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161. Chapter 161 It's not only the timing, but also man's plan

161. Chapter 161 It’s not just the timing of heaven, it’s also man’s plan

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 161 It’s not just the timing of heaven, it’s also man’s plan

[After Liu Bei met with Zhuge Liang, he asked him a question: "The Han Dynasty has fallen, traitors have stolen lives, and the Lord is in ruins. I do not measure my virtue and measure my strength, but I want to believe in righteousness in the world, but my wisdom is short, so I use rampant

Wow, as of today, the ambition is still not over, do you think the plan will be implemented?"

It means: Nowadays, the Han Dynasty is in decline, treacherous officials are using the emperor's orders to do things, and the emperor has lost his power.

I did not correctly measure my own virtue and ability, so I wanted to uphold justice and revive the world, but my wisdom and strategy were not enough, so I have continued to fail until today.

However, my ambition has not calmed down and my blood is still boiling. May I ask, sir, if you have any plans to help me?

Zhuge Liang then told him the plan of dividing the world into three parts, which is the famous "Longzhong Dui".]

[Zhuge Liang made a strategy for Liu Bei, "take Jingxiang first as the foundation, unite Wu to resist Cao, march to Yizhou, and divide the world into three parts".

Liu Bei's group's future military strategies and war deployments will basically follow this strategy.

It can be said that it was Zhuge Liang’s plan that laid the theoretical foundation for Liu Bei’s group to strive for hegemony.]

[Zhuge Liang's Longzhong Pairing can be summarized as the eight-character strategy: avoid the strong, rely on the strong, attack the weak, and strengthen yourself.

These eight characters provided strategic guidance for Liu Bei's rise and are of great significance.

It’s not just about the timing of heaven, it’s also about people’s plans.

Success not only comes from timing, but people's planning is also very important.

Zhuge Liang cited the Battle of Guandu and the duel between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao to illustrate the irreplaceable role of manpower.]

[The second greatest achievement: Entering Wu alone and joining forces with Wu to fight against Cao Cao.]

[In August of the 13th year of Jian'an (208 years), Liu Biao died of illness and was succeeded by his second son Liu Cong.

After Cao Cao unified the north, he led an army of 200,000 people south to attack Jingchu.

When Cai and Liu Cong heard the news that Cao Cao was going south, they sent envoys to surrender.

At that time, Zhuge Liang once persuaded Liu Bei to attack Liu Cong in time and take the opportunity to capture Jingzhou. Unfortunately, Liu Bei could not bear to seize the foundation of Liu Biao's descendants and missed the best opportunity to capture Jingzhou.】

Liu Che couldn't help but nodded when he saw this, and said: "Liu Bei is a virtuous corporal and has a benevolent heart. The style of the Han royal family can still be continued."

Li Shimin shook his head slightly and said: "Liu Bei is sometimes too benevolent and righteous, to the point of being a little benevolent as a woman."

"Pretending too much is hypocrisy, but being able to be hypocritical for a lifetime is a skill."

[After Liu Bei learned that Cao Cao's army was heading south, he led his army and people to flee south. Cao's army caught up with Liu's army at Changban in Dangyang and defeated Liu's army.

In the same year, Liu Bei was defeated at Xiakou. Liu Bei's army was in danger and could be destroyed in an instant.

It was at this critical moment of life and death that Zhuge Liang recommended himself to Chaisang as a lobbyist and went to Jiangdong alone to lobby Sun Quan and join forces with Wu to fight Cao Cao.

At that time, Sun Quan led his army and was stationed in Chaisang to watch the development of the situation.

After Zhuge Liang arrived at Chaisang, he immediately met with Sun Quan and analyzed the situation for Sun Quan.

Facing the powerful Cao army, the monarchs and ministers of Dongwu had different opinions on whether to fight or surrender.

Sun Quan himself was undecided and asked Zhuge Liang why Liu Bei didn't surrender.

Zhuge Liang took the opportunity to increase Liu Bei's status, saying that Liu Bei had integrity and would never surrender, so as to show Liu Bei's determination to Sun Quan.

After hearing this, Sun Quan was furious and vowed not to surrender to Cao Cao, but he was worried and asked Liu Bei how many troops he had left to fight.

Zhuge Liang finally began to analyze the situation of the two armies. He first said that Liu Bei's soldiers and Guan Yu's navy numbered ten thousand, and Liu Qifan's Jiangxia soldiers also numbered no less than ten thousand.

He also pointed out that Cao's army was tired from afar, and when chasing Liu Bei, he used light cavalry to travel more than 300 miles in a day and a night. It was "the end of a strong crossbow, and it could not penetrate Lu's armor";

Moreover, the people in the north were not used to water warfare, and the people of Jingzhou were forced to obey Cao Cao, and the people's hearts were not yet attached.

If Cao Cao forces a strong attack on Jiangdong, he will be defeated.】

[Sun Quan was very happy after hearing this. Later, he was persuaded by Lu Su and Zhou Yu, and finally decided to join forces with Liu to fight against Cao.

He sent Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lu Su and others with 30,000 naval troops to start a war with Cao Cao.

In November, Cao Cao's army encountered a fire attack by Sun and Liu's coalition forces in Chibi. Cao Cao's army suffered huge losses. At this time, a plague broke out in Cao Cao's army, so Cao Cao had no choice but to lead his army back north.

Cao Cao's defeat initially formed the pattern of three parts of the world.】

"Huh? The straw boat borrowed arrows and borrowed the east wind? Why didn't Su Shangshen say that?"

"Fool, those are all fake, they were made up by Luo Guanzhong!"

"I have to avenge Zhou Yu. The credit for the Battle of Chibi was so easily shared with Zhuge Liang!"

"Although Zhuge Liang is not as magical as in the novel, his role is still very crucial."

[The third greatest achievement: Occupying Jingnan and establishing Yizhou with troops.

After the Battle of Chibi, Jiangdong was peaceful.

Liu Bei took advantage of Cao Cao's return to the north, followed Zhuge Liang's plan, and pacified the four counties in Jingnan in December of the 13th year of Jian'an.

Liu Bei appointed Zhuge Liang as the Commander-in-Chief of the Military Division. He lived in Linhang and oversaw the three counties of Lingling, Guiyang, and Changsha. He was responsible for adjusting taxes and replenishing military resources.

After having the four counties of Jingnan as a foothold, according to Zhuge Liang's military deployment in the previous "Longzhong Duel", they should attack Yizhou at this time.]

[Yizhou is known as the land of abundance because it has experienced little war, is rich in products, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. However, the leader of Yizhou, Liu Zhang, was weak, and the soldiers and people thought of a wise master, so at this time Liu Zhang's men began to become restless.

Instigated by Zhang Song, Yizhou Shepherd Liu Zhang sent Fazheng to Jingzhou to ask Liu Bei to lead troops to protect Yizhou's security.

Zhuge Liang believed that the opportunity was too good to miss and persuaded Liu Bei to agree.

Liu Bei agreed to lead troops to assist in the war, so Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others guarded Jingzhou, while Liu Bei personally led his troops into Yizhou accompanied by counselor Pang Tong.

In December of the following year, it was revealed that Zhang Song was having an affair with Liu Bei, so Liu Zhang executed Zhang Song and ordered the generals guarding the pass to not allow Liu Bei's troops to pass.]

[After the two sides broke up, Liu Bei began to formally attack Xichuan.

However, Liu Bei's war to conquer Xichuan did not go smoothly. First, he was blocked at Jiameng Pass, and then suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Luocheng, and even defeated military advisor Pang Tong.

At this time, Zhuge Liang, who was staying in Jingxiang, had to lead his army into Shu to help in the war. He successively defeated Liu Zhang's generals Liu Zhuang, Lingbao, Zhang Ren, Deng Xian, and Wu Yi. This forced Liu Zhang to surrender and completely brought Yizhou under Liu Bei's control.


It can be said that if Zhuge Liang had not led his army into Shu, Liu Bei would not only have been unable to pacify Yizhou, but he would probably have been trapped alive by Liu Zhang in the unfamiliar Xichuan.】

[Speaking of this, I have to mention that later generations often belittled Zhuge Liang.

People often disparage Zhuge Liang based on two sentences and one thing.

These two sentences: one is that Chen Shou's Zhuge Liang "uses soldiers beyond his strength", the other is "his wisdom often seems like a monster". The other one is that Zhuge Liang did not adopt Wei Yan's "Ziwu Valley Plot".

As for Wei Yan's "Ziwu Valley Conspiracy", in fact, it was later analyzed that it was not feasible.

The sentence "His wisdom often looks like a demon" is actually aimed at the writing method of the novel, not to comment on Zhuge Liang himself.

As for "the use of troops is not what one is good at", great men once expressed their opinions on this.

He said that the reason why some people think that Zhuge Liang has no military achievements is actually a mistake.

Because they believe that military achievements represent war achievements, and military achievements can only be considered as winning battles.]

"Is not it?"

“If you don’t win the battle, how can defeating the battle be an achievement??”

Many people are puzzled,

But Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhao Kuangyin and others who returned from the battlefield felt that this was not as simple as it seemed.

(End of chapter)

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