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Chapter 176 I will go down and beat you to death!

Chapter 176 I’m going to go down and beat you to death!

Author: Thief Cao

Chapter 176 I’m going to go down and beat you to death!

"Chu!!!" Chu Zheng bent down and put the bottle down, and was about to turn around and walk to the court when he heard Ranieri's shout.

Chu Zheng walked over and said with a smile: "Sir, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Ranieri directly put his arm around Chu Zheng's shoulders, leaned into his ear and said: "If you have the opportunity, you can take the initiative to seek offense. We are too passive if we continue to play like this. We need to let Tottenham know that we have the ability to threaten their goal!"


Hearing Ranieri's words, Chu Zheng suddenly smiled even brighter, nodded solemnly and said: "No problem! Sir!"

Ranieri was chatting with Chu Zheng here, and Pochettino was not idle there either.

Pochettino called Lamela to his side, raised his voice and said: "Eric, watch the Chinese guy and don't let him throw the ball forward. If you can't stop it, I will allow you to commit a tactical foul!"


"Head! I know!" Lamela smiled immediately after hearing Pochettino's words, and looked at Chu Zheng, ready to move.

Soon, the game continued.

After the ball was resumed, Tottenham's high-pressure press in the midfield and frontcourt became stronger, and the defense line was also pressed near the midline.

On the sidelines, Ranieri saw Tottenham's small adjustment. He raised one corner of his mouth and glanced at Pochettino standing next to him from the corner of his eye.

On the field, as Tottenham's formation continued to press forward, Chu Zheng faced even greater pressure.

In these few minutes, Chu Zheng felt like a firefighter carrying a fire extinguisher, trying to put out fires everywhere.

Although the pressure was great, Chu Zheng didn't panic at all.

Because he can still find the best position to break Tottenham's crazy frontcourt pressure.

However, Chu Zheng did not panic, but Morgan, Huth, De Laet and others were panicked.

At this moment, seeing Chu Zheng fighting fires everywhere in his own defensive third zone, Morgan was really convinced.

Every time they were pressed by Tottenham players, as long as they looked up, they could definitely see that Chu Zheng had reached a relatively safe position and established contact with them.

They just need to move the ball quickly!

In the 34th minute of the game, after continued high-intensity pressing, Tottenham players could no longer bear it.

Seeing the Tottenham players slowing down the pace of the game, Chu Zheng immediately realized that he could devote some energy to doing things.

So he immediately began scanning for holes in Tottenham's pressing formation.

Soon, Chu Zheng discovered that Tottenham's right center back Alderweireld liked to press up when Tottenham was pressing high in the frontcourt.

And Vardy's activity area happens to be on this side.

Ever since, Chu Zheng had an idea.

In the 37th minute of the game, Chu Zheng waited and seized an opportunity.

Drinkwater was entangled by Chadli in the middle of his own half. He did not dare to take more, and quickly turned to the left with Chadli on his back and kicked the ball in the direction of Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng sprinted towards the ball, looking directly at Alderweireld in the center circle in front of him and Vertonghen on the other side.

At this moment, Vardy, who was turning his back, saw Chu Zheng raising his head to observe the movements on his side, so he immediately turned around, and then saw Alderweireld and Vertonghen dislocated front and back.

So Vardy immediately put his head down and started to speed up, driving straight behind Alderweireld.

On Chu Zheng's side, he saw Vardy running away. He quickly adjusted his steps while running, preparing to directly pass a long pass to Vardy.

Then the next second, just as he came to the ball, a figure rushed over and hit Chu Zheng directly from the right side.

Chu Zheng was caught off guard and quickly gave up the ball and tried to avoid it by turning to the left.

However it was still too late.

So in full view of everyone, Lamela hit Chu Zheng directly behind his right thigh, causing Chu Zheng to fly up and fall heavily to the ground.

After Chu Zheng fell to the ground, he started howling miserably, making it feel like a flower had been stabbed.

The people nearby Drinkwater and Albrighton were so frightened that their hearts suddenly tightened, thinking that Chu Zheng had been injured.


Suddenly, there were screams of exclamation from the stands on all sides of the King Power Stadium, followed closely by the fans' abuse.

Lamela's collision this time was not directed at the ball, but at Chu Zheng. Every Leicester City fan could see it clearly.

But Tottenham fans have different opinions. They think Lamela did a great job.

They also saw the ball clearly. If Lamela did not foul and allowed Chu Zheng to pass the ball, then with Vardy's speed, Vertonghen, who was protecting Alderweireld on the left back, would probably

I won't be able to catch up.

In the first row of the south stand, Zhao Dudu, who had a blue Leicester City scarf hanging around his neck, exploded when he saw Chu Zheng being fouled.

“Maimai Beer!”

"I can't bear to beat any man, right? Lamela, just wait for me, I'll go down and beat you to death right now!"

Zhao Dudu, whose eyes were red with distress, pressed his hands directly on the guardrail, jumped up and wanted to climb over.

A security guard nearby reacted quickly and rushed over. He put his hand on Zhao Dudu's head and forced Zhao Dudu back.

"Let me go, I will beat him to death!" Zhao Dudu tried to climb over the fence again, leaving the bald security guard behind the fence very helpless.

"Ma'am, please calm down, please calm down!!!!"

"If you continue to try to storm the court and interfere with the game, I will call the police to take you away!"

Zhao Dudu calmed down after being yelled at by the bald security guard.

But she didn't let Lamela go, instead she jumped on her seat and scolded Lamela, which made some Leicester City fans around him look dumbfounded!


"There seems to be a little commotion in the stands!"

"This is the Leicester City fan stand. There must be Leicester City fans who were stimulated by Lamela's actions!"


As soon as Zhan Jun finished speaking, the broadcast camera captured everything, and then all the fans in China who were paying attention to the game saw Zhao Dudu, who was blushing and jumping up and down, spitting out fragrance.

Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu instantly recognized Zhao Dudu, and they burst out laughing.

“Chu Zheng’s girlfriend is so violent!”

"Yes! It looks so cute and cute!!"

"Ah!! My girly heart is about to melt!"

"This appearance is really good enough!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room also boiled up instantly because of Zhao Dudu's appearance.

After being exaggerated by some domestic entertainment and gossip media, Zhao Dudu has become a bit popular on the Internet.

With her sweet baby face, she quickly became a popular goddess and became the avatar on countless otaku social software.

In Chengdu, Zhao Jie lowered his head and covered his face when he saw Zhao Dudu furious.

Gu Jie next to her looked at Zhao Dudu showing his teeth and claws in the camera, looking dumbfounded.

I thought this girl would be a little more tempered when she fell in love, but I didn't expect that it's hard to change one's nature!

When Chu Zheng's family, Chu Dong and Lin Guo saw Zhao Dudu, they secretly had fun almost at the same time.

Who makes Chu Zheng tease them about being henpecked and criticize them in a cowardly way?

Now that they are fine, seeing that Chu Zheng has not escaped this fate, it makes them laugh even thinking about it.

"I like this kid more and more, his personality is like mine!" Su Ping said cheerfully, which made Chu Dong and Lin Guo turn their heads and roll their eyes.

On the court, Chu Zheng was really a little angry at this time.

He lay on the ground and howled for a long time, but Atkinson still didn't give Lamela a yellow card, only a verbal warning!

Chu Zheng felt that he was holding a breath in his heart, so he looked at Lamela with an unkind look.

Damn you, wait for me!!

Lamela and Chu Zheng looked at each other without the slightest trace of guilt or fear, and there was even a bit of joking in their mouths.

He very much hoped that Chu Zheng would take revenge on him, and then he could continue his act.

In Lamela's opinion, Chu Zheng's acting skills are too immature.

If he had been asked to act just now, Atkinson would definitely have drawn the card, maybe even a red card!

Lamela is still very confident in her acting skills.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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