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Chapter 8 Striving Emperors

Chapter 8 Emperors who strive to become stronger

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 8 Emperors who strive to become stronger

After the video was shared, the consciousnesses of the ten emperors returned to their main bodies.

Zhao Gao immediately noticed that Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng had woken up, and he immediately shouted excitedly: "Your Majesty is awake! Your Majesty is awake!"

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"Your Majesty, you scared me to death!"

Ying Zheng looked at the nervous and familiar faces in front of him, but couldn't help but sigh, "Alas"

Seeing that Ying Zheng had a melancholy look on his face after he woke up, he asked with concern: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Has something happened?"

As soon as the video started playing, Ying Zheng fainted, which makes people wonder if there is any connection.

When Ying Zheng learned in the Wan Dynasty Exchange Space that Da Qin had only existed for 15 years, he naturally felt very uncomfortable.

After hearing Li Si's question, Ying Zheng couldn't help but look up at him and asked: "Prime Minister, do you think Da Qin's current laws are too strict?"

"Strict? Your Majesty, strict laws are correct. Only by enforcing strict laws will there be no adulterers. Only by strict laws will the Qin army have sufficient combat effectiveness and a steady stream of troops.

Such labor!”

"." Ying Zheng glanced at the civil servants around him and saw them all nodding. He sighed again and said to himself: "With the help of these short-sighted people, how can I manage the country well? Fortunately, I have

Through the communication space opened up by gods and men, I finally understand how to stabilize the country."

With the support of Zhao Gao, Ying Zheng stood up and immediately said to the civil and military officials: "Back to the court, I have something important to announce!"

"Your Majesty, the oracle has appeared on the stone tablet. Should we give up looking for the gods now?" At this time, Xu Fu suddenly stood up and asked.

"If you stay here, you will naturally see the oracle again in seven days."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty"

Before Xu Fu could say anything else, Ying Zheng turned around and led the civil and military officials away.

When going down the mountain, Ying Zheng glanced at the pattern on the back of his hand and thought to himself: "The truth that our Daqin has only existed for fifteen years will definitely cause great turmoil if it is known to the world. Do I want to tell the truth?

Keep it hidden?"

"We only need to send troops to block Mount Tai and the surrounding arteries. I think no one will see the video played on the stone tablet again."

Just when the idea of ​​sending troops to blockade came into Ying Zheng's mind, the system's prompt tone suddenly reminded him,

[Warning: If the invitee deliberately blocks or destroys the dissemination of video content, it will be deemed as giving up the qualification to be invited and receive rewards. From now on, he will not be invited again, and the video will also be stopped.]


Ying Zheng's idea of ​​controlling the spread of the video was suddenly aborted.

Because compared to the "facts" that have not yet happened, the temptations of those information and various governance concepts from later generations, as well as the rewards given by the system, are really too great!

"But how to resolve the potential threats that may arise after the people see the oracle?"

If the guarantee is not complete, some people will have thoughts of rebellion after seeing that the Qin Dynasty was really overthrown by the rebel army. "It is really not easy for me to resolve the crisis in just half a month to a month!"

Ying Zheng is different from other emperors in that he has the previous losers to provide reference for them.

He, Ying Zheng, was the first emperor to unify China, and he had no real experience in governing a country where the populations of various countries were mixed.

The people and nobles of other countries would not tolerate Qin's high-pressure rule as infinitely as the people of Old Qin did.

Shaking his head, Ying Zheng really didn't know how to deal with it, so he thought to himself: "There will be an exchange meeting in seven days, and I will ask them again then."

"Well, I'm going to make a list when I go back and prepare all the questions I want to ask!"

Of course, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng was not the only one who had this idea.

Liu Bang, who also woke up from a coma, immediately called Queen Lu Pheasant and asked her to help him write down many questions.

"Who will rebel? Who are loyal ministers?"

"Which prince should be made the crown prince most?"


After Lu Pheasant finished writing, he asked curiously: "Your Majesty, who are you going to ask these questions to?"

Liu Bang didn't want to disclose the information about Wan Chao's exchange video to anyone for the time being, so he pretended to smile mysteriously and replied: "Secret!"

Liu Che stood outside his bedroom and looked up at the sky.

In his mind, he was thinking about how to resolve the possible public opinion crisis before his inventory video arrived.

Liu Che got clues about his reign in his later years from Xuan Ye's video. He knew that he might have done many stupid things in his later years.

"It seems that I have to issue the edict of sin first."

"Also, although the mighty and invincible general cannon only has 200 guns, it looks like Xuan Ye has gotten a huge advantage. What kind of weapon is it?"

Changsun sharpened ink for Li Shimin.

After watching Li Shimin write the words "Govern the country, stabilize the country, and bring peace to the world", Changsun smiled and said: "Second brother, your ambition will definitely come true!"

Li Shimin smiled and grabbed Changsun's soft, boneless hand, and replied with a smile: "Guanyin Maid, believe it or not, I am no worse than any emperor in history!"

"Be serious." Changsun took out his hand, gave Li Shimin an angry look and said: Zecai continued: "I believe that my second brother will definitely become the number one sage in the ages!"

"Haha." Li Shimin smiled and murmured: "Those guys are not so easily convinced!"

"Those guys? Who are they?"

"Is there any way to grow a lot of food so that the people can have enough to eat?"

“Is there any way to stop corruption among officials?”

"Is there any way to prevent the fourth child from robbing me?"

As he wrote this, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly stopped.

"Chongba, why don't you write 伱?" Queen Ma asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang showed an awkward smile and replied: "Write, just write."

"Is there any way to prevent the fourth child from grabbing food?"

After Queen Ma looked at it, she immediately smiled and said: "This kid, the fourth child, is very strong and has a big appetite."

Zhu Yuanzhang twitched the corner of his mouth and said secretly: "Your good old fourth brother not only robs for food, he also robs for the throne!"

Empress Ma wiped the sweat from Zhu Yuanzhang's forehead and said distressedly: "Chongba, you work hard for the people, but you must also take care of your own body."

"Don't worry, sister, we have everything in mind."

In the Zichen Palace, Zhao Kuangyin asked the chamberlain to read out the edict he had written on sinners, and by the way, he used the talisman to win people's hearts.

He planned to readjust the military system and slowly lift the suppression of the warriors.

However, it is not advisable to change these measures too hard, because this will lead to changes in orders overnight, which will greatly undermine the authority of Zhao Kuangyin.

"Fortunately, the reform of the military system has not yet been carried out too much, and it is not too late to reverse it in time!"

When he thought of the vast territory of the Qing Dynasty and compared it with the palm-sized territory of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly felt very ashamed.

"I, Zhao Kuangyin, will never lose to them! The Song Dynasty will never stand still and only take beatings without fighting back, becoming the object of ridicule for future generations."

(End of chapter)

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