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Chapter 20 Be ruthless to yourself, and even more ruthless to others!

Chapter 20: Be cruel to yourself, and even more cruel to others!

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 20: Be cruel to yourself, and even more cruel to others!

"The Great Wall cannot stop the thousands-mile front of the Turkic cavalry, but unification can!!!"

With just one sentence, Yang Jian's initially dark, ruthless, and shady image immediately turned 180 degrees!

Liu Xiu showed an expression that was indeed true, and said to himself: "Oh, let me tell you why this guy can be ranked above me. He really has made great achievements in foreign wars!"

The most important and urgent thing for Liu Xiu right now is to train the new army while recuperating with the people.

In just one or two years, when people's livelihood improves and a strong army is formed, Liu Xiu will overturn his conservative strategic policy in history and actively seek to destroy the Huns!

Yang Jian's eyes flashed with light, and he said secretly: "I knew it! I will definitely not let the world down!"

[The Turks’ attack this time was not only rapid but also had an extremely long front. It can be said that the entire Great Wall was included in their front by the Turks!]

[Facing the menacing Turks, a man from the Sui Dynasty came up with a clever plan for Yang Jian!]

[With his ingenious plan, Yang Jian achieved a decisive victory in the decisive battle with the Turks!]

"who is it?"

"What's another clever plan?"

Many people are curious about what kind of strange person provided Yang Jian with a clever strategy that could turn things around.

Yang Jian himself was secretly thinking, "The oracle has predicted that the Sui Dynasty will dominate the world, but if the oracle is known by Nanchen and the Turks, will they unite to deal with me?"

"Well, I don't know whether this oracle is a blessing or a curse. I can only pray that the reward given to me by Su Shenren can have a greater effect."

[However, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian’s merits in martial arts were slightly better than those in martial arts.]

[In terms of people's livelihood, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian implemented a tolerant policy towards the common people.

After Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty achieved the unification of the north and the south, he inherited and developed the land equalization system established during the period of Emperor Xiaowen, overthrew the land ownership system left by large landlords in the south, implemented the land equalization system based on family monogamy throughout the country, and obtained the prescribed rights.

The fields are exposed and the rent is paid, maximizing the fair system of land distribution.

The land equalization system established the basis of the "state ownership of land" in the feudal dynasty. Although it was not clearly stated in the edict or inscription, state ownership was still reflected in the management of land granting and returning land.]

Seeing this, the emperors before the Sui Dynasty couldn't help but their eyes lit up, "This is a good idea! It can effectively avoid the existence of shadow households and greatly increase tax revenue!"

"But how can we make those wealthy families spit out the fields from their mouths? I have to think about it carefully!"

However, although the equal land system was good, it still had its own shortcomings, so it was later abolished.

[Politically, Yang Jian created the Five Provinces and Six Cao system, which improved the administrative efficiency of the central government, divided power, and prevented ministers from monopolizing power. The later Three Provinces and Six Ministries system began with the Five Provinces and Six Cao system. 】

[However, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian’s most important achievement in civil affairs should still be the creation of the system of selecting officials through the imperial examination!

This system broke the barriers to the monopoly of promotion resources by the gentry class and provided a valuable upward path for poor families and ordinary people. The imperial examination system has continued for thousands of years and has become the standard system for selecting talents for all feudal dynasties in later generations.]

"The evil exam-oriented education!" Su Qian couldn't help but sigh.

However, he had to admit that the college entrance examination was relatively the fairest channel for advancement.

"Hey! Imperial examination system!" Liu Che and Liu Xiu seemed to have found a magic weapon to deal with the powerful families.

And the children of the wealthy families in these two worlds all feel the impending crisis!

The video continues,

[Economically, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, reduced taxes on the people, developed water conservancy projects, encouraged domestic business and cultural exchanges, and promoted the prosperity of the domestic economy and culture. 】

[It is precisely because Yang Jian achieved social stability during his reign and promoted the integration of the Han and Hu ethnic groups that the diversification of famous Chinese ethnic groups in later generations was achieved and the tolerance of Chinese culture was greatly enhanced!]

"As expected, he is another emperor who is excellent in both civil and military arts!"

"To be ranked sixth, Yang Jian does have his own merits!"

All the emperors sighed with emotion, and at the same time they were also thinking about what useful information and knowledge they could exchange with Yang Jian.

[After taking stock of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian’s achievements, let’s take a look at Yang Jian’s faults. ]

"Killing heroes, right? It seems that many emperors have done this kind of thing."

Speaking of mistakes, everyone immediately thought of what was said in the previous video, "Yang Jian repeatedly set up prisons and killed all the heroes who helped him seize power."

[Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was frugal and loved the people, but in his later years he began to indulge in enjoyment, squandering money and coveting enjoyment. 】

【His character is strict, he is strict with himself and even more strict with others.

King Yang Jun of Qin was poisoned by his wife, but because he did not comply with Yang Jian's requirements, not only did he not receive the love of his father, but he was dismissed from office and punished.

The minister begged for mercy, but Yang Jian also refused to forgive him, saying that the prince had committed the same crime as the common people.

Even after Yang Jun's death, Yang Jian refused the request to erect a monument for him, which was extremely cruel and ruthless.]

[Because of Emperor Wen's suspicion and the frame-up of Yang Guang and others, the King of Shu Yang Xiu was also deposed.

He is very strict with his own sons, not to mention others.

Yang Jian often punishes ministers he is dissatisfied with, kills and deposes meritorious ministers. Very few meritorious ministers can end well.】

Seeing this, Yang Jian's son and the heroes' faces turned green.

Yang Jian himself showed a solemn expression, and he asked himself: "Am I really so harsh?"

[Yang Jian has a strict character and is also strict in his usage.

He believed in using heavy laws in troubled times and would be sentenced to death for stealing a penny. What was even more extreme was that he executed three young men who stole melons because they were thirsty.

Under such harsh laws, the entire society is in panic.

This directly led to the fact that in the late Sui Dynasty, even if the treasury was full, officials did not dare to open warehouses to provide disaster relief. The country was rich but the people were poor, and eventually perished as a result.

"This man is a bit strange. He is so harsh to an inhuman level!" Liu Bang didn't understand. How could people be so harsh?

"It seems that Yang Jian did not stick to his original intention and eventually turned from a benevolent king into a tyrant." Liu Xiu sighed.

[Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty did not understand the general outline.

He suspected that officials were corrupt and accepting bribes, but since there was no evidence, he sent his men to deliberately bribe the petty officials with money, and immediately beheaded anyone who accepted.

As an emperor, but fishing for law enforcement, it would be a bit derogatory to be a king.】

Seeing this, all the officials in the time and space of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, who had seen the video, all turned pale at this moment.

Is this meowing person a human? Maybe it should be a dog!

Zhu Yuanzhang agreed very much with this method, "Corrupt officials should be killed!"

[Although Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty gradually became dim-witted, suspicious, and murderous in his later years, the mistakes he made in his later years still cannot cover up the great achievements he made.]

[At least during the period of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, the people were almost in an environment where the world was at peace and the country was peaceful. 】

[Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty is worthy of the name of Mingjun.]

The common people breathed a sigh of relief, but the officials, big and small, were beating drums in their hearts.

[The sixth among the ten most meritorious emperors in history: Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian, the inventory is complete!]

(End of chapter)

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