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Chapter 88 Repeated jumps, reform failed

Chapter 88 Repeated jumps, reform failure

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 88 Repeated jumps, reform failure

[Item 4: Experts in civil war, amateurs in foreign war]

[Cixi once left a famous saying that is still astonishing today: "To measure China's material resources, to gain the favor of the country, I would rather give it to a friend than to a domestic slave!"

Facing powerful enemies in the West, it doesn’t matter if you cede territory and pay compensation, or if you sell your own land, as long as you can keep the Qing Dynasty and your supreme power, Cixi is not afraid of being criticized by thousands of people and will be infamy for thousands of years!]

Xuanye, Hongli: "."

Liu Che: "There is no trace of such things as national integrity in her body. Also, she is not Han at all. She does not have the backbone and indomitable spirit of us Han people who would rather break than bend."

Li Shimin: "It's pity that China's great rivers and mountains have been ruined by incompetent rulers and are riddled with holes, and the people have been displaced."

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, and Zhu Youjian: "It is really sad and hateful that our Ming Dynasty was replaced by such a dynasty!"

Zhao Gou: "Hey! Hey! This old woman is much worse than me! Pan her! Pan her!!!"

[When the report of the disastrous defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894 came back, Cixi and Guangxu also cried together.

Emperor Guangxu therefore made up his mind to reform the law, and Cixi also supported it at the time.

She once said to Guangxu: "The reform was the original intention. At the beginning of Tongzhi, he accepted the proposal of Zeng Guofan and sent his children to study abroad and build ships and equipment in order to become rich and powerful."

He also said: "If you can become rich and powerful, your son will do it for himself, and I will not control it internally."

However, even though she was said to be "returning to power", Cixi still controlled all employment and administration in the court behind the scenes. Emperor Guangxu had to report to her on all matters big and small. In fact, he was still just a puppet.

Later, when Cixi was once again influenced by the die-hard conservatives, she began to be dissatisfied with the measures and limits of the reform. In addition, she heard that the reformers wanted to use mutiny to directly threaten her power and life, so Cixi used coup methods to imprison the emperor and kill the emperor in 1898.

Gentleman, a vigorous Hundred Days Reform has come to an end.】

Emperor Kangxi Xuan Ye said with some sadness: "What a pity for Emperor Guangxu. If Cixi hadn't been involved in politics, he might have really been able to create a new world."

Emperor Qianlong Hongli gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn Yehenala."

The dangers of foreign relatives interfering in politics were once again nakedly exposed in front of everyone. This not only deepened the emperors' understanding of the dangers of foreign relatives interfering in politics, but also made all people who could watch the live video and come from the parallel world realize that "

The true meaning of "If you fall behind, you will be beaten".

[Cixi killed the reform and imprisoned the emperor. Such measures gave the Western powers an excuse to intervene.

They asked Cixi to return power to Guangxu, but Cixi was unable to respond, so she had to spread the news that Guangxu was seriously ill.

Unexpectedly, foreigners not only came forward to treat Guangxu, but also protected Kang Youwei and other reformers, which made Cixi extremely angry.]

[It was during this period that the Boxer Rebellion, with the slogan "Support the Qing Dynasty and destroy the foreign countries", began to break out in China. Their behavior was quite to Cixi's liking.

After seeing the ridiculous performance of "invulnerability" by the Boxers, Cixi, who thought she had help from heavenly soldiers, began to declare war on the foreign powers rashly.

The army and the Boxers began to attack the diplomatic embassy and the concession area, killing foreigners and religious people on sight.

Who would have thought that when they actually faced the "Eight-Nation Alliance" army, they would collapse at the first touch and be completely defeated.

The Eight-Power Allied Forces captured the capital, and Cixi had no choice but to abandon the capital and flee westward, and the empire fell into the "Gengzi Rebellion."

[It was at this time that Cixi became aware of the disparity in strength between the two sides, but she finally blamed the Boxers and ordered a severe siege and eradication. 】

[After learning that the coalition forces burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil, Cixi seemed to wake up and even said: "I'm sorry for the people."

After countless painful lessons, Cixi knew that China's long-standing shortcomings had reached the point where reforms had to be carried out, so she took the initiative to issue a new policy edict.

However, on the key issues, she still maintains the bottom line that she cannot touch the ancestral family laws, cannot make too big changes to the existing system, and must maintain the stability of the imperial power and protect the vested interests of the royal family.】

[The tragedy of the Chinese era is that when Chinese and foreign cultures began to rub off, various calls for reform such as the Westernizationists, Reformers, and Constitutionalists, as well as some scholars with a global perspective, had already appeared in the country.

It can be said that the new world is already beginning to beckon to the Chinese nation.

However, it was Cixi who dominated all this.

Although she has shrewd and powerful political skills, she is also just a dictator who lacks knowledge of new things and is slow to respond to the world situation.

In such a huge empire, she actually represents the truth and decides the fate of the nation. Sad!】

[The Qing Empire was wandering on the road of destruction, swaying from side to side, and faced a series of disasters from time to time, until it was completely destroyed!]

[To sum up, Cixi left a very humiliating history for China, and she deserves to be ranked first in the list of the top ten fatuous emperors in history!]

After the video finished playing, the entire capital fell silent in Cixi's world.

During this period, there were already many foreigners in the capital.

While they were shocked by the unpredictable "magic" of China, they also saw the huge temptation of the Qing Dynasty to be pried open by the great powers.

"Hahaha, is this huge Eastern Empire finally destroyed by us?"

"In such a big country, it would be great if we could occupy a piece of land!"

"Quickly, send the news back! We must be the first to break into BJ City!!!"

"The Qing Dynasty died like this?"

"Well done! This decadent court should have been replaced long ago!"

"Notify comrades to prepare for an uprising!"

After watching the video of the last two of the top ten fatuous emperors, the emperors were all silent.

Zhao Gou was only bullied by the Jin people, while Cixi was bullied by the entire Western world and the Japanese.

It must be obvious at a glance whose situation is more miserable.

"In the final analysis, it is because the technology and military strength of the Qing Dynasty have completely lagged behind other countries."

"I, the Chinese, have regarded foreign countries as barbarians for thousands of years. I never thought that one day we would be treated as barbarians by others."

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This sentence from Su Shangshen sums it up extremely well."

After the video is played, the communication time begins.

When the emperors appeared in a public space, there were no violent incidents such as "Zhao Kuangyin beat Zhao Gou" or "Liu Bang and Liu Che beat Liu Ao".

In the final analysis, there is no greater sorrow than death!

Hu Hai is hopeless. No, it should be said that there is no hope of being saved at all.

Because from the moment he came to power, all he thought about was how to eat, drink and have fun, and he didn't think about the country or the people at all.

As for Cixi, although she had some ideas and wanted to make the Qing Dynasty stronger, she still chose herself when it came to her own rights and personal enjoyment.

Technology is almost an era behind the West.

For the feudal emperors who were also in the feudal era and who were even less knowledgeable than Cixi in certain aspects, this was probably more than they could do.

(End of chapter)

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