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Chapter 49 Jingkang's Disgrace!

Chapter 49 Jingkang’s humiliation!

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 49 Jingkang’s humiliation!

[Although Zhao Ji has some similarities with Li Yu, they are still fundamentally different.]

[When Li Yu ascended the throne, the Southern Tang Dynasty was already crumbling. Although Li Yu had been working hard to govern the country and wanted to restore the Southern Tang Dynasty, the foundation of the Southern Tang Dynasty had been destroyed, and there was no chance of turning over. 】

[However, Zhao Ji's situation is very different. It can even be said that he single-handedly destroyed the best future of the Song Dynasty. 】

[When Zhao Ji succeeded to the throne, the economy of the Song Dynasty was still very good, but Zhao Ji himself was not interested in politics and knew nothing about it, so he made many government orders based on his intuition and preferences. ]

[For example, Gao Qiu, a traitorous minister, was promoted to a high position and even became a Taiwei just because he was good at Cuju, which satisfied Zhao Ji's hobby.

He had no military exploits and relied on favors for personal gain. He invaded military camps to gain private territory and occupied many of the Forbidden Army, which resulted in "lax discipline" and "unrepaired military and political affairs" in the Forbidden Army. When the Jin soldiers attacked, the Forbidden Army dispersed in a hurry.]

"My God, this brother is so human when he chooses people. It all depends on personal preference!"

"Even if such an emperor does not subjugate his country, he is not far away from it."

[Zhao Ji also re-introduced the “rice field affairs”. 】

[The "Rice Field Affairs" organization was established in the Five Dynasties, and was established in the Later Tang and Later Zhou Dynasties. It was a government-run organization specializing in rice production.

This was also done in Ruzhou in the early Northern Song Dynasty. The specific method was that the government established an organization to recruit farmers to farm, and set up "heads" to manage these farmers.

In essence, this thing is equivalent to a government-run farm, and the farmers inside are equivalent to the labor recruited by the government-run farm.

But later, because the economic benefits of government-run farms were too low, it was far less cost-effective to hand over the land to farmers for free cultivation and then collect taxes, so Ruzhou's "rice field affairs" were canceled around the time of Song Renzong.]

[Then the question arises: Since the old rice field affairs have been abolished and the fields managed by them have been distributed to the people, where will the government-owned land needed to rebuild the "rice field affairs" come from? 】

【Answer: People!】

[The implementation of rice field affairs has allowed many people to live a life of poverty again.

Because of the confiscated public land, farmers who want to grow crops here must first pay taxes.

And often after paying taxes, farmers don’t have much food left in their hands.]

[What’s even more frightening is that the low-level officials and bullies also began to exploit the people and forced them to collect more taxes, which eventually led to a peasant uprising. 】

[It took the Song Dynasty a long time to suppress this uprising. I originally thought that Zhao Ji would recognize his mistakes after this incident and then reflect on it. But in the end, he did not regret it at all, and he still

All he wants to do is decorate the palace and collect paintings and calligraphy.】

Ying Zheng shook his head and sighed: "I can see that this Zhao Ji has no awareness of being the king of a country."

Li Shimin said sadly: "It is the misfortune of the people to hand over the country to such people."

Zhao Kuangyin said in a tone of hatred that iron cannot be made into steel: "If you can't be the emperor, why don't you give it to someone who can be the emperor?"

Zhu Di: "In addition to his own enjoyment, this man doesn't care about the life and death of the people at all. I should not have such an emperor in the Ming Dynasty, right?"

[Zhao Ji himself has no intention of governing the country and does whatever he wants.

He did not listen to the advice of his loyal ministers, but was carried away by the advice of those evil people.

A powerful empire was destroyed in his hands. This was a great shame and humiliation for the Song Dynasty.】

"No! No!, I am the wise king! My Song Dynasty far surpasses all previous dynasties, Cai Jing and Gao Qiu all said so!"

Zhao Ji still refused to believe it, and he was in a broken mood now.

But the video ignored Zhao Ji's collapse and continued to play.

[At the end of the seventh year of Xuanhe’s reign in the Northern Song Dynasty, a strange scene suddenly appeared in the Bianliang Palace.]

[The official of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Ji, who was sitting on the dragon throne, suddenly fell from the throne without any warning, and then fell heavily to the ground. The emperor, who was still alive and powerful just now, now had his mouth and eyes crooked, and his whole body was twitching.

Soon he fell into a coma while groaning in pain.】

[The emperor suddenly suffered from a strange disease, and there was a rush in the palace. The ministers were at a loss what to do. The eunuchs and maids took turns stroking their backs and chests, serving tea and water. The imperial doctor rushed to the scene after hearing the news, taking his pulse and prescribing prescriptions, making soups and testing medicines.

, emergency feeding.]

[After everyone was busy for a while, the unconscious emperor finally woke up.

He opened his mouth to speak, but only a few unclear syllables came out from his throat.

He struggled with paper and pen, and then wrote a line of small words with his left hand crookedly - I have no half left, what a big deal!".]

[Seeing this situation, the entire hall fell into silence, and the surrounding civil and military officials looked at each other.

Until then, everyone suddenly understood the emperor's intention. It turned out that Zhao Ji's sudden onset of strange illness was just a premeditated performance.】

[Later, another scene was staged in this palace that was extremely absurd and bizarre in the entire history of the feudal dynasty:

In full view of Chui Gong Hall, Zhao Ji, as the emperor and his father, sounded fierce and determined to give the Zen throne to his son Zhao Heng!

But Zhao Ji's son Zhao Huan burst into tears and refused to obey his orders, life or death, and determined not to be the emperor!]

[Representing the supreme throne in people's hearts, the supreme power that once turned countless brothers against each other and killed each other, has now become a life-threatening poison in the eyes of this father and son!

But in the end, his arms could not twist his thighs, so Zhao Heng was almost forced to put on a crown and dragon robe, and then was held hostage to the Funing Hall, where he ascended the throne and became the new master of the Northern Song Dynasty.]

Li Shimin had mixed feelings in his heart. He thought that if his father could be so "enlightened", why would he do such spine-tingling things?

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?"

Of course, some emperors saw the strangeness in this at a glance.

[Would Zhao Ji and Zhao Heng stage such a farce?]

[It turns out that when they were passing the blame, the Jurchen cavalry was rushing southward from the east and west! 】

[There are only less than two years left before that unparalleled shame occurs, and the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty has entered the final countdown! 】

"Northern Song Dynasty? Destruction?"

"Jurchen cavalry heading south?!!"

“My Song Dynasty is going to perish??”

Zhao Ji's capital suddenly fell into chaos!

Zhao Ji's son, Zhao Heng, even had the idea of ​​packing up his luggage and running away at this moment.

[Jingkang, an era name that makes all the Han people the most sad and angry, sad and difficult to accept!]

[In the first year of Jingkang, a large number of Jin troops flocked to the wide-open Xuanhua City Gate of Bianliang!]

[The outer city fell, and the Jurchens began to burn, kill and loot arbitrarily. Nearly a million innocent Kaifeng people began to crowd and trample in the flames of war, crying, wailing, or running around with the crowd in a daze, not knowing where to go. 】

The video showed scenes of people being wantonly massacred by Jurchens after the city was broken.

Seeing this familiar city being so ruined by foreigners, Zhao Kuangyin's eyes were about to split, and his nails dug deeply into his flesh and blood, "You bastards! I'm going to kill you!!!"

His words were not only aimed at the Jurchens, but also at the two emperors who did nothing - Song Huizong and Song Qinzong.

(End of chapter)

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