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Chapter 63 This is what you want to know about the follow-up of the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 63 This is what you want to know about the aftermath of the Qing Dynasty

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 63 This is what you want to know about the aftermath of the Qing Dynasty

"I will die at the age of fifty?"

"Or was he killed by his own people??"

Yang Guang stared blankly at himself in the light curtain,

I watched myself transform from a high-spirited young man to a greasy old man who lost hope and indulged in alcohol and sex.

He really couldn't believe that he would end up in such a miserable end.

[Yang Guang has his own advantages, but his flaws are equally prominent.]

[He carried out extensive construction projects, wasted people and money, was arrogant, conquered Korea three times, and was very pleased with his success. Moreover, after he came to power, he implemented a series of harsh laws, which made the people miserable. 】

[The character of Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was not formed in a later period. He knew how to hide his true nature since he was a child in order to get the crown prince position he wanted.

And when he became the leader of a country, his true nature was gradually exposed.

Although the construction of the Grand Canal and the implementation of the imperial examination system will benefit China for thousands of years to come, these achievements still seem a bit weak compared to his brutal actions.

After all, his father invented the imperial examination system, and the construction of the canal also had his own selfish motives.

Although it was the right move to suppress the wealthy family, the method he used was too radical. He simply killed a thousand enemies and lost a thousand to himself]

[Generally speaking, Yang Guang can be regarded as an ambitious and broad-minded person.

He has great and forward-looking ideas, but his personality is too arrogant and he cannot see his own shortcomings and shortcomings.

Moreover, he was stubborn, his abilities were not up to par with his vision, and he could not listen to the advice of others. In the end, he did not realize the glory he dreamed of, and he changed from an emperor who wanted to show his power to a king who subjugated his country.]

[However, Yang Guang's example was a good negative teaching material for educating future generations for Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, and became a strong evidence that "water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it."]

"Damn it, that guy Li Shimin got an advantage again!" Yang Guang said harshly.

"Yang Guang has demonstrated to us very well what it means to say, 'No matter how big a country is, it will perish if it is warlike'!"

"Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was extremely entangled in his merits and demerits, but generally speaking, he was more criticized than praised."

"This man is both a capable king, a weak king, and a tyrant, but he is not a wise king."

"The people living under his rule are really miserable!"


At the end of the video, the screen suddenly changed.

The screen gradually dimmed, and when it lit up again, there were only two corpses wrapped in straw mats.

Yang Guang is dead, and the one next to him is his son.

"There is no luxurious mausoleum, no grand national funeral ceremony."

"This man who controlled the world's wealth during his lifetime didn't even have a coffin. The palace officials took down a few bed boards, put together a simple coffin for him, and buried him hastily."

"Where can I be buried in an earthen grave that is several feet tall? There is a sad wind under Wu Gong's platform."

"The Wugong Tower in Yangzhou is still there, and the willow trees on the banks of the Grand Canal are still there, but Yang Guang has no burial place."

[Many times, what makes a great leader great is not what he wants to do, but what he is able to accomplish.

What Yang Guang wants to do is unprecedented, but the consequences will also be unprecedented.

His abilities, including cognitive structure, military ability, perseverance, tolerance for others, etc., are far from being able to support his ideal of realizing a "great cause".]

[Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty had vision and ability, but he brought over the entire Sui Dynasty with his own ability, ranking seventh on the list of the top ten mediocrities, and he deserves it!]

The two emperors have finished taking stock, but the people watching the live broadcast are still talking about these two "faint emperors" with great interest.

In Yang Guang's world, although the surface is still calm at this moment, secretly, undercurrents have begun to surge.

Those Guanlong nobles, those wealthy families, after they learned that Yang Guang would attack them, they all began to make small calculations in their hearts.

However, Queen Dugu still stood firmly on Yang Guang's side, at least Yang Guang had not ended up alone in advance.

After taking stock of Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and Yang Guang, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, the free exchange time will begin soon.

The two emperors reviewed in this issue have something in common. They both had great vision and talent, but they both lost themselves and their country in the later period.

I have to say that these two originally powerful empires suddenly collapsed due to the wrong actions of their leaders, which still makes people full of regret and emotion.

[The video playback is over, and there will be a ten-minute free communication session. All invitees, please be prepared for communication.]

[Countdown: 30 seconds!]

The sudden collapse of the Tang and Sui dynasties made other emperors feel a bit sad.

Even this free exchange lost the lively and heated atmosphere before.

Yang Guang wanted to beat Li Shimin to vent his anger, but because he couldn't beat Li Shimin, he was pushed to the ground and beaten by Li Shimin.

Yang Jian did not go up to break up the fight, he still wanted to discuss with Xuan Ye in exchange for the "Mighty and Invincible General Cannon".

At this moment, Xuan Ye was frowning, suppressing his anger as he listened to Cixi's account of what happened to the Qing Dynasty at this moment.

What about the Opium War, what about the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the British and French Allied Forces?

This series of humiliating encounters made Xuan Ye and Hong Li feel like the veins on their foreheads were bulging.

"What a bastard! When did I, the Qing Dynasty, receive such insults? Are you all a bunch of losers?!"

"God, if I and Grandpa Huang were here, how could we allow the Western barbarians to run wild on our Qing Dynasty?!"

Just when Xuan Ye and Hongli were venting their anger, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian suddenly said: "Su Shangshen said that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Your Qing Dynasty is stuck in the past, closed to the outside world, and its science and technology has lagged behind the West for an entire era. How can you do that?"

Don’t you become fat in the eyes of others?”

When Cixi saw that someone dared to mock them, she couldn't help but scolded: "How brave! Who are you?"

Hearing Cixi's question, Yang Jian immediately laughed and said: "I am Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, ranked sixth among the ten most meritorious emperors in history!!"

One is a top student and the other is a poor student.

When Cixi heard that it was Yang Jian, she was immediately speechless.

"Grandpa Huang, what should we do?" Hongli looked at Xuan Ye and asked.

"After all, that is a matter of another time and space. If you ask me, who am I asking?"


"Cixi doesn't have the ruthlessness of that boy Zhu Youjian. Even if we can temporarily help her, we can't completely reverse the situation."

"Is there really no other way?" Hongli was obviously still a little unwilling.

Xuan Ye thought for a while and replied: "Well, we can only wait and see what kind of rewards Su Shangshen will give."

Seeing that Xuan Ye and the three of them had finally discussed the business, Yang Jian immediately seized the opportunity and asked: "Xuan Ye, I want to exchange the drawings of the 'Mighty and Invincible General Cannon' with you."

Xuan Ye calmed down and then replied: "What do you want to exchange for?"

"Luo Shen Fu Tu!"

Xuan Ye's eyes lit up and he asked: "Is it Gu Kaizhi's "Luo Shen Fu Tu"?"



“Absolutely true!!”

"make a deal!"

(End of chapter)

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