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Chapter 92 Lu Xiangsheng, A Tragic Hero Born at an Untimely Time

Chapter 92 The tragic hero who was born at the wrong time, Lu Xiangsheng

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 92 The tragic hero who was born at the wrong time, Lu Xiangsheng

[Lu Xiangsheng was a Jinshi in the second year of Tianqi's reign. His skin was fair and his body was so thin that everyone thought he was just a weak scholar with no strength.

But in fact, Lu Xiangsheng was born with supernatural powers, and he was proficient in military affairs and was very good at leading troops.]

[In October of the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led his army to avoid the defense line from Ningyuan to Jinzhou held by Yuan Chonghuan. He took advantage of Inner Mongolia and broke into the pass from Xifengkou. They burned, killed and looted near the capital. This is known in history as the "Ji Si Incident"


[When the capital was besieged and reinforcements from all walks of life were stagnant, Lu Xiangsheng, then the prefect of Daming Prefecture, recruited more than 10,000 local regiments and worked tirelessly to rush to the capital to garrison. This was no less important for Chongzhen who was sitting in a trapped city.

Sending charcoal in the snow.]

[After that, Lu Xiangsheng was appointed as the right political advisor to rectify the military equipment of the three prefectures of Daiming, Guangping, and Shunde. He used Qi Jiguang's military training methods to train an elite force named Tianxiong Army.

Lu Xiangsheng led the Tianxiong army to conquer the north and south, defeated the rogue bandits and defeated the Qing rebels. He was the only elite soldier who was not afraid of winning in wild battles with the Qing rebels.】

[In the sixth year of Chongzhen, rebels broke out in the northwest and wreaked havoc in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and other places.

Shanxi rebels even poured into the suburbs of the capital and occupied Xishan near Lincheng.

Lu Xiangsheng repelled their attack, and then together with the general Liang Fu, the counselor Kou Conghua and others defeated the rebels one after another.

The rebels fled back to Xishan. Lu Xiangsheng set up an ambush in the south of Shicheng and defeated the rebels. They also won successively in Qinglonggang and Wu'an, killing eleven of the bandit leaders one after another, annihilating their party members, surrendering, and repatriating both men and women.

Thousands of people.

As a result, the people of the three prefectures on the outskirts of Beijing were able to live and work in peace and contentment for several years.

Every time Xiang Sheng went to the battlefield, he always took the lead. When fighting with thieves, he would not care if the thieves' swords struck his saddle. If his horse died, he would fight on foot.]

[Once, Lu Xiangsheng was chasing bandits on the edge of a steep cliff.

A bandit suddenly fired an arrow from the top of the mountain and hit Xiang Sheng in the forehead; another arrow flew in and Lu Xiangsheng's servant died under his horse, but Lu Xiangsheng fought bravely with his sword without fear.

The thieves were frightened by Lu Xiangsheng, whose face was covered with blood, and ran away in all directions. They also warned each other: "Lu Lian will die when he encounters him, so don't do it!"

Lu Xiangsheng also got the title of "Lu Yanwang".]

[In the ninth year of Chongzhen, Lu Xiangsheng wrote a letter explaining the reasons why bandits were everywhere and could not be extinguished despite repeated attacks.

He said to Emperor Chongzhen: "The thieves are rampant and then the troops are mobilized. The thieves are numerous and then the troops are added. This is a later situation. When the soldiers arrive, they discuss their pay. When the soldiers are gathered, they ask for their pay. This is a dangerous situation. If the pay is not paid, the soldiers will be sent to the enemy.

To become a bandit is because all the soldiers we have hired in the past eight years have been traitors to the party, and all the money we have used has been stolen food."

Due to famine and lack of food, the people had no choice but to turn to thieves. If the root problem of food is not solved, it will be difficult to defeat the thieves no matter how many soldiers are recruited.

But it is a pity that Chongzhen did not adopt Lu Xiangsheng's suggestion and did not fundamentally solve the problem of people's uprising.】

Zhu Youjian is very embarrassed now.

In this video, he is clearly a stupid and stubborn king who failed to defend the country from foreign enemies and failed to keep the people fed.

Lu Xiangsheng, the protagonist in the video, is evaluated as a tragic hero who was born at the wrong time. He is standing in the beam of light at this moment, but he is unusually calm.

After a long time, Lu Xiangsheng finally showed a wry smile that was filled with sorrow, and murmured: "At the end of the Ming Dynasty, my Ming Dynasty, is it still gone?"

[In September of the tenth year of Chongzhen, Qing soldiers invaded from Qiangziling Qingkou Mountain, killed the governor Wu Aheng, and arrived at Shixi and Niulan.

The imperial court ordered Lu Xiang to be promoted to supervise the reinforcements from all over the country, and sent Yang Guozhu, Wang Pu and Hu Dawei to defend the capital from the three generals of Xuanzhou, Datong and Shanxi.

Lu Xiangsheng was in mourning for his father at this time. After receiving the order, he dressed in mourning clothes and straw sandals and hurried to the suburbs of the capital.

At that time, Yang Sichang and Gao Qiqian, the powerful factions in the court, both advocated peace negotiation.

After Lu Xiangsheng went to the capital to discuss with them, he felt very depressed and sighed: "I would rather die in order to receive the favor of the country, just like if I am extremely unfortunate, I would rather die with my limbs cut off."

It means "I am grateful for the kindness of the country, and I often want to die for the country. If something unfortunate happens this time, the only way to go is to throw my life away."]

Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "What a loyal minister and good general! If he were born in our Tang Dynasty, I would definitely treat him as a national scholar!"

"Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian left such a good general unused, but you chose to use some treacherous sycophants?"

"Lu Xiangsheng, it would be better if you were born two hundred years earlier."

Of course, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't hear the emotions of these melon-eating emperors. At this moment, he was still immersed in the tragic feelings of dying for the country.

Because in his real world, the time now happens to be September, the tenth year of Chongzhen!

Emperor Chongzhen wanted peace, and Lu Xiangsheng knew it.

But the problem is, the humble begging for peace is just to survive.

Facing external and internal troubles, if we do not solve the root problems, the Ming Dynasty will eventually perish sooner or later.

[In the 10th year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji ordered Dorgon to lead 80,000 Qing troops to attack the outskirts of the capital again. Chongzhen urgently summoned Lu Xiangsheng, the governor-general of Xuan Dynasty, to rush to the rescue and appointed him as the "governor of the world's troops" to defend the capital. ]

[However, Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, advocated peace negotiations with Hou Jin Dynasty and wanted to join forces with the eunuch Gao Qiqian to frame Lu Xiangsheng.]

[The Qing army went south and divided into three groups: one went from Laishui to attack Yixian, the other went from Xincheng to attack Xiongxian, and the other went from Dingxing to attack Ansu.]

[Lu Xiangsheng stationed in Baoding, ordered the generals to attack separately, and fought in Qingdu.]

[Editor Yang Tinglin mentioned the past events of the Song Dynasty in his memorial, saying that as long as Geng Nanzhong was inside, Li Gang would never be able to achieve merit; as long as Huang Qianshan was around, Zongze could only die with hatred, which offended Yang Sichang and was changed.

He was appointed as the head of the Ministry of War and ordered to go to Lu Xiangsheng to plan camp affairs.]

[At the same time, the imperial court also deprived Lu Xiangsheng of his title of Minister of the Ministry of War, so that he could only manage affairs in the name of Minister, and even cut off his food and salary. They also transferred Wang Pu's troops on the pretext of warning the Yunnan and Shanxi regions. ]

[Lu Xiangsheng and his remnants of only 5,000 people slept in the countryside.]

[After hearing about this, the elders from all over Xuanzhou, Datong, and Shanxi gathered outside his military camp and begged: "The world has been in turmoil for more than ten years.

You risked your life for the sake of the Ming Dynasty and the people of the world, going through life and death.

But now, the treacherous officials are included, and the loyal and jealous people leave you alone in this wilderness, without even a chance to have a full meal.

It is better to listen to our persuasion, move the troops to Guangshun, and recruit a new volunteer army.

The children of the three counties will be very happy when they hear that you have gone. As long as you raise your arms and shout, a hundred thousand people can gather immediately. Why do you need to be isolated here and wait for death? "

Lu Xiangsheng was moved to tears, but he replied to his elders: "Since I dueled with thieves, I have never been defeated in hundreds of battles.

At present, there are only these five thousand tired soldiers and they are very poor. This is entirely caused intentionally by the powerful officials in the court.

Sooner or later I have to die, I don’t want to trouble my parents anymore.”

When the people heard this, they wept and thundered, and one after another took out the little rations they had, either a bucket or two liters, and gave them to Lu Xiangsheng to pay for the army.]

Seeing this, the people in the parallel world all burst into tears.

How can one not feel sad that a loyal minister who served the country and the people has fallen into such a miserable state?

(End of chapter)

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