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Chapter 75 A Painful Lesson, If You Fall Behind, You Will Be Beaten

Chapter 75 A painful lesson, if you fall behind, you will be beaten

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 75 A painful lesson, if you fall behind, you will be beaten

[Qianlong's own cultural level is actually quite good. He has been studying since he was a child and is familiar with ancient Chinese classics. His language ability is even more powerful. He is proficient in Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian, and proficient in Tibetan and Uyghur. This is

It is unique among all the emperors in history.]

[At the same time, he wrote more than 40,000 poems in his lifetime. Although almost none of them have been handed down, it does not prevent him from being the poet who wrote the most poems in the world. 】

In Li Longji's world.

The poet Li Bai is currently lying on the window edge of a high-rise building in Chang'an City, drinking wine and watching the live video.

When he saw that Su Qian said that Qianlong had composed more than 40,000 poems in his life, the wine jar he was holding inadvertently fell to the window sill, and then rolled down and fell to the ground, causing a lot of curses.


Li Bai murmured to himself: "More than 40,000 poems??? Even the old scalpers in the fields don't work like this?"

"I have written more than 40,000 poems but none of them have been handed down. This is really talented and fun-loving. Du admires it!"

"Bah!" Some people couldn't help but yelled and cursed: "Shameless!!!"

[Qianlong made certain contributions to Chinese culture, but he also severely hindered the development of new culture.

In order to strengthen his rule over China, Qianlong launched a literary inquisition, which seriously dampened the enthusiasm of intellectuals and dealt a huge blow to Chinese culture.

In the process of compiling the "Sikuquanshu", a large number of books that were not conducive to the rule of the Qing Dynasty were classified as banned books and destroyed, causing many books to be lost forever, and the damage to culture was self-evident.

Although Qianlong himself wrote many poems, he did not have any classic works. There may only be a few poems worth mentioning.】

Qianlong was very speechless. He loved to compose poems but he didn't have many fine works, he admitted.

However, he believed that many emperors had done this in history, but Su Qian singled him out as a typical example, which was too obvious.

[Qianlong actually had many political achievements in his early years, and he was considered a wise king.]

[However, in his middle and later years, Qianlong began to be mediocre, which caused the country's power to turn from prosperity to decline, laying the foundation for China to fall into a dark history of extreme humiliation!]

Zhu Di frowned and said to himself: "A dark history of extreme humiliation? Is it even more humiliating and darker than the Five Husbands and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms???"

"The emperor of a foreign country is indeed unreliable. It's a pity that Lao Zhu's descendants failed to protect our Han people!" Liu Che said with some hatred for iron.

Li Longji sighed: "Another emperor who first became bright and then became dim, but it seems that he is even more stupid than me in history."

Zhu Youjian stared at the light screen with red eyes, "Damn it. I wish I could send troops to destroy you Qing Tatars immediately!"

[Next, let’s take a look at Emperor Qianlong’s faults. 】

[The first point is also the most important point that led to him being ranked fourth as the fatuous emperor: blindly arrogant, lagging behind and being beaten!]

[Emperor Qianlong succeeded to the throne in 1735 AD. Twenty years after Emperor Qianlong took charge of the Qing Dynasty, the industrial revolution began to appear in Britain during the same period. At this time, the machine manufacturing industry and the mechanization era were quietly coming. 】

"Britain!!!" Emperor Kangxi suddenly saw the word "Britain" again and couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

"Industrial Revolution? What does it mean?"

"Machine manufacturing industry, mechanization era??? It's so hard to pronounce!"

"Although I can't understand it, I feel that Emperor Qianlong missed something very powerful!"

[While Britain has begun to develop across the ages, the people of the Qing Dynasty are still in the stage of hand-made products. Compared with British spinning machines and steam engines, they have already shown a generational backwardness. 】

[However, when Emperor Qianlong faced the huge changes in the world, he was not touched at all. He still regarded himself as a sovereign nation and regarded others as barbarians.]

[In the fifty-eighth year of Qianlong’s reign, Britain sent a mission to visit the Qing Dynasty.]

[At that time, it was actually commonplace for various countries to visit other countries in the form of missions.

However, the British envoys who came to the Qing Dynasty this time were not only here to wish Emperor Qianlong a birthday, they also came with an unknown purpose, which was to find out the internal reality of the Qing Dynasty.

At first, the British envoys only wanted to open up new markets for Britain through negotiations, because they were still wary of the strength of this mysterious eastern country.

However, when the British envoys found out the true situation of the Qing Dynasty’s external power and internal internal affairs, they began to show their sharp claws and fangs towards the Qing Dynasty!]

[Only forty years after the death of Emperor Qianlong, the first Opium War broke out!

And the Chinese nation has officially begun a long, extremely dark and humiliating history of ceding territory, paying compensation, falling behind and being beaten!]


"Britain! It's Britain again!!!"

"A long-term situation of ceding territory and paying compensation, falling behind and being beaten?"

"Blind arrogance has misled me, China!"

At this time, Kangxi Emperor Xuan Ye suddenly remembered the video of his inventory, "Su Shangshen seemed to have said the same thing about me, saying that I rejected new technologies and allowed the Qing Dynasty to stand on its own laurels.

The Industrial Revolution, machine manufacturing, these things have never been heard of by me. Are these things invented by Western barbarians?

From this point of view, if the Qing Dynasty wants to regain its advantage, it must lower its head and learn Western knowledge?"

Thinking of this, Kangxi looked struggling and unwilling.

But just a dozen breaths later, Kangxi's face became firm again, "I am the only wise king in the Qing Dynasty! I must set a qualified example!"

It’s just about learning knowledge, it’s not about surrendering, I’ve done it!!!”

When Emperor Qianlong Hongli saw this, his face became a little ugly, "I'm just following the ancestral system, can this blame be thrown on my head?"

Hongli was actually right to think so. He just acted according to the rules and regulations set by Kangxi, and by the way perfected and "carried forward" them.

【One step behind, every step behind!

What's more, while the Western countries were making great strides forward, the Qing Dynasty was still retreating on its own.

When Western countries knocked on the door of the Qing Dynasty with advanced thermal weapons such as Krupp cannons, Maxim machine guns and Gatling machine guns, the Qing Dynasty's Eight Banners' hundreds of thousands of soldiers could not even defeat the thousands of soldiers of the Eight-Power Allied Forces!]

[Although there are various problems such as the decay of the army, there is no doubt that there is a huge gap between the Qing Dynasty and the West by an era! 】

"Hiss!!!!" Countless people couldn't help but gasped when they saw this.

"Hundreds of thousands of people can't defeat thousands of people?!!!" Qin Shihuang's eyes widened and he looked at the light curtain in disbelief.

"What kind of army is this? Its combat power is so terrifying?!" Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, Zhao Kuangyin and others who knew the army felt that it was hard to imagine at this moment.

"Krupp cannon, Maxim machine gun, Gatling gun?"

Empress Dowager Cixi suddenly felt that the names of these weapons seemed familiar, "Where did the Ai family seem to have heard ministers mention these things?"

Yes, she did hear the names of these weapons.

Because these weapons have actually been introduced to the Qing Dynasty, many of them are now sealed in weapons arsenals.

It is a pity that these advanced weapons have never attracted the attention of Cixi and ministers. Until the Eight-Nation Allied Forces invaded BJ, these weapons did not even appear on the battlefield.

(End of chapter)

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