he was just a small role.

Chen Ping was not willing to play a small role, so he used some means to meet Liu Bang through Wei Wuwu's introduction.

But at that time, Wei Wuzhi did not recommend Chen Ping alone, but seven people.

When Liu Bang met with Chen Ping and seven others, he gave them food and wine, and then said: "Come on! Just give it up."

It means: "After everyone has finished eating, go to the guest house to rest."

The others stood up to leave, but Chen Ping said this: "I came here for a matter, and I can't live today as I said."

This sentence immediately distinguishes myself from others.

Liu Bang also immediately understood and realized that this person is really a damn talent.]

[So, Liu Bang started chatting with Chen Ping.

Later, Chen Ping offered Liu Bang a plan. The specific plan is not recorded in Chen Ping's biography, but it can be inferred from the subsequent conflict between Chu and Han. Chen Ping's plan should be "surprise attack"


The effect of this strategy is very miraculous. If Liu Bang hadn't been so powerful, Liu Bang might have become the new co-lord of the world after occupying Pengcheng.】

[Liu Bang is not good at anything else, but his eyes are really poisonous.

The strategies presented by Chen Ping are enough to prove that he is a talent, and Qi Qi is still a great talent!

Liu Bang cherished talents, so he immediately appointed Chen Ping as a military officer and as an army guard.

But the generals under Liu Bang were not convinced.

They said: "We are dissatisfied that a deserter from the Chu army can ride in the same chariot as the King of Han, and he is also allowed to supervise the generals in the army."]

[Later, even Zhou Bo, Guan Ying and other veteran generals complained a lot. They even told the King of Han that although Chen Ping looked mighty and handsome, he was not necessarily good inside. I heard that he was having an affair with his sister-in-law at home, and that he was having an affair with the King of Wei.

, King Xiang went into hiding before he came to Liu Bang, and he also collected money from other soldiers in the army. Such behavior is the behavior of a rebellious minister.

After hearing what Zhou Bo and others said, Liu Bang began to doubt Chen Ping, and then summoned Chen Ping to ask him why he had changed his master several times so half-heartedly.]

[Regarding Chen Ping's answer, it is recorded in "Historical Records: The Family of Prime Minister Chen",

"I heard that the King of Han is capable of employing people, so I returned to your Majesty. I came naked and received no money as a means of capital. If there are any worthy ministers in my plans, the Majesty will use them; if there are no useful ministers, I will appoint you as an official.

Skeleton. "This is Chen Ping's defense for himself, and his defense is full of wisdom.

First of all, Chen Ping did not shy away from accepting bribes. He immediately won Liu Bang's favor and knew that he was an honest man.

Then, he explained the reason why he came to Liu Bang and explained his difficulties. Of course, he also told Liu Bang that if he could tolerate his shortcomings, then he would naturally be willing to continue to serve Liu Bang, but if he could not tolerate it, then he would accept it.

The money is all there, and it hasn’t been touched at all. It’s just a matter of leaving.】

[And Liu Bang was not a person who cared about trivial matters. He was actually more afraid that Chen Ping would have no end if he took refuge with him.

As for Chen Ping's acceptance of bribes, in Liu Bang's view, it was not a big deal at all. After all, there are still some dishonest officials?

What's more, Chen Ping hasn't concealed these things from himself, so he probably has his own reasons.

After listening to Chen Ping's defense, Liu Bang apologized to Chen Ping, rewarded Chen Ping heavily, and appointed him as a lieutenant in the army to supervise all generals.

So the generals no longer dared to speak ill of Chen Ping.]

[After Chen Ping came to Han, he gradually gained the trust of the King of Han and dispelled the generals' dissatisfaction with him.

With Liu Bang's appreciation, he could finally carry out his ambitions with peace of mind and devoted his life to realizing his own value in the Han Empire.

Although later generations have mixed praise and criticism for Chen Ping, in Sima Qian's writings, Chen Ping seems to be a bit unpredictable and sometimes despised by others.

But no matter what, Chen Ping used his own resourcefulness to go through the three dynasties of the Han Dynasty and finally ascended to the position of prime minister.]

"I have to meet the Master of the Ming Dynasty in this body. I, Chen Ping, will die without regrets!" A smile appeared on Chen Ping's lips. In a daze, he saw the kind, wise, understanding and responsible Han king again!

Liu Bang also smiled knowingly and said: "Being able to have Chen Ping's service is also my blessing, Liu Bang. Without him, the grass on my grave would probably be ten feet high.

I just don’t know what ‘earth-shattering’ things this guy did after my death, otherwise he wouldn’t be the prime minister, right?”

[Chen Ping played an extremely important role in helping Liu Bang win the world. His most famous thing is undoubtedly the "Six Surprising Plans to Determine the Sheji".

The six strategies summarized for him in historical books are:

[First, alienate Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng, and the power of Chu declined.

In 203 BC, the Chu-Han War reached its most intense moment.

Liu Bang has been besieged by Xiang Yu in Xingyang City for a year, and his foreign aid and food channels have been cut off.

Liu Bang asked Xiang Yu for peace several times, but was rejected by Xiang Yu. Liu Bang seemed very worried.

At the moment of life and death, Chen Ping proposed a strategy to Liu Bang: He asked Liu Bang to allocate 40,000 kilograms of gold from the warehouse, bribed some generals of the Chu army, and asked these people to spread rumors, saying: "Among King Xiang's men,

Fan Yafu and Zhong Limei have made the greatest contribution, but they cannot break the earth and become king. They have made an agreement with the King of Han to jointly destroy Xiang Yu and share Xiang Yu's territory."

These words reached Xiang Yu's ears, which indeed made Xiang Yu suspicious and suspicious of Zhong Limei.

He even suspected that Fan Zeng was having an affair with the King of Han, so he became more and more alienated from him.

Under Chen Ping's plan to alienate him, Fan Zeng soon became disheartened and left Xiang Yu, and died on the way back to his hometown.

Without Fan Zeng, Xiang Yu no longer had a guide, and the Chu army began to embark on the path of decline.】

[Second, disguise yourself to lure the enemy, allowing Liu Bang to retreat safely from Xingyang.

After Fan Zeng was angered to death, Chen Ping suggested that Liu Bang write a letter of false surrender to Xiang Yu and ask him to meet at the east gate. Xiang Yu then concentrated his main troops at the east gate.

However, what everyone did not expect was that there were two thousand beauties at the east gate, which attracted the attention of the soldiers, and Liu Bang took the opportunity to escape from the west gate, which was relatively weak in defense.

In this way, Chen Ping easily solved Liu Bang's dilemma in Xingyang with one move.

Although Chen Ping saved Liu Bang, he himself felt that such a method was too insidious and vicious, so he later said that his family would be destroyed because of women.

Maybe he just expressed his apologies for his strategy, and maybe he also hoped that the world would not belittle him too much.】

"Haha. In order to save Liu Bang, two thousand innocent people were sacrificed. How can such a method not be disgusting?"

"You don't stick to trivial matters when it comes to big things. I don't think there's anything wrong with Chen Ping's strategy?"

"Oh? May I ask your name, sir?"

"Oh, your surname is Jia, Jia Xu, and your courtesy name is Wenhe."

(End of chapter)

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