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Chapter 6 Rich Rewards?

Chapter 6 Generous rewards?

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 6 Generous rewards?

"Zhu Laosi!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

Sure enough, when the countdown ended and the light beam disappeared,

A tiger roar suddenly came from where the third light pillar was on Zhu Di's left hand side!

"?" Qin Shihuang was a little confused, "Why are you shouting and killing as soon as you arrive? Could it be that you met someone who was deprived of his throne?"

"Sure enough, there are Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and Ming Chengzu Zhu Di here. There is a good show! Hehehehe!"

Xuan Ye took a step back, with a look on his face as he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di who were chasing and escaping.

"Dad! Dad! Calm down! Listen to your son's explanation!"

"You traitor! You actually took away your eldest brother's throne! Let's see if we don't beat you to death!!!"

Zhu Di was chased by Zhu Yuanzhang holding cloth shoes and was running around the place. During this period, Zhu Di used other emperors as human shields in order to block his father's long-range attacks. The scene fell into extreme chaos for a while.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, stretched out his hand to block the shoe thrown by Lao Zhu. He shouted to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di: "Hey! Can you two pay attention to your image? Everyone here is a famous emperor in your own time and space!


"Ah! It's grandpa!" Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, bowed his head to Liu Bang!

"Ah! It's our ancestors and grandfathers!" Liu Xiuze, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, first bowed to Liu Bang and then turned around and bowed to Liu Che!

Liu Bang looked at the two young men who bowed their heads to him, and he couldn't help but asked with joy: "Are you all my descendants?"

"Unfilial descendants, Liu Che!"

"Unfilial descendants, Liu Xiu!"

“I’ve met Gaozu!!!”

"Hahahaha!!! Wahahahahaha!!!!" Liu Bang helped the two of them up one by one, and couldn't help looking at the sky and laughing: "Among the ten emperors, there are actually three emperors from my Han Dynasty! What a blessing from God.

Big man!!!”

What Liu Bang couldn't even imagine was that over the past two thousand years, "Han" has become a unified term for the descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. They call themselves Han people and are proud of "Han"!

Su Qian was dumbfounded behind the scenes as he watched the communication platform transformed into a large-scale hunt and family recognition scene. He murmured to himself: "In terms of how good you are at playing, it still depends on your system!"

"Tsk! Look at these emperors who were originally unattainable. Now they look like real people of flesh and blood."

At this moment, Su Qian suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought in his heart: "If I complete the 'Top Ten Heroes in History' or the 'Top Ten Masters in History', then will this place directly transform into a big fight?"


"What if they are the top ten beauties? Suck!!!"

[The video has been recognized by the audience, and the number of likes is much greater than the number of dislikes, so the host and the two protagonists of this video will both receive a reward. Please set the rewards for the tenth and ninth guests first! ]

After hearing the system's beep, Su Qian quickly wiped away the unknown liquid from the corner of his mouth and looked at the light curtain in front of him.

[The tenth Qing Saint Ancestor Aixinjueluo Xuanye, the configurable rewards are as follows:]

[1. The mighty and invincible general cannon: 200 pieces]

[2. Good weather and good weather (you can choose the time of use independently. After use, the good weather and good weather can be maintained for two years, and the probability of a good harvest is greatly increased)]

[Please choose one to place in the reward slot.]

[The ninth Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, the configurable rewards are as follows:]

[1. Win the hearts of the people (after use, the loyalty of the generals, soldiers and officials under the rule can be increased, the effect lasts for six months)]

[2. Good weather and good weather (you can choose the time of use independently. After use, the good weather and good weather can be maintained for two years under the treatment, and the probability of a good harvest is greatly increased)]

[Please choose one to place in the reward slot.]

"Damn it! This reward is so powerful???" Su Qian looked at the rewards of these two people and suddenly shouted in surprise.

Su Qian soon discovered that both of them were rewarded with good weather and good weather, so he thought to himself: "Both of them have good weather and good weather, so it seems that it should be a universal reward. After all, food is the most important thing for the people. If the ruler can have good weather and good weather, then

It has a great promotion and improvement effect on the emperor's rule and the improvement of people's livelihood."

"But it seems that these two are not very short of food at the moment. The one who really needs 'good weather' should be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

Thinking of this, Su Qian couldn't help but cast his eyes on Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di who were performing "Father stabs son and screams" in the venue.

Weather may not be the direct cause of the demise of the Ming Dynasty, but it is also inseparable from the Little Ice Age at that time.

The Little Glacier lasted for hundreds of years during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But from the Wanli to Chongzhen Emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the Little Glacier was the most active period and the period that had the greatest impact on mankind.

The Little Ice Age brought continuous droughts, locust plagues and floods to the Ming Dynasty.

Amid these natural disasters, people under the Ming Dynasty were in dire straits, food was in short supply in various places, and even people who exchanged their children for food often happened.

The people who could not survive were forced to embark on the road of uprising.

Agricultural development was hindered, and the agricultural-based feudal dynasty collected much less tax. In addition, land annexation was serious, the government became increasingly corrupt, and the army was in arrears with military pay. This eventually led to instability in the people's morale and military morale, and four uprisings continued.

In the short eight years from the first year of Chongzhen to the eighth year of Chongzhen, thirteen large-scale uprisings occurred.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty at that time did not want to help people when they encountered natural disasters, but the problem was that the landlords had no food left, so what could they do? They could only watch helplessly.

At this time, if there is suddenly a buffer time of two years with good weather and a bumper grain harvest, then the situation of this dynasty will definitely be greatly improved, and maybe it can last for more years!

Su Qian thought a lot. After the system prompted him to place the reward as soon as possible, he came to his senses and placed the reward

[1, the mighty and invincible general cannon: 200] and [1, win the hearts of the people]

They were placed in the reward slots of Xuanye, the Holy Ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, and Zhao Kuangyin, the Taizu of the Song Dynasty.

And just when Su Qian finished placing the rewards, one-third of the ten minutes of the free communication session had passed.

"Can you two stop making trouble?" Finally, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, who was determined to be the emperor for eternity, spoke.

He pointed at Zhu Yuanzhang who was "chasing" Zhu Di and shouted: "Especially you! How can such precious communication time be wasted on such a meaningless thing?

Didn’t the oracle sent down by God tell you that what comes here is only our own consciousness and cannot be killed at all. If you want to kill him, you have to go back to your own time and space to kill him!"

"Hey! Who are you? You actually scolded my father! Let's see if I, Zhu Di, kill you!" What Zhu Di admired most in his life was his father, Zhu Yuanzhang. He always followed Zhu Yuanzhang as an example, otherwise he would not be judged as the most like Zhu Yuanzhang.

descendants of the Zhu family.

"Pa!" Zhu Yuanzhang's shoe finally landed on the back of Zhu Di's head, "You traitor! Tell me! What did you do to your elder brother?!"

"Oh! Dad! What I took was not my eldest brother, but Zhu Yunwen's throne! Moreover, Yunwen ran away and disappeared without a trace. Yunxi was living happily in his own house in Yingtian Mansion every day, and his son did not kill them!"

After hearing Zhu Di's explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang's expression finally softened a little, "Huh! You know your father and I value family and love the most. Fortunately, you didn't do anything to them, otherwise we will definitely kill you when we go back!"


However, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed not to notice a small problem here, that is, why is Prince Zhu Biao not on the throne, but his son Zhu Yunwen is on the throne?

After Zhu Yuanzhang "tamed" Zhu Di, he then looked at Li Shimin with squinted eyes and asked: "What did you want to communicate just now?"

Li Shimin naturally heard the conversation between the two of them. When he saw Zhu Yuanzhang asking questions, he immediately twitched the corner of his mouth and replied: "It's nothing, nothing, you continue."

(End of chapter)

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