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185. Chapter 185

185. Chapter 185: Hard to eat soft rice

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 185: Hard to eat soft rice

[In fact, Sima Xiangru’s target was Zhuo Wangsun’s daughter, Zhuo Wenjun.

Zhuo Wenjun is not only young and beautiful, but also a young woman who has recently lost her husband (some people don't like young girls, but like young women), and she can also write poems, write, and be good at music. More importantly, her family still has money.


Question: Where can you find such a masterpiece?

Answer: Zhuo Wangsun family, Zhuo Wenjun.】

Cao Cao: "Why do I feel that Su Qian is insinuating on me? But to be honest, how can a girl or a young woman love someone?"

Li Longji couldn't help but think of Concubine Yang, "Back then, just because I took one look at her charming appearance, I never thought about tea or food again!"

Yes, so in the end you stole your son Li Hao’s wife? Be a man!

A slightly vulgar smile appeared on Liu Ao's face and he said, "I really want to meet these talented and beautiful people."

[Seeing that everyone in the county was going crazy for Sima Xiangru'er, Zhuo Wangsun, who was considered the richest man in the entire county, finally couldn't sit still.

Zhuo Wangsun went to the county government office to ask for the recommendation of County Magistrate Wang and wanted to entertain Mr. Sima. After County Magistrate Wang declined twice, he reluctantly agreed.

Zhuo Wangsun was fully prepared for this banquet.

He not only invited the best cooks, but also all the prominent people in the county.

However, it was already past the time for dinner, and Mr. Sima came with the guqin "Green Qi", which can be said to have earned enough popularity and gimmicks.]

[The appearance of Sima Xiangru brought the banquet to an instant climax.

While everyone was enjoying the carnival, behind an inconspicuous screen, there was a pair of lustful eyes, secretly glancing at Sima Xiangru. No need to guess, the owner of those eyes was Zhuo Wenjun, the daughter of Zhuo Wangsun.]

[Recently, Zhuo Wenjun has been paying attention to Sima Xiangru almost every day.

Gradually, her initial curiosity about Sima Xiangru turned into admiration in her heart.

Yes, for a Huaichun woman in a small county town, isn't a young, promising, talented and handsome man the lover of their dreams?】

[Zhuo Wenjun hid behind the screen and secretly watched Sima Xiangru.

As for Sima Xiangru, he had actually felt the gaze of those charming eyes for a long time, but he just pretended not to know and continued to eat wine and drink tea as if nothing had happened.

Fishing is all about patience. If you use some just-right hard-to-get tricks, the effect may be even better.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, the county magistrate stood up and said to everyone: "Mr. Sima is not only first-rate in writing, but his piano skills are unparalleled in the world. Taking advantage of the beautiful scenery, why not invite Mr. Sima to play an impromptu song?"

Everyone agreed eagerly.

After receiving warm invitations from everyone, Sima Xiangru carefully took out the guqin - Green Qi - that was awarded to him by Liu Wu, King Xiao of Liang, from its cover.

A song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix", through the sound of Green Qi, slowly expresses lovesickness and admiration to a person]

【There is a beautiful woman here, I will never forget you when I see her.

Not seeing you for a day makes me miss you like crazy.

The phoenix is ​​soaring, and the phoenix is ​​begging for it from all over the world.

The phoenix is ​​here, the phoenix is ​​here to live with me, and I have to entrust the breeding tail to be my concubine forever.

Friendships are harmonious and hearts are harmonious. Who knows how to meet each other in the middle of the night?

Both wings rise and fly high, without feeling, my thoughts make me sad.】

[With Zhuo Wenjun's intelligence, she knew that Sima Xiangru played it specifically for her, which made Zhuo Wenjun, who was already in love, instantly fall in love and fall deeply in love.

The man was affectionate and the concubine was interested, so the two of them settled down in love from afar.

That night, the two people who had a good connection drove a carriage and eloped overnight with the help of the maid.】

"Are all women so easy to deceive? Why am I still alone in my thirties this year?"

"Alas, another good cabbage was eaten by a pig."

"Don't be so upset, okay? Sima Xiangru is a talented and beautiful man, and he once worked for emperors and princes. Why do you, a local ruffian, look down on him?"

"What happened to the ruffians? What happened to the gangsters? Wasn't the Emperor of the Han Dynasty born a gangster?"

"You are said to be the emperor of the Han Dynasty. How many emperors of the Han Dynasty have there been throughout the ages?"

"Huh! I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!"

[Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun eloped overnight and came to Sima Xiangru’s hometown, Chengdu.

Chengdu is actually not far from Linqiong, just over a hundred miles away.

After arriving at Sima Xiangru's home, Zhuo Wenjun discovered that the so-called home of Sima Xiangru was actually an empty dilapidated house with nothing.

Sima Qian had this image description in the "Book of Han: The Biography of Sima Xiangru": "Wen Jun died at night and ran to Xiangru. Xiangru and he galloped back to Chengdu, and his home was left standing with nothing but walls."

You know how poor Sima Xiangru was at that time. The idiom "the family is surrounded by four walls" refers to him!]

[Zhuo Wenjun originally came to pursue a better life in the big city, but she didn't expect that she would fall into the big hole dug for her by Sima Xiangru.

Zhuo Wenjun was a little disappointed, but he didn't know if he had any regrets.

However, Sima Xiangru didn't care about anything else. It was the last word to quickly turn raw rice into cooked rice.

For Zhuo Wenjun at this time, although Sima Xiangru was a little poorer, his talents and learning were still there.

And he is also kind to himself, so it is not intolerable to be so poor.】

[However, love cannot be eaten after all. Sima Xiangru has no ability to make money except for talking about it.

In order to fill his stomach and even live a good life, Sima Xiangru began to test Zhuo Wenjun to see if she could help get some support from her natal family.

But Zhuo Wenjun firmly refused.

Elopement was a huge scandal in ancient times. Zhuo Wenjun's father had the most respect, so even if they went back now, they would probably not get a single copper.

But Sima Xiangru didn’t think this was a problem, because he had a more sinister way.]

[Under Sima Xiangru’s operation, they not only returned to Linqiong, but also borrowed some money from County Magistrate Wang and opened a tavern near the door of Zhuo Wensun’s home.

Zhuo Wensun was one of the richest men in the county, but his daughter and son-in-law were so poor that they had to buy alcohol on the street, which made Zhuo Wensun even more miserable.

Therefore, Zhuo Wensun could only curse the couple secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do to them. Zhuo Wensun felt so embarrassed that he could not see anyone, so he stayed behind closed doors for a long time.]

[It was under this situation that someone came to advise Zhuo Wangsun: "Your daughter Zhuo Wenjun has married Sima Xiangru as his wife.

Although Sima Xiangru was poor, he was indeed a talented young man who would become a great person in the future!

Your family is not short of money, so why let them suffer such a crime outside?"

Zhuo Wangsun's heart was not strong in planning. After all, Zhuo Wenjun was his own daughter. In the end, he gave them both Zhuo Wenjun's clothes and jewelry when he got married. He also gave away hundreds of servants and millions of dollars.]

"Damn it! It's so developed!!"

"This Sima Xiangru is really a soft-boiled man who is hard-pressed!"

“It’s great to have a rich father-in-law!”

"Is there any eldest sister or aunt who needs help? I'm waiting for you right here!"

(End of chapter)

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