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Chapter 31 Reforming the system, Lao Zhu is also a good hand

Chapter 31 Reforming the system, Lao Zhu is also a good player

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 31 Reforming the system, Lao Zhu is also a good player

[Zhu Yuanzhang’s greatest achievement is undoubtedly ending the rule of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, establishing the Ming Dynasty, recovering the Sixteen Youyun Prefectures that had been lost for four hundred years, and completing the unification of the country!]

[After years of arduous battles, Zhu Yuanzhang finally defeated the heroes, ended the Mongolian and Yuan rule, and unified the country.]

[He established a new and powerful country, the Ming Dynasty, and restored the long-lost political power of the Han nation in the traditional Chinese territory. 】

[In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, political corruption led to great chaos in the world, and uprisings surged across the country.

Not long after Zhu Yuanzhang joined the Red Scarf Army, he was appreciated for his bravery and intelligence, and worked hard. He finally grew from an ordinary soldier to the commander of a powerful army, and then led his army to eliminate several relatively powerful neighboring regimes.


Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang sent his troops to the northern expedition to the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. With great momentum along the way, he quickly regained the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (Beiping).

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang went through several more crusade before finally unifying the country and establishing the Ming Dynasty.]

[Why was it Zhu Yuanzhang’s mission to end the war, unify the country, and restore the Han nationality’s power?]

[This is certainly the blessing of fate and God on Zhu Yuanzhang, but it is also the final victory of Zhu Yuanzhang's own comprehensive advantages of intelligence, strength and virtue. 】

[There are many reasons for this, for example: Zhu Yuanzhang's army is highly disciplined and never offends the common people, which has won the hearts of the people; for example, his army officers and soldiers are united as one, and the overall combat effectiveness is extremely strong, especially in fighting tough battles; and for example, Zhu Yuanzhang is far-sighted in strategy

, the decision-making is always correct, and the high-level staff is dedicated, and the strong generals gather together.】

[He was an outstanding commander, and was even said by great men of later generations: "Since ancient times, there is no one more capable than Li Shimin, and the second best is Zhu Yuanzhang!"]

[He is a Bole who has a keen eye to recognize heroes: he can strategize and win thousands of miles, he has Liu Bowen, the "magic strategist"; he looks after the house and the hospital, and has enough food for the soldiers, he has Li Shanchang, the "Zhuge Liang" in the late Yuan Dynasty; he charges into battle and takes the lead,

He has "Chang Yuchun" who is often one hundred thousand; he can attack cities and plunder lands with an army of one million, and he has Xu Da, the "Han Xin" of the late Yuan Dynasty.]

Li Shimin nodded slightly and said to himself: "This great man's evaluation is still very pertinent, but I don't know which dynasty hero he was. Do you have the opportunity to get to know him?"

Zhu Di curled his lips and said: "Tang Taizong was born as a general and had countless resources and connections. In addition, he was also a talented person. My father is only one step behind him, which is considered very powerful."

Liu Che was a little surprised, "Li Shimin is actually better than Zhu Yuanzhang in fighting? Then what kind of terrible record does he have?"

"The top three on this list are well-deserved." Xuan Ye felt that he was still convinced.

[Second: Zhu Yuanzhang used forceful means to improve and innovate the political system.]

[Although this kind of institutional improvement and innovation is, on the one hand, to further strengthen the imperial power and stabilize the political power structure. But to a certain extent, this kind of improvement also improves the feudal system and promotes the progress of the political system.

This laid a solid foundation for the progress of the system in later generations.]

[In order to solve many problems left over from the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang adopted a series of reform measures.]

[Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the powerful prime minister and re-established a cabinet team to assist the emperor in handling government affairs. This was the prototype of the cabinet system in the Ming Dynasty.

The cabinet system was basically formed during the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty. After that, the power gradually increased. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, the cabinet was given the power to draft the votes of the great scholars, and finally during the reign of Emperor Xianzong, the chief minister of the cabinet was formed.

In short, through the efforts of several generations of emperors in the Ming Dynasty, the cabinet system became increasingly perfect and mature.

Later, it was used as a reference by the British, eventually forming the cabinet system and prime minister system in the modern sense.

The Japanese, who completely copied the Ming Dynasty's cabinet system hundreds of years ago, are still practicing a very typical cabinet system of governance even today.]

"Hmph!" Liu Che snorted dissatisfied and said, "All the good things have been learned by the barbarians. I am quite interested in this cabinet system."

Zhu Yuanzhang said thoughtfully: "The chief minister of the cabinet. Maybe we can get it done in one step."

Tang Taizong said to himself: "The power of the Prime Minister is indeed a bit too great. When I am in office, there will definitely be no problems with the Prime Minister, but after I abdicate, there is no guarantee that there will not be some powerful ministers who can cover the sky with one hand. This cabinet

It seems necessary to understand it in detail."

[On the other hand, Zhu Yuanzhang also decomposed the powers of local governments at all levels.

For example, the power of provincial-level local governments was changed to the newly established Department of Administrative Affairs and Envoys, and the Department of Prosecution and Prosecution. The three departments of Command and Envoys are responsible for the three powers of administration, justice, and military. Moreover, these three institutions have equal status.

They do not govern each other, but are all responsible to the central government. This greatly reduces the situation of excessive local power similar to the late Han Dynasty.】

[Third: In terms of military construction, Zhu Yuanzhang divided the central governor's office into five governor's offices: left, center, right, front and rear.

The Fifth Army Governor's Office is responsible for the management and training of the national military forces, while the power to mobilize troops is controlled by the Ministry of War. At the local level, he also established a complete set of guard system and military household system.

By establishing this series of military systems, Zhu Yuanzhang firmly controlled military power in the hands of the emperor. As a result, the Ming Dynasty's army maintained strong centripetal force and combat effectiveness from beginning to end.]

[Fourth: In order to consolidate the imperial power, supervise all officials, and for the long-term stability of the country, Zhu Yuanzhang also set up the world's first intelligence and spy organization-Jinyiwei.

As a system, Jinyiwei is still being used for reference and learning by countries around the world hundreds of years later. This shows the necessity of this system for the national machinery that has developed to a certain stage.

Although the Ming Dynasty's Jin Yiwei had a bad reputation in history, it was because they were used by bad people to fight against dissidents and other political struggles.

But the importance and positive significance of this special organization are very important to a country.】

[Fifth: After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang drew on the experience of the early Han Dynasty and implemented the policy of light taxes and low taxes and recuperation, so that the people finally got a chance to breathe after experiencing the terrifying rule of the Yuan Dynasty.

For the benefit of the people of the world, Zhu Yuanzhang carefully planned and worked diligently, so that the common people living in the early Ming Dynasty lived a happy and healthy life after the devastation of war.】

[After that, Zhu Yuanzhang implemented the policy of immigrants working in fields, distributing free cattle and seeds to immigrants, reducing taxes, and encouraging mulberry farming. He also attached great importance to agricultural infrastructure such as water conservancy and provided necessary assistance for normal agricultural production.]

[At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also established a social relief system.

Such as the disaster relief system: whenever disasters such as floods and droughts occur across the country, not only will taxes be exempted for that year, but warehouses will be opened to provide disaster relief.

Another example is the poverty relief system: a charity home is set up to take in those who have no means of living and provide them with food on a monthly basis, etc.

In short, through the series of policies formulated and implemented by Zhu Yuanzhang, he quickly stabilized society and people's hearts, and also restored and promoted the development of agriculture and economy.

From this, the Ming Dynasty was able to make great strides forward on the road to prosperity and well-being.]

(End of chapter)

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